Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1154

Jingxi said, showing a look of crying, as if by the great injustice.

Musen usually does not have much contact with Jingxi. He doesn't know that she is acting. Seeing her wronged eyes are red, he is heartbroken.

He quickly patted her on the back and said in a soft voice, "no, my brother has always liked you, and you have not made him angry. I also want to play with you. But your second brother insists on taking you home. I can't beat him, so I can only let go

Jingxi always thought that Musen was an honest man. Unexpectedly, he also had bad water, and he was not polite enough to pit Jingzhi!

Jingxi immediately turned his head and said to Jingzhi, "second brother, you are not allowed to beat my wooden brother! I like him. I don't like you. Go back. I'm going to play with brother Mu today

Just less than half a day, the little girl's heart was so crooked!

This Musen gave her ecstasy?

Jing Zhi grabs Jingxi from Musen's hand in anger, ignoring Jingxi's struggle, and walks away.

While walking, he was still playing Jingxi's buttocks: "smelly girl, do you know the distance between relatives and strangers?! I'm your second brother. That Musen is nothing! You can't call me brother mu, except me and your brother! How dare you like me? Do you believe that I spanked your ass

All of a sudden, Jingxi burst into tears!

I was spanked in front of Musen! What a shame!

She tried her best to pretend to be an adult in front of Mu Sen, but was completely destroyed by Jing Zhi!

Only a little child will be spanked, she is a big girl, how can you do this to her!

Jingzhi himself started several, he did not force, but did not expect Jingxi crying extremely tragic.

He felt that the little girl must be pretending, and ignored her. He held her and put her into his car and drove away.

Mu Sen stands alone on the beach, and Jingxi's tears seem to be around his ears, which makes him feel a little sad.

He clearly knew that Jingzhi would not lay a heavy hand, but he was still worried that Jingzhi would break Jingxi.

The little girl is so cute. It's too late to hurt her. How can Jingzhi be willing to move her?!

He has a kind of impulse to snatch Jingxi back, but he can only watch Jingxi leave crying.

It's been a long time since Musen felt this kind of pain.

When wood flower is thrown to the military academy by Jing Rui, he has this kind of worrying feeling, but it is not the same as today.

Because at that time, Zheng Yuwei was also in the military academy, and Muduo was not small. Going to the military academy was only good for her, not bad for her. At most, she suffered a little.

But Jingxi is different. She is too young!

If Jing Zhi is really pissed off and beaten, what should I do?

Musen thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and called jingyichen.

"Uncle Jing, just now Jingzhi took Xixi away. I should send her home later."

If you didn't send it home, you father wouldn't care, would you?

Jing Yichen really intends to ignore it. He has already driven shangguanning on the way to the hot spring villa.

He left enough hands to protect Jingxi, and with Jingxi's ancient spirit, there is nothing to be afraid of if she is lost. In any case, she will not suffer.

What's more, he gave Jing Xi to Jing Rui early in the morning. Jing Zhi helped to look after the children, which was normal.

However, Mu Sen helped to take care of Jing Xi all morning. Jing Yi Chen still said faintly: "Xi Xi is naughty. You have taken care of her all morning. It's hard work!"

Musen didn't find Jingxi naughty at all.

He said with a smile: "where hard, Xixi is clever and sensible, very obedient, and very smart. Like a little adult, she will feel better together."

Jing Yichen suddenly doubts, what Mu Sen said is Jing Xi?



His daughter doesn't seem to have anything to do with these two words?

Mu Sen's words are all praises for her daughter. Jing Yichen is very happy even though she thinks that the praise is a bit out of line with the name.

"If you like her, she is addicted to medicine these two days, and may come to you. If she makes trouble, you will be more tolerant."

Jing Yichen is a little worried that her daughter will blow up Mu's hospital if she is not careful!

If the little girl went to the hospital, it would be better to let Musen take care of her.

Many of the high-end equipment in Mu's hospital was invested by Jingjia, which was of high value.

Jing Yichen seldom talks with others in such a gentle tone. Even the man at the end of the phone is a little surprised. He doesn't know why Jing Yichen is so kind to him.

Jingyichen is very kind to everyone who can tolerate and take care of Jingxi.

If you don't look at her, she can turn over the whole a city!

He had to give Musen a shot in advance.Jingzhi drives Jingxi home, and her crying doesn't stop all the way.

At the end of the cry, Jing Zhi was a little flustered.

He took Jingxi to the sofa and asked suspiciously, "Xi Xi, did I hit too hard just now? I didn't exert myself, I just patted you a little! "

He is really not hard, little girl, tender flesh, where he is willing to really fight!

Jingxi ignored him, still crying heartrending, even his voice was a bit hoarse.

She felt that she had lost face in front of Musen!

Now I was so sad that my crying eyes were swollen.

"Xixi, don't cry. Can't my second brother be wrong? The second brother will never beat you again. If I beat you again, I will be a pig! "

Jingxi's cry suddenly stopped, a little want to laugh, think of his humiliating scene, fierce cry louder.

Jingzhi was sweating. He clumsily wiped her tears and kept coaxing her: "Auntie, don't you cry anymore? If you're not happy, you can beat me up! If you keep crying like this, my brother must peel my skin! "

Jingxi used to cry, but it was all because she acted deceptively. Generally, it was thunder and the rain was small. She would not cry for a minute or two.

Now, I've been crying for almost an hour!

Thanks to his cleverness, he brought Jingxi back to his villa. If he took him to Jingrui, he would have to be cleaned up by Jingrui.

The younger sister cries like this, Jing Zhi is also distressed!

He is a bit at a loss patting Jing Xi's back, clumsily wipe tears for her, but also be despised by the little girl to avoid.

"You stay away from me, you hit me, I don't like you anymore!"

Jing Xi is still thinking about being beaten. Although it doesn't hurt, she feels ashamed when she is spanked by Musen.

"Wuwuwu I've grown up. How can you spank me? I'm a girl. You don't know that men and women are different , the fastest update of the webnovel!