Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1148

"Dare you! If I lose my memory, you will never know who killed your father

"I'm not interested in it at all. I think you killed it!"

Shu Yin's hasty decision not only makes Lucas feel incredible, but also amazes Jing Rui and Jing Zhi.

They originally thought that even if Shu Yin had no feelings for her parents, she would at least pay attention to who was her father's enemy.

But she put it on Lucas's head!

Jingrui is relaxed a lot. Shuyin doesn't care about this, so it's better.

Otherwise, if she knew the truth, she would not accept him at all.

Lucas takes a look at Jing Rui. He thought Shu Chengshan's death was a sharp weapon, but now it seems that he really overestimates Shu Yin's affection for family.

This chip can only be held down for the time being. Even if it is exposed now, it will be very bad for him.

He takes a look at the indifferent Jingrui and sneers in his heart. Jingrui killed Shucheng mountain, but now he falls in love with his daughter. He must make good use of it!

"I know a lot of secrets. Jingrui, you'd better not annoy me, or even if I don't want this life, I'll find you and Jingzhi to do the backing."

Jing Rui suddenly called cold wind in and asked him, "who is Lucas' attending doctor?"


Jingrui frowned slightly, but he soon let go and said faintly: "tell him, hang Lucas' life, don't let him die. I'll be hungry for two days. I'll give him food when he can speak. Besides, one finger a day. "


"Now cut off one ear first!"

The cold wind answered, and took a sharp knife out of his body, which would cut Lucas's ear.

Shuyin is scared. I didn't expect Jingrui to be so cruel!

She was accustomed to all kinds of torture, but soon she was used to life and death.

Lucas screams in pain. Jing Rui pats Shu Yin on the shoulder: "Yinyin, you go out and wait. The scene here is too bloody for you."

Shu Yin subconsciously said, "I'm not afraid."

Jing Rui faint smile: "I know you are not afraid, but I am afraid that you will not like me after you see me so cruel."

"No way."

Shu Yin has known for a long time what kind of person Jingrui is. She thinks it's nothing bad to be cruel and cruel. Jingrui's position determines that he must be cruel.

She was scared just now. She was just used to Jingrui's gentleness, and she didn't adapt to his sudden change for a time.

"Listen, get out first."

Jingrui insists on letting Shuyin go out. He doesn't want Shu Yin to see the blood, and he doesn't want Lucas to reveal anything about Shucheng mountain.

Seeing his insistence, Shu Yin went out according to his will.

In fact, she doesn't really like the bloody scene. Every time she faces the bloody scene, she just resists it.

Anyway, in front of Jing Rui, she doesn't need to be arrogant. It doesn't matter if she is fragile.

She turned and walked out, until she reached the end of the corridor, and Lucas's miserable cry could still be heard.

Shu Yin has her own separate office and laboratory in the hospital. When she opens the door of the laboratory, she unexpectedly sees someone in her laboratory!

She was a little upset: "Dr. Woodson, this is my private laboratory. I don't think you have the right to enter."

Musen immediately stood up and apologized to her: "sorry, Miss Shu, I didn't know this was your laboratory before I came in. After I came in, I was immersed in your research and forgot to go out!"

His words are sincere and his tone is full of apology. Obviously, he is sincerely apologizing to Shu Yin.

He is too good-looking, handsome features, gentle temperament, voice is also very friendly, it is difficult to get angry with him.

Shu Yin knows the origin of Musen's family. A person who likes medicine often immerses himself in some relevant research.

The displeasure in her heart dissipated half, and finally reminded Musen: "I have a lot of viruses here. It's very dangerous for you to break in like this."

Musen knew that she didn't blame her for entering without permission. He could smile and said in a relaxed way: "OK, I'll tell you next time. However, you should remember to lock the door!"

Shuyin was stunned, and then realized that he had forgotten to lock the lock after he came out of the laboratory last time!

No wonder Musen can get in easily.

This hospital was originally owned by Mu family. Shu Yin knew for a long time that the hospital would be handed over to Mu SEN for management. He entered the laboratory only for the purpose of checking his own hospital.

After all, there's nothing on the outside of her lab.

"Well, I'll remember to lock the door later. Thank you for reminding me.""Don't mention it. It's really wrong for me to enter your laboratory today. However, I'm very interested in the things in you. I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Shu Yin thinks of Jing Rui's indifference to Mu Sen, but she doesn't dare to promise him. She just smiles at him and wants to divert the matter.

I didn't expect that Musen would not let her go.

"Miss Shu, I'm serious. Please don't perfunctorily. My father seldom praises others, but yesterday he praised you for a whole hour. I really want to learn from you. Apart from you, I have never seen such a young person who can develop complex potions by myself. "

Shu Yin looks at Mu Sen lightly and wants to tell him that many people in the research institute are better than her.

Because she's not crazy enough.

Shuyin is not good at dealing with other people, and it is difficult to marry and trust others. Although he looks sunny and cheerful, he is not the kind of person who likes to stab the knife in the back, but Shuyin is still wary of him.

How can we teach others about virus research?

What if Munson uses the virus to harm people?

What's more, virus research institute to teach these knowledge, is absolutely not free, she is with her own life in exchange!

"I have no plans to teach you for the time being."

Shu Yin told the truth, did not play Taiji with Musen.

"And I'm afraid I can't teach. My own study is scattered and unsystematic. I suggest you find a special teacher to learn it."

Musen was directly refused by her, and could not help but smile bitterly.

Mu Wensheng didn't let him learn from others. Many of the so-called expert professors and teachers were despised by the old man.

He's interested in Shu Yin!

"Apprenticeship" is not very smooth, in fact, it has long been expected by Musen.

This is the ability of others to see the family background. It's unreasonable to teach others casually.

So he used the word "learning" at first, not learning.

Musen originally wanted to bypass Jing Rui and communicate directly with Shu Yin. Now it seems that it is totally impossible!

He still wants to find Jing Rui! , the fastest update of the webnovel!