Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1149

Jing Rui doesn't know that Musen is still playing Shuyin's idea. He and Jing Zhi are using fierce means to force Lucas.

It was Lucas himself who repeatedly stressed that he knew a lot of secrets. In that case, if he didn't say a few, there was no need to live again.

Lucas's ear has been cut off, he panic immediately said a lot about yew, without hesitation to betray her!

When he went in, he saw that the white sheets in the ward were covered with blood!

He looked at Lucas who had passed out and frowned: "if you want him to die, take him back. I rescued him all night last night, and then I brought him back. You're so upset that he can't even survive this afternoon!"

Jingzhi looks at Musen inexplicably. He thinks that his face is too handsome. He is always suspected of stealing his popularity.

"Who let you in? Looking for a fight, right? "

"Didn't you have me told to keep this Lucas alive? What, you want him dead now? It's easy! If I put a needle down, he will be killed immediately! "

Just now Lucas said a few things about yew and Virus Research Institute, which are very useful.

He must not be allowed to die at the moment.

Jingzhi was a little angry and said, "if you dare to let Lucas die, I'll fight with you!"

"Spell it. You can see if there is anyone in the hospital who can guarantee Lucas to live if I get hurt!"

Musen is extremely confident in his own medical skills. It is impossible for ordinary doctors to save Lucas from his illness yesterday.

And the top doctors, each with his own temper, would not easily treat Lucas, especially when the brothers were ready to kill.

Although the hospital investment is invested by Jingjia, it is Mujia that actually controls the operation.

Doctors basically only listen to the president's words, and the current president of Mu's hospital is his father, Mu Qing.

If he was injured, Musen believed that his father would never help the brothers.

Jingrui looks at the confrontation between Musen and Jingzhi, and suddenly says faintly: "Musen, you are responsible for helping me save people in the future. In exchange, I can let you learn virus and genetic research!"

Happiness comes too suddenly, Musen a bit can't react.

Jing Rui's transformation is too fast, which is not in line with his style!

"Are you serious?"

Musen looks at Jing Rui suspiciously. Even Jingzhi also stares at him, obviously feeling a little unexpected.

He didn't believe that his brother would let Shu Yin teach Mu Sen things!

At that time, two people will do research together every day. In the laboratory, there will be only one man and one woman. Who knows what will happen!

Jing Rui nodded indifferently: "really, but I will give you another person to find, not Shu Yin."

Musen did not want to: "the old man said that she has real talent and unique insight, let me learn from her. What if the other person you're looking for is not as good as me? I'm not boasting, I'm still very good! Most people can't teach me any more. Even the old man says I'm smart and a genius

Jingzhi sneered: "Musen, do you dare to be more thick skinned! I'm a genius in front of my brother, and I'm not afraid of the wind

However, he is not exaggerating. What he said is true.

In fact, he would not do so in front of himself!

Although Jing Rui is not happy because he wants to get close to Shu Yin, he never ignores his talent.

It is a fact that he is highly skilled in medicine. Who told him to learn medicine from the beginning when he could speak?

"No, I'm looking for someone whose level is even higher than Shu Yin. You can see it after reading it."

"Better than Shuyin?"

Musen was shocked. He had always been very confident. He was not only smart, but also diligent. He felt that there were few young people better than him.

Recently, I don't know what's wrong with him. He has to study harder.

He was a little suspicious, but then he felt that with Jing Rui's character, he didn't care to lie.

Although this person is arrogant and indifferent, he has a great advantage, that is, he seldom breaks his promise.

"Well, I'll wait. I believe you!"

Mu Sen looked at Jing Rui straightforwardly and said: "however, this Lucas can't torture any more these two days, otherwise even if the old man comes, he can't save him."

This is the professional advice given by a professional doctor. Even if he is eager to dig out some secrets Lucas knows, he can only listen to it.

Jing Rui nods: "OK, Lucas will give it to you."

He knew that Lucas could not resist for too long, but he could not prolong his life. Now, with the help of mulson, it would be better.

It's not unreasonable to cooperate with home for many years.The two families need each other. Although the overall strength of the Mu family is not as good as that of the Jing family, the medical treatment is very important.

Jingyichen also said before, let him get in touch with Musen more. In the future, the Mu family will definitely be handed over to him. He hopes that the cooperation between the two families can continue.

The next day, when Jing Rui comes to the hospital again, he brings a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"This is Peter, who used to be a top manager at the Institute of Virology and a top researcher," he said

Even though he still doubts Peter's professional level, he still has a decent smile on his face.

After saying hello to Peter, he went straight to the topic and asked about the virus.

Jing Rui doesn't worry that Mu Sen doesn't like Peter. He asks Peter to come back from abroad all night, just to stop him from thinking about Shu Yin.

He left Munson's office and went to Lucas' ward.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a tall figure standing in the ward.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Jingyichen turned her head and said faintly, "your brothers are now good at catching such an important person. They didn't tell me?"

Jingrui couldn't help laughing and said, "you are busy coaxing my mother. I don't think it's necessary to disturb you! Ah Zhi got the man back. He is very good now

There was no accident on Jing Yichen's face. It was obvious that she had already known the whole story.

The huge power he controls is not comparable to Jing Rui and Jing Zhi.

However, Jing intelligent caught Lucas such a dangerous person, or very happy.

Jing Yichen patted his son on the shoulder and said faintly: "I found a news that, eight years ago, Shu Yin's mother died in Lucas's hands." , the fastest update of the webnovel!