Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1170

Jingzhi doesn't feel any progress in the relationship between Jingrui and Shuyin!

He remembered last time he saw that his brother could hardly touch Shu Yin's hand. How could he get engaged?

Is Shuyin willing to let her brother touch her?

Now looking at her gentle and happy face, it seems that she really fell in love with her brother!

Jingzhi is full of question marks now, but he doesn't know where to start.

He only hoped that his brother did not choose the wrong person.

"Shu Yin, you should be nice to my brother in the future. You may never know what he has done for you. I have never seen him treat anyone so well."

Shu Yin gently smile: "I have promised to marry him, naturally will be good to him."

She never dreamed that she would be with Jingrui one day.

It is a very happy thing to marry him and have his care and love.

No one knows her feelings for Jing Rui.

Maybe even Jingrui doesn't know how much she adores him and how much she loves him!

"If I see you're not nice to my brother, I'll find another woman for him! Don't blame me for being merciless

Shu Yin was all of a sudden by his angry smile, Jing Zhi is still as naive as ever!

She hasn't been engaged to Jingrui yet. He said first that he would help Jingrui find other women. Is this helping or blocking?

"Yes, you can find it for him! See if he dares to take it

Shu Yin looks calm, light way: "you give your brother to find a few women, I give Zheng yuluo to find a few men, how, fair?"


Jingzhi didn't expect Shu Yin to be so cruel. He wanted to give Shuyin some warning, but he was threatened by her instead.

This woman is not easy to provoke!

Speaking of Zheng yuluo

"Where has Zheng yuluo gone these days? Why didn't you go to school? "

Jingzhi is very unhappy. He has visited Zheng Yu several times, but he hasn't even seen a person!

When you call, you either turn off the phone or no one answers. It's a bit of a lost rhythm!

Shu Yin was also angry and funny, and said coldly: "your own woman, how do you ask me? I don't know where she went. As for not going to school, I'm afraid that someone will go to school and make trouble for her, so I didn't let you see her

The story of Zheng yuluo's famous flower has been spread all over the whole X. Jing Zhi sent her to school twice in total. Every time, it was so stormy and stormy that the whole world wanted to know that Zheng yuluo was his woman.

Now there are all kinds of rumors in the school, but the rumors of Shuyin are suppressed.

Jingzhi frowned: "huh? Is she deliberately hiding from me

Shuyin and Zheng yuluo can only be regarded as ordinary friends, and they can't talk about each other. Therefore, Shuyin usually doesn't ask too much about Zheng yuluo.

However, Zheng yuluo did go to school.

Jing Zhi didn't see anyone. He must have been dodged by Zheng yuluo.

"Are you angry with yuluo? She has a good temper, and she doesn't get angry. Is it because you are too close to that little Yue that she misunderstood? "

Jingzhi rolled his eyes and said, "when am I getting close to Xiaoyue?"?! Don't talk nonsense

Jingxi interrupted: "sister-in-law is not nonsense. Last time I had a meal, I saw you and Xiao Yue's eyebrows. She looks like a fallen sister. I don't believe you don't know! It must be about you and Xiaoyue. Let Luoluo sister know! "

Jing Zhi was angry with her and turned upside down!

All his attention that day is basically on Jing Xi, thinking how to coax her, which has the spare time with Xiao Yue!

This word is used How awful!

What's more, he and Xiao Yue have nothing to hide! Even if really let Zheng yuluo know, he is not afraid!

"You two are in a group, I won't tell you!"

Jingzhi is not in the mood to argue with them. He has to ask Zheng yuluo clearly!

He left for a moment, leaving Shu Yin and Jing Xi looking at each other.

"HSI hee, we don't mean to do bad things, do we?"

"I don't think so? I don't think Luoluo sister is very happy these days. There must be some misunderstanding. You don't know, sister-in-law, Xiao Yue's temperament is like that of her sister-in-law! "

How can Shu Yin not know!

Xiaoyue is dizzy with the virus by Jingxi. She and Peter help her get rid of the virus. Of course, they know Xiaoyue's appearance.

Xiao Yue is thin and delicate, his appearance is extremely clear and beautiful, his eyes look very clear, and he speaks softly, which is really similar to Zheng yuluo.

What's more, she is rather poor, and her family is very poor. It's easier for men to pity her if she is supported by a weak girl.

Jing Zhi helped Xiao Yue not once or twice, but he was almost hit by Zheng yuluo every time.

Shu Yin is also reminded by Jing Xi, only to realize that Zheng yuluo may be jealous.However, today, it seems that Jing Zhi has no other meaning to Xiaoyue. What he really cares about is Zheng yuluo.

Otherwise it won't go so fast.

Jing Zhi drives to X university. With his strength, if he really wants to find someone, it's actually very easy.

Zheng yuluo holding books, a person sitting on the lawn of the school, surrounded by tall pine trees, she seems a little small, but also some lonely.

When Jingzhi found her, she saw her tears drop by drop on the page, which was stained with a large amount of handwriting.

Zheng yuluo saw him and quickly wiped away his tears. Then he stood up and turned around and left. He didn't even want the books on the lawn.

Jing Zhi's eyebrows are almost twisted into a Sichuan character!

He pulled Zheng Yu back and said in a cold voice, "what are you running for?"

"Let me go!"

Zheng yuluo refuses to let Jingzhi touch herself. Her tears fall more and more quickly, and she speaks with a thick nasal voice.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Zheng Yu has fallen. Your wings are hard! Dare to rebel against me

Jingzhi's power can absolutely suppress Zheng yuluo. He holds Zheng yuluo's arm with one hand and doesn't let her go. The other hand holds her chin, forcing her to look at him.

"Shuyin told me you misunderstood me. I don't believe it. Now it seems true! Zheng yuluo, are you stupid? Do you have a brain?! Look at me and talk

Zheng Yu falls with tears in his eyes and looks at Jing Zhi, but he refuses to say a word.

"You have any questions, why don't you ask me?! It's a great sense of accomplishment to guess and guess yourself! "

"Why are you crying! Don't cry

"Zheng yuluo, don't force me to put you on here!"

Zheng yuluo's chin and arms are pinched by Jing Zhi, but these pains are far less intense than the pain in the heart.

She cried even more. Her eyes were red and her face was covered with tears.

Jingzhi some violent to tear her clothes, but saw that she did not move, not even resistance, tear half son fierce embrace her into his arms.

Such Zheng yuluo, let his heartache drip blood! , the fastest update of the webnovel!