Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1157

Jing Rui's brow suddenly frowned: "you have been looking at her? When was it gone? "

"I just After a minute's neglect, she's gone! I took her out to eat, but she refused to eat. She had to go to Musen

Jingzhi was a little self reproached, and his tone was extremely anxious: "she has been missing for half an hour. Will she be ok? Brother, ask those who protect Xi Xi, they must know where Xi Xi has gone

Jing Rui was very angry: "are you a pig brain?! She's been lost for so long. Why didn't you tell me earlier! She's an eight year old girl. You can't even see her. Come back and see me. I won't clean you up! "

He "pa" all of a sudden hang up Jing Zhi's phone, and then immediately dial Jing Yichen's phone.

"Dad, ask your men to see where hee has gone."

Jing Yichen knew that Jingxi was gone. He took shangguanning's hand and walked with her in the hot spring garden.

He was extremely unhappy, but his face did not show it at all.

When Shangguan Ning knows that Jingxi is missing, she must be looking for Jingxi in the city immediately!

He light way: "I just left half a day, you have a problem, is really promising! Wait, I'll ask! "

Jingyichen hung up the phone, Shangguan Ning held his strong arm and asked curiously, "ruiruirui called? Is something wrong? "

Jing Yichen turns her head and helps her to pin the broken hair on her cheek behind her ear. Her tone is gentle and her eyes are calm: "it's OK. It's all small things. He just took over some business of the company, and it's normal."

He didn't even reveal a word. He looked calm, as if nothing had happened.

He has always adhered to the principle that he will fight all the storms. His wife had better not know anything. She just needs to live in the sunshine.

Anyway, even if shangguanning knew the truth, he was just worried about one more person.

There was no help but to make her miserable.

Moreover, Jingxi may not have an accident. If something happens, the people who protect Jingxi will definitely report it to him.

Shangguan Ning has always trusted Jing Yichen, his ability and his love for himself, so he said that he was ok, and she did not think much about it.

She had no idea that jingyichen gave her daughter to her son. After a while, her daughter disappeared.

Jingxi side, master such as cloud, want to move her, basically no possibility.

Jing Yichen picked up Shangguan Ning, took her into the villa, put her in the hot spring, and said with a smile: "you soak for a while, I will help my son deal with the official business, and I will come soon."

He was too calm. Shangguan Ning did not doubt that he was there. He lay comfortably in the hot spring and nodded: "you go to be busy. Don't worry about me. But next time, we'd better bring Xixi with us. She likes playing with water

She dotes on her daughter, jingyichen dotes on her: "OK, listen to you, next time bring Xi Xi together."

He leaned over and kissed Guan Ning's forehead, then turned away with his mobile phone.

After confirming that Shangguan can't hear him, jingyichen dials his phone.

"And HSI hee?"

"Master, miss, taking advantage of the chaos, got into a strange vehicle, we are chasing after it!"

"Is the positioning open?"

In order to prevent Jing Xi from getting lost, jingyichen puts positioning device and rescue device on her body, and more than one.

However, the more advanced positioning devices, the more slight radiation and impact on the body, so these devices are not always on.

Jing Xi has learned how to use all the positioning devices. It is very simple to open. If she is in danger, she will open it.

"No, Miss took the initiative to get on the bus, not the other party asked her to get on the bus."

Jing Yichen hears the speech and is relieved.

It's not like being caught.

A city should not be so short-sighted, dare to move Jingxi.

"Follow first. Report what you have."

"Will you bring the lady back first?"


Jing Yichen rejected it.

With Jingxi's intelligence, she seldom suffers losses. She is so big that she has always been stable, and she is not all protected by him.

More importantly, she is smart and knows what to do and what not to do.

Since Jingxi wants to run, it's up to her to make trouble. If she really suffers a loss, it's just for her to teach a long lesson and save her from foolishness.

Jingyichen hung up and sent a short message to her son: an.

A second later, he received a reply from his son: well.

Jing Yichen takes a light look, puts the mobile phone back in his pocket and walks to shangguanning in the hot spring.

"All done?"


Jingyichen nodded lightly, then took off his clothes and went into the hot spring. He lay beside shangguanning and kneaded shangguanning's slender fingers.Shangguan Ning usually doesn't need to do any housework. His hands are well maintained.

Jingyichen almost every night will help her do essential oil massage, her hand skin delicate with the little girl's almost.

Jingxi used to say that her mother's hands were as tender as hers, and it was comfortable to help her take a bath.

Shangguan Ning pinched by jingyichen for a while. Seeing that he was fast asleep, he immediately took out his hand and quietly took out the mobile phone in his pocket.

Jing Yichen mobile phone password she knows, easy to unlock.

Then she went to search Jing Yichen's address book and SMS records.

When she saw the conversation between jingyichen and Jingrui, she couldn't help laughing directly!

Should the father and son talk so briefly!

Two more words will kill you!

Jingyi Chen fiercely took shangguanning, put his big hand around her waist, and stared at her and said, "ah Ning, you peeked at my mobile phone again, and I caught a positive one!"

Shangguan Ning was startled by his sudden action, but she was not guilty at all. She said with a smile: "I'll see if you have chatted with other women behind my back! Just now I called him mysteriously and refused to say a word in front of my face. Who knows if you are talking to the little lover in secret. "

"It's enough to have a loser in Jingxi. I can't afford to have another lover."

The little lover in jingyichen's mouth is not the same as that in Shangguan's mouth.

Everyone said that the daughter is the father's lover in the past life, so he said "little lover", refers to the daughter.

Moreover, jingyichen knows that shangguanning doesn't really suspect what he has with other women. She actually suspects that he and his son unite to cheat her.

After all, their father and son united to cheat her, not once or twice, but many times.

Not every time you can hide it.

Shangguan is careful and intelligent, and can often find clues.

In the past, she found the secret from his and Jingrui's SMS, so jingyichen now sends messages to Jingrui, which is extremely short.

Even if Sherlock Holmes is reincarnated, it is impossible for shangguanning to guess the reason from a word. , the fastest update of the webnovel!