Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1165

Shuyin is totally defeated by Jing Rui!

He calls jingyichen, what does it have to do with her!

Can he be more thick skinned?

The mobile phone is still ringing, reminding them that jingyichen has something to do with Jingrui.

After all, Shu Yin is not as thick skinned and calm as Jing Rui. She stands on tiptoe and kisses Jingrui's left face.

Jing Rui turned her right face to her lips: "and this side!"

Shu Yin can only kiss her right face again.

Jingrui also slightly lowered his head and pointed to his mouth and said, "the two times just now don't count, just kiss here!"

Shuyin is almost broken by him!

Why didn't you find Jing Rui so rascal and boring before!

She put her lips to Jing Rui's lips and gave him a kiss.

Jingrui is finally satisfied. He pinches Shuyin's delicate chin and says with a smile, "in fact, even if you don't kiss me, I'll answer my father's phone in a moment. I'm deliberately hanging him up, so that he won't disturb our good things in the future."

Shu Yin thinks that if he is a wood, he must be spontaneous combustion now!

Seeing Jing Rui's complacent face, she suddenly feels that it's too cheap for him.

She quickly got up and bit him hard.

Jing Rui's lips were immediately bitten and swollen by her. He touched his mouth and seemed to have endless aftertaste.

"Dad will take me to see the vice presidents of several groups later. How can I explain my swollen mouth to them? Dad must know it was you who bit it. Vice presidents should guess that I am a romantic inheritor! "

"Ah? Are you going to see the vice president of the group? "

Shu Yin immediately widened his eyes: "why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I told you not to kiss me? I'm pretty good at accounting. "

Shuyin wants to cry without tears, this man is no longer saved!

"What? Shall I apply some swelling ointment to you? Or ice? "

She doesn't want to let Jingrui go out with swollen mouth!

I knew I wouldn't bite so hard!

Jingrui thinks it's good to go out with a swollen mouth, which can always remind him that his woman is a wild kitten!

"No, this just can tell others that I have a daughter-in-law, so that some people will not miss your husband!"

Shu Yin doesn't know what to say. She looks at Jing Rui's swollen mouth and walks out of the suite.

At the thought of jingyichen's appearance of seeing Jingrui, she would like to drag Jingrui back and not let him go out!

I hope jingyichen doesn't think much about it. Maybe Jingrui accidentally bit his mouth when eating?

It turns out that Shuyin is too naive!

Is Jing Yichen such a low IQ person?

The moment he saw his son, his attention was immediately attracted by Jing Rui's red and swollen mouth. The first sentence was: "young man, be restrained!"

Jing Rui was indifferent, and his chin almost went up to the sky: "no way, the sound is too sticky to me!"

As if he and Shu Yin had been combined for a long time, in fact, he did not succeed today!

Shu Yin is still a complete girl, and he himself, is also an uninhabited one!

But this kind of thing, even if Jing Yichen is smart, it's impossible. Judging from Jing Rui's appearance, girls will more or less change after experiencing that kind of thing, while men, basically, have not changed much.

Jingyichen thought his son had already done something, so he patted Jingrui on the shoulder: "I knew that, I would have changed it for another day. Let the vice presidents see your face. It's enough for them to have fun for a year."

Jing Rui Hun did not care: "I have a woman, they are jealous? It doesn't matter how handsome I am

Jing Yichen deeply thought: "that is, you look like me, naturally handsome!"

Jingrui nods and follows jingyichen to the car and drives to a senior club in the center of the city.

Father and son didn't think it was improper to boast about themselves. They had two very similar faces, with the same indifference and the same conceit, sitting in the back of the car in the same posture.

A Hu looked at the father and son, and then he raised his head with pride and drove happily.

This club in the center of the city is dedicated to the reception of high-level meetings and business negotiations. It is decorated in a low-key and luxurious way. It is concise and lively, and has strong privacy. It is suitable for confidential business negotiations and meetings.

With the expansion of Jingsheng group and the rapid growth of its business, now the group's vice president has increased to 12 people.

All of them were present today. Some of them had just flown back from abroad, while others had been working for a whole week without any rest time.

All of them are dressed in suits and leather shoes. They are very formal. Three female vice presidents even fold their hair and wear black professional suits to show their composure and professionalism.The meeting was scheduled for 8:30 p.m., but the twelve people arrived at the meeting as early as seven o'clock.

Most of them know that the former king Rui is not the real one. Only a few of them do not know the truth.

But they all know that Jing Rui, who will meet today, is the real successor of the Jing family!

In the future, the entire huge Jingsheng group will be fully controlled in his hands!

He's only twenty years old!

It's a shame to be young!

Can a fledgling youth manage such a complex business empire?

These people are not simple people. They have the ability and means. In Jingsheng group, each of them can hold up a piece of sky!

What they admire and respect is jingyichen alone!

As for Jing Rui, although they will treat him seriously, if they find that he is not good at it, a riot is inevitable!

It's hard for twelve people to get together so well. They chatted with each other for a while.

Don't think that high-ranking people don't gossip. On the contrary, they are very interested in such topics, and they are also very keen. They can often analyze a lot of useful things from gossip.

At 8:30, Jing Rui and Jing Yichen arrive on time.

In the spacious meeting room arranged by the club, twelve people are sitting in a serious position. There is no bustle before, only a solemn atmosphere.

They all know that in a few days, Jing Yichen will hand over the position of president and will retire behind the scenes.

This means that all of them will become their 20-year-old boss Jing Rui.

The top boss can never offend them. Although each of them has the equity of Jingsheng group, it accounts for a small proportion. Jing Rui already has half of the equity of Jingsheng group under his own name. If he is autocratic, they will be laid off in a few minutes!

As soon as they entered the door, twelve people stood up in unison and called out to jingyichen: "president!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!