Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1166

Twelve people united, full of momentum, Jing Yichen was scared, you know, usually these people can never be so formal greeting him!

Most of the time, he and the 12 vice presidents are more like friends than superiors and subordinates.

Jingyichen knows from the look of these people that they did it for Jingrui on purpose.

He didn't stop them and let them try. Even he didn't know how deep Jing Rui was hiding or how strong he was.

Jing Rui turns a blind eye to all the demonstrations. He sits at the bottom of jingyichen's head, glances at twelve people, then drops his eyes and waits for jingyichen to open his mouth.

Naturally, he would not rush to steal the limelight of his father. In the field of shopping malls, jingyichen is undoubtedly an authority and an excellent leader.

Father's ability, nobody can match!

Jingyichen motioned to all the people and asked them to sit down. She introduced Jing Rui again.

He didn't say whether the person who replaced Jing Rui was a double, but he didn't mean to hide it.

He solemnly introduces Jing Rui to everyone. In fact, it has proved that this is the first time that Jing Rui has met with all vice presidents.

On the surface, everyone listened very seriously, but their eyes were a little strange.

Because, they all found that Jing Rui's lips are obviously swollen.

All of us are adults. Naturally, we don't think it's Jingrui who bit his lip by eating carelessly.

What they think of are the most beautiful scenes!

For a moment, they thought that Jing Rui would be a man who pretended to be deep in order to suppress them.

But I didn't expect that he didn't have any cover up meaning at all, so he came to see them with his slightly swollen lips!

A little arrogant, a little arrogant, and a little bit lovely!

After Jing Yichen's brief introduction, Jing Rui spoke.

He sat upright and looked at the whole audience. He said faintly: "Jingsheng group is the most important industry of Jing family. It is also the painstaking efforts of my father and all of you. In the future, it will also be the painstaking efforts and glory of my life. Looking forward to working with you

A few simple words, the voice is not high or low, but there is a shocking atmosphere and momentum.

He would not even say a word, but only expressed his own position and attitude to let everyone know that he was not here to play, but really wanted to control all business of Jingsheng.

As soon as Jing Rui opens his mouth, people have already distinguished the difference between him and the former double.

Once upon a time, the double tried to overwhelm all of them, to be above all of them.

Unfortunately, at the beginning, people still see Jing Yichen's face is not difficult for him, for a long time, no one takes him seriously.

But Jing Rui's words do not mean to overwhelm them. His word is "cooperation", which obviously respects the old people in the company.

However, his attitude is not respectful, and his tone is also strong, which shows that he will not be led by the nose by these people.

Neither humble nor arrogant, neither cold nor hot, the scale is just fine!

None of them has ever seen Jing Yichen, who is 20 years old, but when they see Jing Rui, they can find jingyichen's appearance of 20 years old from him.

The blood of the Jingrui family is really strong. At a young age, Jing Rui is as calm as this and can deal with it freely. He is completely unaffected by their oppressive momentum. He is clear in organization and concise in speech.

Everyone was relieved.

In fact, they are worried that the king family will teach a dandy.

In case someone follows a double, who doesn't know anything and likes to command blindly, they're going to rise up!

Since there is a capable successor, that would be great.

But they haven't seen Jing Rui's talent and talent in business. They all keep silent, neither resist nor obey immediately.

Jing Rui has long expected the situation today. He is not worried. They don't recognize him. He may not recognize them!

No one dares to fire him, but he has the right to change any vice president!

It's so easy for the twelve giants to get together. The current president and the future president are all here. They immediately report their respective achievements and throw out the problems one after another, so that jingyichen can solve them.

Jing Rui did not participate in the discussion on professional issues, nor did he give any suggestions and opinions.

In this respect, Jing Yichen is much better than him.

Watching 13 people discuss all kinds of business projects in an orderly manner, from electronic technology to entertainment culture, from home and abroad, from hundreds of thousands of small contracts to billions of large contracts, Jingrui's sense of responsibility and pride arises!

The family industry has developed to a very prosperous stage. Jingyichen has paved the road. What he wants to do is to go further on this road!By the end of the meeting, it was late at night.

But none of them felt sleepy. All of them were in high spirits and disappeared into the night to prepare for the light in a few hours.

Because everyone feels that they are full of value, and the power they control is enough to affect the survival and happiness of many people.

They are the vice president of Jingsheng group which attracts worldwide attention. Just one title will make many people respect them.

Therefore, no one will slack off, because slack means it will be replaced!

Only keep on working hard to go forward and go high, can we not be eliminated by Jingsheng and this era!

Jingrui follows jingyichen to the car, but his manner is no longer relaxed.

He even forgot that his lips were still swollen, and his face was solemn, as if he would go to war tomorrow.

Jing Yichen can understand his son's feelings very well.

At this moment, he will be in a kind of unspeakable shock, will also feel unprecedented huge pressure.

Because at that time, he also took over this huge commercial empire from jingzhongxiu.

However, when he took over Jingsheng, he was still in the cold war period with jingzhongxiu, and was still robbing the resources and property of the Jings with jingyiran. Therefore, he was more fearless and colder, far less peaceful than Jingrui is now.

Jing Yichen patted Jing Rui on the shoulder and said in a low voice: "son, don't worry. In the future, you can do better than me! Dad believes you

Originally, Jing Rui also thought so.

But now, he's not sure.

He doesn't think he can surpass his father. In his heart, jingyichen has become a pronoun of omnipotence and an insurmountable mountain in his life! , the fastest update of the webnovel!