Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1153

Lucas is really afraid.

He didn't expect that his ears had been connected!

No one likes his disability. Seeing that his ears are in good condition, Lucas doesn't dare to cut his ears off again.

When he woke up, he said almost everything he could.

After getting a lot of useful information, Jing Rui thinks that Jing Zhi has done a very meaningful thing to get this man back.

His younger brother is so capable that Jing Rui decides to give him another important task.

"A Zhi, Xi Xi will be taken care of by you these days. She is closest to you."

Jingzhi is shocked. When is Jingxi the most intimate with him? My brother talks nonsense, even his eyes don't blink!

"Brother, I'm busy!"

"It's OK. I'll take care of the bar and the taxi company, and you'll take care of the kids."

He has to lose money on both of these things. However, Jing Zhi has no money at this time. He is embarrassed to ask his parents for it. When he hears that Jing Rui is willing to solve all the problems for him, Jing Zhi is moved.

Jing Xi gives it to Jing Zhi. Jing Rui feels relaxed all over. He leaves the hospital with a stack of materials given by Jing Yichen and goes home to study the company's data.

Jingzhi asks for the phone number of Musen, asks for his location, and drives away.

Far away, Jingzhi saw a tall figure leading a small figure on the soft beach by the sea, walking happily barefoot.

Jingzhi can even hear Jingxi's joyful cheers, as well as muzen's careful instructions coming from the breeze.

He has been constantly saying: "hee, slow down, you run too fast, easy to fall."

Jingzhi has never seen Jingxi so obedient!

Two people play together for such a long time, the little witch did not have the whole wood, this is not scientific!

He thought he came here and saw the miserable appearance of mushen foaming at his mouth!

Jingzhi's heart is cold hum. He thinks it must be Jingxi who is bewildered by Musen's face!

The little girl has always liked handsome men, but also searched for a lot of handsome boys. She is ready to wait for others to grow up. She chooses one of the most handsome to be her boyfriend.

Those little fart children are not long open, one by one is not even as tall as Jing Xi, and even less beautiful than Jing Xi. How can you compare with the handsome Musen who can be a star!

Jing Zhi is more and more unhappy with Mu Sen!

What is a doctor so good looking for!

Is this not to induce the patient to commit a crime?

He decided that in the future, he must let Jingxi stay away from the disaster of Musen.

This man was killed from the age of eight to eighty. In the hospital these two days, Jing Zhi met many female patients who came to see him.

But in fact, those people dressed up in flowery, ruddy face, shy and timid, a look is not the body is sick, but the brain is sick!

Jingxi has already seen Jingzhi, but she deliberately thought she didn't see it. She continued to let Mu Sen take her hand. She stepped on the footprints he had stepped on and cheerfully called, "brother mu, your feet are so big, I can step on two feet! I like you

There is no taboo in children's language.

Her tender and crisp voice makes people feel soft unconsciously. She laughs like an angel falling into the world.

"If you don't like me one day, please tell me that I am ready to have a packet of paper towels and have a good cry!"

Musen is joking with Jingxi, but in his heart, he really hopes that Jingxi can always like him and that he can take Jingxi to play more in the future.

With the little girl together, the mood is not conscious will become better.

Children's world is simple, there is no impurities, she only know happy, bouncing, no worries, Musen looked at her, thought he would forget all the troubles.

"No! I will always like you. When I grow up, I will marry you

Musen was amused by her and couldn't help laughing, revealing a row of neat white teeth.

"When you grow up, I will be old! You'll like other people and dislike me as an old man

Hee put her foot on the sand and let him walk on the beach.

Musen saw Jingxi's crystal clear feet stepping on his feet. For the first time, he found that the little girl's feet were so beautiful!

Five small toes round and lovely, pale pink nails, like a grain of full luster of pearls.

Musen has no impression of his sister's feet. Maybe he has never paid attention to his sister's feet. When they grow up together, they will ignore many details.

"Who said you were old? You are young! "

Jingxi doodle mouth, not happy, she thinks that Musen is the most handsome, and will never be old!

"You are more handsome than my elder brother and my second brother!"

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded behind Jingxi: "sister, the second brother has come to take you home! Second brother will let you know who is the most handsomeJingxi seemed to be startled. He immediately hugged Mu Sen's leg and yelled: "brother mu, I don't want to leave. I don't want to go home. After I go home, my second brother will definitely beat me! I broke my arm the last time he hit me

Jing Zhi's face turned black. What the girl said was true!

When did he move one of her hair!

He is the one who suffers every time!

Acting is really more and more sophisticated, and if it goes on like this, she will become the youngest Oscar winner in history!

"Jingzhi, if you don't let me take Xixi to play for a while, I'll take her home in the evening."

Of course, Musen knows that Jingzhi can't fight Jingxi. Although Jingzhi looks at him with a fierce look, he actually protects Jingxi like an eye ball.

But, seeing that Jingxi didn't have enough fun, he was a little reluctant to let her go.

He also promised to take Jingxi to eat authentic fried rice cake. The little girl said that she had grown so big that she had not eaten it.

"No! My sister is going home now, you big wolf, stay away from my sister's little sheep! Don't think you can cheat people everywhere if you have a handsome face. Hum, I won't be cheated! "

Mu Sen touched his face subconsciously. He looks like Very handsome?

No matter how handsome you are, you can't be the two brothers of Jing family, right?

He deeply doubted that Jing Zhi didn't like him because he thought he was more handsome than him.

However, he did not have a better reason to stay in Jingxi.

Musen picked up Jingxi and wiped her feet with his expensive leisure coat. Then he carefully put on her shoes and coaxed her softly: "Xi Xi, you should go home. Later, my brother will take you to play."

Jingxi didn't do it and shook his head vigorously: "I don't go home. I want to play with you! Brother mu, don't you like me? Am I making you angry , the fastest update of the webnovel!