Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1158

Shangguanning doesn't suspect that Jingxi is in trouble. She hears jingyichen and Jingrui call, but she just says one or two words and then hangs up. She thought it was Jingrui who had a problem.

Usually, if Jing Rui calls jingyichen, jingyichen will let her talk to her son.

But not today, and she's a bit grumbling.

Seeing the short message records of jingyichen and Jingrui, she was really relieved.

Shangguan Ning lies in Jingyi Chen's arms and whispers, "don't hide something from me. You must tell me."

"Well, good."

Jing Yichen agreed very simply, but still feel in the heart, can hide as far as possible.

Tell her what to do?

Let her follow in fear?

He still likes carefree shangguanning like a child.

Every time he frowns, he frowns.

Sometimes a lot of things are false alarms, especially when Jing xi'ai makes trouble. She always tosses others to death every time. She is not hurt. If she tells shangguanning every time, she will never agree to let Jingxi go to school.

"Yi Chen, when to let Rui Rui take his girlfriend home for dinner! I haven't seen him for a long time

"Well, I've already told him."

Shangguan Ning's eyes were bright and excited: "have you seen Shu yin? Is it beautiful? "

Jingyichen light way: "not you beautiful."

Shangguan Ning smile bent his eyes: "how can, I heard Xi Xi said, Shu Yin is a rare beauty!"

"The son also said, Shuyin can only rank second, the first is you."

"Well, it's OK to say that in front of me. You two will coax me. Don't say that in front of Shuyin. You should teach your son that Shuyin is the most beautiful

Shangguanning can't compete with Shuyin. She wants Jingrui to be happy.

Wan Yi said that the girl was the second. It would be bad to make people unhappy.

Jingyichen disapproved: "my wife is the most beautiful, this is the fact, why should I praise other people's wife?"

Shangguanning was angry with him and laughed!

She wrung his waist flesh, crying and laughing: "what other people's wife, that is your daughter-in-law!"

Jingyichen is not moved: "that's someone else's wife!"

Besides shangguanning, he doesn't look up to any of them!

Jingxi ranked second, and the rest of the women looked the same in his eyes.

The couple are laughing in the hot spring, but Jingxi, ranked second, accidentally gets on a stolen car!

However, Jingxi is not afraid, but extremely excited!

She hasn't dealt with people for a long time!

I finally caught a villain today. I can make a lot of trouble!

"Villain" was actually a "good guy", but suddenly a "money tree" came up in his car. He couldn't stand the temptation of money and degenerated into a villain.

Jingxi is taking advantage of Jingzhi holding Xiaoyue to get on the bus and jump into the car just started.

This is an ordinary public car. Jing Xi asked him to take her to the annex of Mu's Hospital, but she had been sitting in the car for more than half an hour. She did not even show any sign of going to the hospital. Instead, she drove on a very remote road.

The driver is still pretending to be a good man and keeps chatting with Jingxi and covering her words.

He knows the goods. Jingxi's famous brand is all over her. The cartoon backpack on her back is worth more than 100000 yuan. She can almost buy his Volkswagen.

He had a previous criminal record of kidnapping, but after making a fortune, he washed his hands and began to live as a small white-collar worker.

At first sight of the beautiful and unbelievable Jingxi, his heart of kidnapping and extortion was immediately ready to move.

He took Jingxi around again and again.

He thought that such a little girl didn't know anything. Unfortunately, Jingxi not only understood, but also had a strong memory.

The map of a city, she was already familiar with it when she was five years old.

Jingxi knows exactly which way he is going now.

It's totally in two directions.

But she was so mean that she let the driver take her to the ditch.

It's a good place with few people. When the car explodes, it won't hurt innocent people!

She worked hard to develop a small bomb, which also did not waste money, she took her own experiment, research out of the sugar bean virus ah!

It's come in handy today!

Jingxi just want to learn from the master in the TV, roaring up to the sky!

Unfortunately, she can only play the ignorant girl.

"Uncle, I have a stomachache. When can you send me to the hospital? My mother is waiting for me in the hospital

Lying does not blink, Jingxi covers his stomach, a pair of to solve physiological problems in the car."Hi hee, you can bear with it for a while. We'll be there soon."

Jingxi even told him his real name, so the acting is more realistic!

"No, no, I'm going to have diarrhea! I want to get out of the car! "

Jingxi rolled around in the back seat with his stomach in his arms, screaming incessantly.

The driver had no choice but to take her to get out of the car. He was just such a car. If Jingxi was allowed to stay in the car, it would be so sour that I didn't dare to think about it!

Anyway, she's just a little girl. She can't escape.

"I'm going to take off my pants, uncle. Stay away from me! My mother said, I'm a girl, I can't let other people see my butt

The driver scolded her for many things in his heart, but he squeezed out a fake smile on his face: "I'm afraid you don't know the way here and lose it. Don't worry, I won't look at you! "

Jingxi carrying his own small backpack, and went a little farther, sure not to hurt himself, and then easily pressed a small button in his hand.

Then, with a loud bang, the half new Volkswagen was directly destroyed!

The driver screamed with heartache and panic. As soon as he was about to check his car, he suddenly felt a stab in his leg. Then he "popped" and fell to the ground.

Jingxi shook his head and sighed heavily. The little boot stepped on the driver's back, picked up a branch from the ground and poked it in the driver's face.

"Tell me about you. Do you want to kidnap people with such skills? It's so easy to put you down. I don't even have a sense of accomplishment! "

"If you want to send me to Mu's Hospital, you won't listen. If you take this remote and uninhabited Road, you will be destroyed and killed. No one will come to rescue me. Is this a fall?"

"But you have a good eye and know that I'm valuable! Ha ha, you take me so far away, my second brother should be worried! Hum, he was so anxious that he broke up brother Mu and me


The driver was lying face down on the ground, his whole body was in severe pain and could not move, but the whole person was awake!

He is extremely frightened to stare big eyes, desperately side head looks at Jing Xi, want to know oneself this is met what kind of demon! , the fastest update of the webnovel!