Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1152

Besides, there is no need for Musen to cheat Jingxi.

It's hard to tell which one of them cheated!

Xi son looked at Xi son all the time, and she would not grow up with her

Jingzhi and Musen are not at each other's eyes. They always feel that he has a bad intention to take Jingxi away.

He thinks too much!

It's a kind-hearted girl. It's his baby sister!

"Or I'll go and chase him back? Jingxi is still small. What if he is damaged by Xiaobai face? "

Jing Yichen doesn't know how his nephew gave the handsome and brilliant Musen such a nickname. Although he has white skin, he is mature and steady. Moreover, he has studied with jingtianyuan for two years and has received excessive physical training. Ten eight people are not his opponents.

In addition to studying medicine, he always insisted on physical exercise and looked thinner. In fact, his muscle lines were solid and smooth, and he had no connection with little white face!

"OK, ah Zhi loves his sister. I'm glad. If she wants to go to school, remember to prepare more money. I'm afraid the old headmaster should cry again. "

Jingyichen looks light, but Jingzhi is excited to fight a cold shiver!

"That Er I have something to do today, and I'll be leaving soon! "

Joking, he sent Jingxi to school once, and he almost collapsed. Now he is scared when he thinks of the memorial service held by all teachers and students when he went last time!

Forget it, let Musen abduct Jingxi!

Take the little witch to the wooden house and harm it!

Jing Rui listens to listen, suddenly frown: "Dad, you are specially brought Xi Xi to the hospital today?"

Jingyichen naturally said: "yes, it was meant to be taken care of by you."

But it was preempted by Musen!

It's strange that someone can stand Jingxi!

I hope Musen won't cry to send the little girl back!

Jing Rui has a headache: "Dad, that's your daughter. It seems that you shouldn't give it to me."

"What's the matter? Anyway, you are a brother. Xi Xi also likes you. It's your duty to take care of your sister!"

Jing Yichen said that the high sounding, in fact, is that he dislikes the little girl always bad his good deeds!

"Your mother seems to have insomnia recently. I'm going to take her to the hot spring in the suburbs for relaxation. Your sister will give it to you in the next two days. If she gets hurt a little, you can explain to your mother yourself!"

Shangguan Ning insomnia?

Jingrui is funny and funny!

Mom sleep has always been good, where to come from insomnia!

Even if insomnia, I'm afraid it's also

Jing Rui looks strangely at jingyichen and says with a smile: "Dad, you are in good health!"

Jingyichen seemed to have completely failed to recognize the meaning of his son's words and said calmly, "it's quite good!"

He keeps the habit of keeping fit for a long time. His body is really good and his figure is symmetrical and perfect. He looks very young without any fat.

"I'm afraid my mother's insomnia won't stop for a while."

"It's OK. She can sleep during the day, as long as your sister is not at home."

Jingzhi is a little confused, so he looks at the confrontation between the father and son. His eyes are a little confused. Why can't he understand what his brother and uncle are saying?

"Is insomnia very serious? Do you want to buy her some medicine here? "

Jing Yichen and Jing Rui said with one voice: "no!"

Jingzhi looks at this one and then that one, and finally chooses to shut up.

The world of gifted father and son, he does not understand!

Jing Rui doesn't even look at Jing Zhi. He just stares at jingyichen and says, "I have to be a father, a mother and a brother again?"

"That's a good idea. That's settled!"

What's the deal?!

Let him take care of Jingxi alone, he will be crazy!

Little girl can make trouble!

"I don't agree! Hee hee most listen to my mother's words, or let her live at home better! Dad, it's not easy for you to make money. We can't let our sister spend it all! "

"It's OK. In the future, it's you who will make money. How much money Xixi spends will go from your account."

Jing Yichen said, finishing the white shirt that shangguanning had put on for him this morning and strode out. He didn't feel ashamed at all.

Jingrui wants to cry without tears: "Dad, take care of Xixi, but can I ask you something?"


This is a little strange!

Jingyichen has never heard his son beg him!

"What's the matter?"

"I have only one request. Please don't give me another sister!"

One is enough. If you have another one, you will go bankrupt with the strength of the king family!

Jing Yi Chen looked at her son lightly and thought about it seriously. She said, "this thing can't listen to you. You have to listen to your mother."Dad, do you want to be shocked?

His brain ran at full speed, and immediately said, "Dad, this is for my mother's sake. She is over 40 years old. It's not suitable for having any more children. You can't be impulsive! You see, now the children are both perfect. In the future, it will be enough for me and Xixi to be filial to you! "

In general, as long as you move out of shangguanning, jingyichen will compromise.

Sure enough, he thought for a while, but he also felt that it was not good for the child to treat Shangguan well. He nodded and said, "I know. You don't have to worry about this. Just take care of your sister. When your mother sees Xixi a few days later, she can't feel that Xi Xi Xi is thin."

Jing Rui breathed a sigh of relief: "OK, Xixi certainly won't be thin!"

Jingxi is not picky about food. In terms of diet, she is very good at raising food.

Jingyichen leaves satisfied, but Jing Rui has an expression of pit on his face. It is even more unpleasant to see Lucas lying on the hospital bed half dead.

Lucas was in a daze, pale as a human being.

If the instrument on his body was not ticking, showing signs of his life, I am afraid people would think that he is just a corpse.

Jingrui stands by the bed and suddenly notices that Lucas's cut ear has been connected!

He bent over to check and found that Lucas's ear was well connected. If he didn't look carefully, he couldn't even see that it was cut off and connected again.

This can not only test the doctor's suture technology, but more importantly, the doctor must have a deep understanding and high familiarity with the human body structure.

Jing Rui has a new understanding of Mori's medical skills.

The medical skills of the Mu family are really worthy of its reputation. The origin of Musen family is really a medical genius!

Jing Zhishun's elder brother's eyes, also saw Lucas's ear was connected.

He was surprised and said, "can all this be done? We've cut his ears off for some time! It seems that the wooden one has some skills! "

Jingzhi said and burst out laughing: "ha ha, that's great! With mulson, we can torture Lucas more! Originally I thought he had only two ears to cut. Now, cut as you like! I don't believe he's not afraid! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!