Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1167

Not to mention the distance, just met the 12 people, all have real talent, business acumen, anyone out to work alone, can break into a world!

However, they now prefer to be subordinate to others and be a vice president for what?

What they admire is the personal charm of jingyichen!

There are many difficulties in conquering these twelve people!

All of a sudden, Jing Rui is glad that he came back from North America early. If he comes back later, I'm afraid his pressure will be even greater!

Because he is still young and has enough time to study.

And he had a good enough teacher to teach.

For the first time, Jingrui earnestly asks jingyichen for advice: "Dad, I'm afraid your honeymoon trip with my mother will be delayed. Many things you haven't taught me, I need you!"

All of a sudden, Jing Yichen sighs that he has many advantages over his son, but one point is far less than his son.

That is, when Jing Rui needs his help, he never insists on saying it, but says that he has no psychological barrier at all.

He used to suffer a lot because of his arrogance!

In the face of difficulties, he would never bow down and never go to Jing Zhongxiu for help, so he took many detours.

It's good that my son doesn't show off!


"You can't call me if you want to take a vacation

Jingrui has some helplessness. How eager is his father to get rid of his son and daughter and live together with his mother!

Sure enough, Jing Yichen went on: "you have to take good care of your sister. Don't let her out at will."

Let's go

Is Jingxi a little cat and dog?

Never seen a father so casual with his daughter!

Fortunately, Jingxi looks very similar to shangguanning, otherwise he may throw his daughter away directly!

Isn't a daughter a lover of her father's last life?

How does jingyichen not have a little lover's consciousness, only knows to coax the wife!

However, Jing Rui himself has a headache for Jingxi. He has decided to throw the girl to Shu yin or to Mu Sen!

Yes, that's right. It's mulson!

Jingxi only followed Musen when he was more like a normal eight year old girl!

It's too easy to follow the virus.

It's quite good to study some traditional Chinese medicine with Mu Sen and Jing Xi. If you have diarrhea, you can treat it yourself!

In the middle of the night, Jingxi didn't know that she was despised by her father and her brother. She quietly got up from the bed, listened carefully to the movements in the master bedroom, and guessed that shangguanning was already asleep. She took out a set of equipment with her own hands and feet, and then climbed out of the window smoothly, along a strong rope, and began to go bit by bit Climb down.

The 27 story building is very tall for an eight year old girl.

But Jingxi is different from ordinary people. She began to absorb all kinds of excellent nutrients from her mother's womb. She has excellent physique. She swims in winter at the age of three, stands on her head and splits at the age of four, and has started to do various difficult movements with jingyichen at the age of five.

Up the mountain and down the sea, touch the knife and move the gun. Jingxi has done it all.

Climbing stairs is a piece of cake!

Shangguanning didn't sleep at all. She was used to jingyichen by her side. If he didn't go home at night, she couldn't sleep at all.

She knows that Jing Yichen is taking Jing Rui to meet with a group of high-level people tonight, so she is particularly worried.

It's not that Jing Rui can't do it, but that Liao Wei has left a bad impression on senior officials, which will be transferred directly to Jing Rui.

Shangguan couldn't sleep, so he held a book and turned it over gently.

She didn't dare to make too much noise for fear of waking her sleeping daughter.

After watching for a while, she thought about Jingxi sleeping and kicking quilts, afraid that she would catch cold, so she put on slippers and went to Jingxi's bedroom.

When shangguanning saw that there was no one in the bedroom, and a long rope was hanging by the window, she stamped her feet in anger!

Her daughter is more and more bold now!

In the middle of the night, you can slip away from the 27th floor in silence!

All blame jingyichen, teach his son a skill, let him run North America when a killer, nothing to teach his daughter so many things why!

How can his subordinates stop Jingxi and let her run out like this!

Shangguan Ning was very anxious. He didn't care whether jingyichen was still in a meeting. He called him immediately.

"Yi Chen, Xi Xi escaped from home and climbed out of our window! Let someone find out where she is. It's too late to be abducted by bad people

Jingyichen thought, Jingxi does not abduct the bad guys, a torture is good!Last time Jingxi was nearly kidnapped, jingyichen has not dared to tell his wife.

Anyway, the daughter didn't suffer a loss. The one who wanted to kidnap her was the one who wanted to kidnap her. If she told Shangguan Ning, she had to love Xi Xi Xi for a long time.

"Ah Ning, don't worry. I'll be home soon. Xixi will be OK. My people have been following her. She has a tracker. I can find her at the ends of the earth."

Shangguan Ning knew that jingyichen had been secretly protecting her daughter, but she was still worried: "you let your people send Xi Xi back! It's so late that she can't go out alone and have no place to play

Jingyichen laughed: "a Ning, let Xi Xi Xi play freely. You are not her. How can you know that there is no fun in the middle of the night? Maybe it would be very interesting for her to lie on the beach and count the stars

Shangguan Ning doesn't speak any more. She has never won Jing Yichen in her life!

"Don't worry. I promise that Xixi will be all right."

Shangguan Ning finally failed to defeat the attack of jingyichen, so she chose to let her daughter play outside.

Hang up the phone, jingyichen face smile immediately disappeared!

He was also headache and angry: "this girl, more and more lawless! Ah Hu, ask Li duo and see where Xi Xi Xi is

Running out in the middle of the night, I don't know who to harm again!

Jingrui seldom sees jingyichen collapse. He can't help laughing: "Dad, you just pretended to be calm in front of my mother! I thought you really didn't worry about my sister at all

"Though mischievous and mischievous, it's my daughter!"

How can Jing Yichen not worry? For this daughter, he is really broken!

When raising Jingrui, he didn't work so hard!

Originally thought, gave birth to a girl will be more carefree, after all, girls are generally obedient than boys, who knows the birth of a little devil!

I don't know who Jing Xi followed. He and Shangguan Ning are not so capable of causing trouble! , the fastest update of the webnovel!