Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1168

When he woke up in the middle of the night, he opened his eyes and saw a delicate and beautiful face in his arms. He almost jumped out of bed!

He even rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not dreaming or hallucination!

"Hee, why are you here?"

When did the girl come?

How come he doesn't feel at all!

What's more, he locked the door. How did Jingxi get in!

Fortunately, he has no habit of sleeping naked. Fortunately, even if he is at home alone, he will keep his clothes neat, because this will make it easier for him to deal with emergency and emergency situations in the hospital.

Jingxi's eyes were bright and she saw Mu Sen sitting up. She said with a smile, "brother mu, I'm here to play with you! No one in the family plays with me! "

In the middle of the night, he got into his bed and played so many times that his heart couldn't bear it!

It's so late. It's strange that the king's family has someone to play with Jingxi. It must have gone to bed!

Muzen raised his wrist and looked at his watch. The pointer showed that it was already one o'clock in the morning.

He was a little angry, but more worried and distressed.

"Xixi, it's impossible to run out alone so late. It's too dangerous outside! You come out, do your parents know? "

Jingxi a good child's appearance: "they know, otherwise how can let me out?"

Musen feel a bit strange, jingyichen and shangguanning don't seem to be such indulgent children! How can I let my daughter out in the middle of the night?

As he was thinking, the cell phone at the head of the bed suddenly rang.

Mu Sen connects the phone, and Jing Yichen's indifferent voice comes from inside: "Musen, Xi Xi has run away to play. Let her live with you tonight, and Jingrui will pick her up tomorrow. If she is mischievous, you don't have to be polite. Just beat her up! "

It was stolen out!

Musen took a look at the little girl like a flower. Her eyes were shining with crystal light. She was pure and clear. She was a little naughty. However, such Jingxi would only make people love her more. How could she be beaten?

Others Mu Sen is not clear, but he is absolutely reluctant to do it to Jingxi.

"Uncle, don't worry. I will take good care of Xi Xi. She will be ok with me."

Jingxi can't hear the voice on the other end of the phone, but as soon as she listens to Mu Sen's words, she knows it's jingyichen's call.

She was a little worried that Musen would send herself home.

So as soon as Musen hung up the phone, she immediately said pitifully, "brother mu, I miss you so much, don't drive me away!"

Musen touched her head, in a mess.

"Don't worry, I won't drive you away," your father said. You'll stay with me tonight. "

But Jingxi wants more than half a night. She wants to live here too!

"And after that? Can't I live here in the future? "

"You're going to live on your own, of course."

Musen felt that she was very cute and couldn't help rubbing her hair: "however, if you want to come and play with me, you can do it at any time, but it can't be in the middle of the night. It's time to sleep and rest at night. It's not safe for you to walk the night alone."

Jingxi hung his head sadly: "so you don't like me at all..."

"Silly girl, of course I like you."

It's obvious that hee Sen doesn't know how to explain this to her.

"Xixi, you are a girl. How can you drill into a man's bed at night? You're too old to sleep with men now

Jingxi did not hear anything else, but heard the sentence "you grow up.".

She suddenly raised her head and said happily, "have I grown up?"

Musen nodded: "yes, you are a big girl now. You can't sleep with me."

Jingxi now finally understand why Musen didn't let her live here. He thought he was a girl, inconvenient!

He thought she had grown up!

Jingxi was happy: "well, I sleep at home at night and come to see you during the day."

Finally, the little girl was coaxed, and Musen left her bed and went to the living room to sleep on the sofa.

However, Jingxi couldn't sleep in bed.

She looked at her body without any signs of development, and thought about the turbulent waves of mature women, and felt that Musen would not like her.

She is tall among children of the same age, but she is still a little bit small in front of Musen.

She wanted to eat some medicine to promote development, but she was scolded by her mother!

The best person in the world for her is her mother. She certainly won't hurt her, so she can't take that medicine.

Jingxi decided to ask Shu Yin tomorrow to see if she had any good ways to help her develop!Almost to dawn, Jing Xi just fell asleep. Even Jing Rui came and took her away. She didn't know.

When she woke up again, she was already in her brother's villa.

She even did not care to put on shoes, rushed downstairs, dissatisfied with eating breakfast of Jing Rui way: "brother, how did you bring me here?"

Jing Rui's action of eating breakfast is tiny: "I don't bring you back. Do you want to spend time with Musen there?"

"I only went last night, and I didn't say a few words. Originally, I wanted to deepen my feelings with him during the day today. You can't have a daughter-in-law by yourself, which will destroy your sister's happiness!"

Even though Jingrui is prepared, he knows that his sister has been thinking about Musen at a young age. He is almost choked by Jingxi's words!

He picked up a steel spoon and hit Jingxi's small head. He hated that iron could not be made into steel and said, "I'm only eight years old. What do you know about happiness? My mother worried about you all night! "

Jingxi touched his brother's painful head and said, "I thought Mother is asleep

"Would she have fainted if she knew that her precious daughter was crying and crying for another man to sleep in? How can a girl be so active? Be reserved

Jingxi quickly grabbed Jing Rui's sleeve and kept shaking: "brother, brother, don't tell your mother! I don't want to make her angry, she loves me the most! I will be reserved in the future

Finally, I know that taking into account shangguanning, the little girl is a filial piety.

"Come and eat."

In fact, Jing Rui doesn't worry about Jingxi and Musen. It's no big deal that Jingxi likes Musen. But if Musen dares to take advantage of Jingxi, he will definitely make him suffer.

Jingxi obediently sat on the dining chair to eat breakfast, and when she was almost full, Jing Rui released an explosive message: "Xi Xi, Mu Sen has a girlfriend!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!