Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1151

Musen is a little bemoaning the strong gene of Jing family.

As far as he knows, Jingxi has a very high IQ.

In fact, she has already finished primary school, junior high school and even senior high school courses, and she has a lot of knowledge about University. Maybe even he will be willing to be defeated by her knowledge reserves.

The reason why Jingxi is still in primary school is that jingyichen doesn't want her daughter to miss her childhood.

In the future, she doesn't need to inherit her family business, she doesn't need to stand up to heaven and earth. Everything outside is supported by Jing Rui. She just needs to be a normal and happy girl without going through the cruel test of life and death.

Mu Sen stretched out his hand and pinched the small face of kneading Xi. Her skin, which can be broken by blowing bullets, makes people have the desire to take a bite.

"Hi hee, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? "

Although Musen asked, he knew that there was no problem with Jingxi's body. When she frowned just now, he unconsciously grasped Jingxi's wrist and touched her pulse quietly.

Her pulse is very normal, which shows that she is very healthy.

Unexpectedly, Jingxi said anxiously: "yes, I'm not comfortable. Brother mu, my chest is stuffy and my heart aches. How can I do it? Can you show me if I have some incurable disease

Musen was shocked, and subconsciously went to touch the pulse of Jingxi.

Looking at the sad expression on Jingxi's beautiful little face, he almost doubted his own medical skills!

However, no matter how he felt pulse, he didn't feel that Jingxi had any abnormality!

Her face was ruddy, her hair was shiny, her heart was steady and powerful, and she didn't look like she had heart disease!

Musen was angry and funny. He scraped her delicate nose and coaxed her: "don't talk nonsense. How can you curse yourself with incurable disease? You don't have any diseases. You're healthy! Shall I take you out? If you go out for a walk, your chest will not be stuffy! "

He has been in contact with many children's diseases. Some of them are really sick, some are deliberately making trouble with their families, lying about their stomachache and headache, and some children always feel that they have incurable diseases and are dying. In fact, the children have nothing to do with them!

Coax the child, Mu Sen still has certain experience, after all, he coax the wood flower all the way to grow up.

Unfortunately, Jingxi is totally different from other children, and her crux is also different from other children. It is estimated that no child is interested in Musen and pretends to be ill!

Jingxi leaned against Mu Sen's body and felt his arms warm and comfortable. She pursed her small mouth and said pitifully, "my eldest brother and second brother don't want me, and my parents don't want me. Brother mu, do you want me?"

Where is this!

First of all, Jing Yichen and shangguanning protect this daughter as an eye ball. Jing Zhi, the cousin, loves Jingxi very much, not to mention Jingrui, his brother-in-law.

She didn't feel irritated by the whole family.

Is it because Jing Rui is so busy in love that he has no time to manage his sister?

It's not like that. Jingrui doesn't see how hard it is to part with Shu Yin.

Musen couldn't guess the reason, but he said with a gentle smile: "I want you. Your parents and brothers love you very much. Don't be so sentimental when you are young."

He held Jingxi and got up: "go, I'll take you out to play!"

When children play, they must forget all their troubles.

Jingxi obediently lies on the body of Musen. Although she likes it very much, she looks at her small arms and legs, and a little dislikes that she is too short!

"Brother mu, when can I grow tall?"

The topic jumps a little bit big, Musen a little bit can't keep up with the little girl's brain circuit.

His good temper smile: "you eat well, will soon grow tall! Why does hee want to grow tall? "

"You and my brother are tall. If I'm too short, I'll be laughed at." I grow tall, you will not look at me as a child!

"How can you be short?"

Mu Sen's face is full of smile, he thinks the little girl in his arms is too cute, the whole person is infected by her happy.

"Your mom and dad are very tall. According to the law of genetics, I'm afraid you will be as tall as your mom."

Shangguanning is 1.68 meters tall, jingyichen and Jingrui are about 1.88 meters. Where can Jingxi be short again!

However, how can Jing Xi suddenly pay attention to his height?

She is very well-developed. She can walk very early. Her legs are slender. She is much more than other eight year old girls. She still dislikes her short stature?

Musen took Jingxi out of the pharmacy and took her into his car. He bent over to fasten the safety belt for the little girl. Seeing her staring at herself, he touched her head with a smile: "what's the matter with you today? I feel like you have something on your mind. Maybe I can help you solve it if you say it out? "

I'm in love with you!

Is there something on your mind!But Can you really say this?

Jing Xi blinked his eyes and asked naively, "brother mu, do you like me?"

He could not help lowering his head and kissing Jingxi's face, and said, "of course I like it. We all love each other in Xixi!"

Although I heard the answer I wanted to hear, this feeling was obviously wrong.

He is just his brother's love for his little sister.

Yes, if he likes an eight year old Lori, isn't he psychologically abnormal?

Jingxi touched his small face, slightly excited.

Anyway, the handsome guy kisses her!

Jingxi felt that he had taken advantage of himself and laughed involuntarily.

Musen see a little girl for a while sunny and rainy, the expression on his face is simply enough to do expression package!

He raised the corners of his lips and sighed in his heart that it was really a child's world, which he did not understand at all.

However, it is obvious that children also like to be praised. Mu Sen looks at Jingxi who is honest and honest in the front passenger's seat, and his mood is a little high.

Muduo went abroad, now Jingxi is also very good!

Jingxi is much more adorable than her two brothers. She is clever and obedient, smart and smart. She looks like a doll, which makes people like it.

He will take good care of the girl.

Jingzhi comes to the hospital. As soon as he stops the car, he sees Musen holding Jingxi into the car. Before he can react, he drives the car and takes Jingxi away.

Jing Zhi's eyebrows wrinkled tightly. He quickly enters the hospital. He finds Jing Rui in Lucas ward and shouts: "brother, my sister was cheated away by the little white face of Musen!"

Jing Rui took a look at him and said calmly, "it's impossible."

Never only when Jingxi cheated others, but not when Jingxi was cheated! , the fastest update of the webnovel!