Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1169

The spoon in Jing Xi's hand fell to the ground.

"No way! I have observed that brother Musen has no girlfriend

"I can show you some other day."

"When did this happen? Why don't I know? I didn't go to his house at any time! Brother, you're not lying to me, are you? "

The little girl is too clever to cheat!

"How many times have you been to Musen's house? I'll soon know if I'm lying to you

Of course, Musen doesn't have a girlfriend, but Jingrui says he has, so he can have it right away.

There are a lot of girls who want to be woody, so long as you use a little bit of hand and foot, you can take the fake for the real.

Jing Rui is very busy these days. He is not only preparing for his engagement ceremony with Shu Yin, but also busy taking over Jingsheng group. He does not have so much time for Guan Jingxi, so he can only give her to Shu Yin temporarily.

He wanted to let Jingzhi take Jingxi, but Jingzhi was not reliable. Last time he took Jingxi to dinner, he didn't have money to pay for the meal, and he let Jingxi run away.

Jing Rui decides to let him start to manage some family businesses.

In this way, people in a city can also know that the second son of the king family is back.

Jingxi also likes to be with Shu Yin. She lives with Shu Yin in a luxurious hotel suite. She goes to school and lectures with her during the day, goes to the hospital to do experiments at night, and sometimes goes shopping together.

She thinks it's better than following two brothers!

"Sister in law, is there any virus that can promote human development?"

Since Shu Yin went to Jing's house, Jingxi changed her mind.

Shu Yin corrected her many times, but Jing Xi still called her "sister-in-law", and she could only accept it helplessly.

Promote the rapid development of human body virus, of course, there are, but Shuyin will not easily give Jingxi.

"What do you want this virus for?"

Shu Yin carefully braids Jingxi. She looks at Jingxi's delicate and beautiful face and asks with a smile, "do you want to grow up?"

"Yes, when can I be as tall as you? I want to have the same big breasts as you

Jingxi's face was naive, but Shu Yin was immediately blushing!

How did she expect that Jing Xi was so small that she knew to have a big chest!

"Who taught you such a mess?! You are very good now. When you grow up in a few years, you will naturally develop when it's time to develop. If you grow up, it will damage your health! "

Shu Yin doesn't know that Jing Xi has taken a fancy to Mu Sen's affair. She is afraid that Jing Xi will steal some virus and hold her small hand to warn her seriously.

"Well, you can't tell me, I don't have to!"

Jingxi also knows that using those drugs will damage the body. Listening to Shuyin, she dare not use them any more.

It seems that she can only wait and grow up slowly.

After living in Shuyin for a few days, every time he went to Mu's Hospital, Jingxi could always see Mu Sen chatting and laughing with a girl and acting intimate.

The girl looked about the same size as muzen, very beautiful, and the chest bulged, as if to burst clothes.

People look better than her bean sprouts!

It's not surprising that Musen smiles at her brilliantly. Jingxi has never seen Musen smile like that to herself.

She didn't believe Jing Rui's words, but she has believed them completely these days.

Jingxi has been very sad these days. Fortunately, she is still too young to know what love is. She just feels that her brother Musen has been robbed by others. She is as distressed as losing her beloved Barbie doll.

But she was ignorant to know that she was different from other people.

At least, knowing that Jingrui likes Shuyin, she is not sad at all. On the contrary, she is very happy.

She has no possessive desire to her brother, but she has a little bit more or less towards Mu Sen.

She knows more than an average eight year old girl, but she knows a little less than an 18-year-old girl.

Shu Yin, who happens to be 18 years old, naturally becomes a mentor on the road of Jingxi's emotional enlightenment.

Although Shu Yin's own emotional experience is very few, she knows everything she should know. Moreover, she is a relatively reserved and cold personality. When she taught Jingxi, she could not be unrestrained.

When Jingzhi sees Jingxi again, she is surprised to find that the little girl seems to be a little calm and mature!

This is the first time that Jing Zhi saw Jing Xi since she was lost last time.

He went up to hold Jingxi, but unexpectedly jumped empty!

Jingzhi was shocked: "Xixi, are you still angry with the second elder brother? The second elder brother didn't mean it last time. That little Yue has already been sent out to a city by me! "

He didn't tell the truth completely. Xiaoyue did go out of city a, but she was actually sent to study abroad by Jingzhi.

Last time she fainted, it was all because of Jing Xi's bad behavior. I really can't blame Xiao Yue.Let her stay at home, not necessarily one day will encounter, not necessarily will have any accident, with her family that kind of mess, send her to study abroad is once and for all.

Only after she has achieved success in her studies can she really get rid of poverty. Otherwise, she will work for others all her life!

In fact, Jingxi doesn't care much about Xiaoyue. She thinks it's just a stranger.

She stood upright, her face a little serious: "I am not angry with the second brother, but you are a man, I am a woman, my sister-in-law said, can not be touched by men at will!"

Jingzhi, a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes and staring boss, glanced at the cool Shuyin and said, "I'm your second brother, can't you hold you? Your sister-in-law is cold, you must not learn from her! "

Originally the ancient spirit is strange, the speech is specially many, specially does not like to play, likes to make the little girl how good!

He doesn't like lonely girls, and his brother Jingrui likes this one!

"Then you can find me a cold second sister-in-law and let me learn from her! My brother is about to get engaged to his sister-in-law. When are you going to get engaged? "

Jingxi doesn't feel Shuyin cold at all. On the contrary, she always thinks that Shuyin is very gentle and patient to her, so she deliberately uses the engagement of Jingrui and Shuyin to stimulate Jingzhi.


Jingzhi thinks these two words are no less than a thunder!

This is too fast!

When did brother come to this stage with Shu yin?

He didn't know at all!

Didn't you break up a few days ago? Isn't Shu Yin unwilling to live with her brother? I still live in a hotel to this day!

Engagement? it is beyond logic and above reason!

Jingzhi stares at Shu Yin, as if he doesn't know her. He looks her from head to foot, and his eyes are attracted by the diamond ring on Shuyin's finger!

"Are you and my brother really engaged?"

Shu Yin touched the bright diamond, and her smile became a little gentle: "yes." , the fastest update of the webnovel!