Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1156

Although Jingxi was young, his psychological maturity was very high.

Growing up with such a farsighted father as Jing Yichen, she knows everything that should be understood and should not be understood.

Many worldly things, jingyichen and shangguanning never avoid her because she is a child.

It is not a good thing to let the child live in a simple environment without conspiracy. At least she should know that there are bad people in the outside world. When she is alone, she needs to pay attention to safety and can't be cheated by others.

"I won't eat any more. I'm looking for brother Mu!"

Although I don't know what the relationship between Jingzhi and Xiaoyue is, it doesn't prevent Jingxi from sabotage.

Jingzhi abruptly separated her from Musen, and she would never let Jingzhi get better!

Jingzhi has coaxed Jingxi for a long time today. She has refused to eat. Of course, he will not leave the restaurant like this.

"Serve all that is suitable for children here!"

Xiaoyue takes a careful look at Jingxi, who is not happy with his mouth. Originally, he wanted to persuade Jingzhi to be less. They can't eat it all and waste it.

However, thinking that Jing Zhi was not short of money, he said a good word quietly.

All kinds of food soon came up one by one, and they were all from Xiaoyue.

At the end of the last dish, Jingxi suddenly turned his head to Xiao Yue and said, "sister, you are so hard, let's eat together!"

Jing Zhi looks at her in surprise. She didn't want to see Xiao Yue just now. How could she smile so sweet for a while?

Jingzhi intuitively thinks that the little girl is a little fishy. He knows Jingxi too well. He usually has a pair of clear and pure eyes. She looks more simple and lovely than anyone else. In fact, she has more hearts than anyone else. She can't suddenly change her attitude without any reason.

What's more, just now Jingxi was still arguing with him. How could he have done it in a blink of an eye!

Xiao Yue was flattered, but he said nothing would sit.

She is a waiter. There are strict rules in the restaurant that she is not allowed to sit down with guests during working hours.

Jingxi stretched out Bai Nen's little hand and pulled Xiao Yue's arm. He said with a smile: "sister, why haven't I seen you before? Are you one of my second brother's girlfriends? He has so many girlfriends that I can't recognize him! "

Hearing this, Jing Zhi's face suddenly looks a little ugly.

His girlfriend Zheng Yu falls one, where come from "too much"!

"Don't talk nonsense. Which eye do you think she looks like my girlfriend?"

Xiao Yue's face turned pale. She felt a little uncomfortable, but she also knew that she had nothing to do with Jing Zhizhen.

She doesn't know how many girlfriends Jingzhi has, but she's not one of them.

Maybe she had a chance to be one of them, but she gave up.

She tried to squeeze out a smile and said to Jingxi: "little sister, you misunderstood me. Your second brother and I just know each other, not his girlfriend. After ordering so much food, you must eat more. They are nutritious and easy to digest. "

"It's not my future second sister-in-law!"

Jingxi seemed a little disappointed. She released her small hand holding Xiaoyue's arm and continued to dig a hole for Jingzhi:

"second brother, you said last time that a big beauty would give you a monkey. Isn't that Xiaoyue's sister? Is it a lost sister? They are a little alike. Can't you tell who is who by yourself? "

"Oh, second brother, you are not good. If you like the same style, Luoluo sister has a twin sister! You don't want to marry both of them, do you? Then you may have to immigrate to other countries. Polygamy is not allowed here

"Oh, she was cheated by her sister! It's said that many people like her. She can choose one who is handsome and happy together

"Sister Xiaoyue, you don't think my second brother looks like a human being, but in fact he is very playful. You should go quickly and don't be cheated by him!"


She said a lot of wordy words, which made Jing Zhiqi's face green!

Why should he ask for trouble and bring the disaster of Jingxi to his side!

Isn't it good to throw her to Musen and let him have a headache?

He's almost masochistic!

Xiao Yue stood beside him in amazement and listened to Jing Xi's words. His heart gradually became bitter.

Even if Jing Zhi is a flower, she can't think about it.

They are totally from different worlds. It's the wishful thinking of her parents to put her and Jing Zhi together.

Would he be short of women?

Listen to the girl, he has a lot of women.

Xiao Yue quietly turned around, just wanted to leave, but suddenly a whirl of heaven and earth, in front of a black, she fell down soft.

"Oh, second brother, your little Yue fainted! Is she overjoyed to see youJingxi screamed and looked like a good actor. All the people around him looked at him. Even the manager of the restaurant came over trembling with fat.

Jingzhi frowns. He doesn't want to take charge of Xiaoyue, but he doesn't want to let the fat manager touch him.

She was not very well before. Now she fainted. Is she hungry again?

If you work in a restaurant, you can't even eat?

Jingzhi finally took Xiaoyue out of the restaurant and put her into his car. But when he turned to look for Jingxi, he found that Jingxi had disappeared!

In a panic, he rushed back to the restaurant to find someone.

But he searched the whole restaurant, but he couldn't find the figure of Jingxi!

"Hee, where are you? Stop playing and get out of here

Jingzhi ignored the eyes of all the people in the restaurant and yelled loudly for countless times. But where is the shadow of a little girl in the restaurant?

He ran out of the restaurant again. He didn't care about Xiaoyue, who was unconscious. He looked for Jingxi everywhere.

However, there is still no shadow of Jingxi.

Jingzhi is sweating and his shirt is wet through!

If he lost Jingxi, the consequences would be unimaginable!

He sat in the car, looking at Xiao Yue lying on the back seat of the car. His heart was agitated.

As long as you meet her, it's no good!

If it wasn't for her, how could Jingxi lose it!

Jing Zhisheng is afraid of Jingxi's accident. He doesn't care whether Xiaoyue will be in trouble. If Jingxi is lost, Xiaoyue's death can't be recovered 100 times.

He knows that Jingxi has always been protected by someone in the dark. He dare not call jingyichen and ask if those who protect him have seen Jingxi.

The only thing he can find is Jing Rui.

The longer the delay, the more dangerous Jingxi will be. He is worried whether he will be scolded to death by his brother. He calls Jing Rui nervously:

"brother, Xixi is gone!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!