Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1150

Jing Rui Wei Zheng, originally Shu Yin's judgment is not completely wrong.

She guessed one of them correctly.

But he couldn't tell her she was right.

"Dad, don't tell Shu Yin about this for the time being, so that she can't guess the death of Shucheng mountain again."

has the final say: "I'll tell you the news and decide what to do."

In fact, he was worried that if Shuyin knew the cause of Shucheng mountain's death one day, he would not be able to accept Jing Rui.

I'm afraid most people can't accept it. Even if Shu Yin has no feelings for her parents, it's hard to be with Jing Rui.

However, fortunately, few people know about it, and Shuyin's probability of knowing it is very low.

Jing Yichen handed Jing Rui a stack of information in his hand, and said faintly, "this is some internal confidential information of the company. You can have a general control over the whole group. Tomorrow, we will start to contact shareholders and vice presidents in private. Don't worry about trivial things. You can give it to me or let ah Zhi take the handle. It's not like that he is so idle all day long. "

Jing Rui takes over the information and looks through a part of it. He says, "don't you have to be so quick? I'm only 20. I should give me a few more years of free life! Dad, you were in your thirties, didn't you? How about taking over when I'm 30? "

"Not so much!"

Jing Yichen refused to take over the group. Although he took over the group late, he had already begun to be familiar with the company's business a long time ago. Moreover, he has visited various branches abroad.

"It's OK for you to live a free life. You haven't been at home for eight years. You've never helped anything in the company. You don't know how much the company makes every year. Do you want to hand over the group to your sister if you continue to play? "

Jingrui's eyes brightened: "Dad, this is a good idea! Xixi is so smart and doesn't like to go to school every day. It's just right for the company to hand it over to her! "

Jingyi Chen Qi severely patted his son's back and said, "how old is your sister? What do you mean! What's more, you're sure she won't tear down the group's building by handing over the company to her? "

She may blow up the buildings around Jingsheng group!

Jing Rui felt cold in his heart and quickly said, "forget it, I'll take it."

If you let Jingxi take over, she will be able to make up for the whole family in less than a month!

Black girl, where can I find my boyfriend in the future!

How can ordinary people stand her so much trouble!

Jingxi doesn't know that her brother is thinking about her inability to get married when she grows up. She is actively expanding her "harem". When she sees a handsome young man, she has to find a way to label her own family.

Recently She took aim at a handsome man.

"Brother mu, do I remember the efficacy of these herbs?"

Today, Jingxi wore a rose red poncho dress and a white backpack. Her long hair was soft and glossy on her shoulders. Her facial features were exquisite and her skin was white. She was eight years old. She was very tall among the children of the same age. Standing there, she had the posture of a beautiful woman.

Her eyes seemed to be able to speak, staring at Mu Sen standing in front of the medicine cabinet without blinking, and spoke to him in a clear and tender voice.

Musen looked at the little girl standing in front of him, and his heart was soft enough to drip water.

He put the herbs well, and then picked up Jingxi.

"HSI hee is so smart. He's all right! When did you begin to like traditional Chinese medicine? I remember you didn't like learning before, did you? "

Jingxi, relying on the woods of Huai Sen, asked him about the faint smell of herbal medicine. He felt much more fragrant than what perfume and smoke smells like.

Her white arms were like lotus roots, holding muzen's neck, and she said with a smile: "my sister Shuyin taught me, she spoke very well, I like to listen to it! Later, I thought it was very interesting to study these! I had a bad stomach last time, but I made up my own medicine to cure it! "

Musen was so scared that she almost threw the little girl out of his arms!

Make your own medicine for diarrhea?!

Is this crazy?!

Now this kind of medicine which drugstore has to sell, still use oneself to prepare?

Musen took Jingxi and sat down on the wooden chair in the pharmacy. Some serious admonitions were given to her: "Xixi, you are still young now. You must not eat casually in the future! Especially your own medicine. If you are sick or uncomfortable, come to the hospital to see me. Remember

Well, that's what you want!

Jing Xi's heart leaped with joy, and her beautiful face was full of happy Brilliance: "brother mu, can I often come to you to play?"

Her simple and pure happiness infected Musen.

His handsome and elegant face has a soft light, and his dark brown eyes overflow with a gentle smile: "of course, Xixi, if you like, can come every day!"Among all the people in the Jing family, only Jingxi is willing to be close to him and will call him "brother Mu".

Musen's love for Jingxi is no less than his own sister.

In the past, he would scold her. Every time she disobeyed her, he would even be extremely strict.

However, in the treatment of Jingxi, he could not scold her in any case.

She is a little princess growing up with a gold spoon. Although she loves to play tricks on people, she is naive, ancient and intelligent.

She is delicate but not delicate. She does not have any bad habits. She has only the temperament and knowledge that a lady of a family should have.

When she grows up, she will be the most dazzling pearl in a city!

Musen holds the girl and carefully arranges her skirt. Seeing that her white leather boots are dirty, he pulls out a paper towel from the table and wipes it with water.

Jing Xi sits on the leg of Mu Sen, looking at his side face, and feels that the target he is looking for is perfect!

She is handsome and careful, and takes good care of her!

The 19-year-old Musen is different from those 8-9-year-old kids!

How handsome he is!

How mature and steady he is!

He's good at everything!

But after a while, Jing Xi's small face collapsed.

At 19, there are advantages and disadvantages!

In two years, he must have a girlfriend!

But in two years, she will be ten!

Jingxi frowned, and Musen noticed it at the first time.

One moment is still happy like a bird who has just learned to fly. The next moment, she becomes a little old woman with a lot of worries.

Musen can't help laughing. The little girl is so cute. She is only eight years old, but sometimes she looks like an adult. She can think and ponder, which is totally different from Muduo! , the fastest update of the webnovel!