Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1147

He seldom quarrels with others and seldom conflicts with others.

He has a good temper, good cultivation, and high IQ and EQ. he can easily resolve most things.

Only when he meets the two brothers, will he be completely disordered!

Temper is not equal to no temper, Musen was so treated by the two brothers, and finally got angry, turned his head and left.

He would rather go home and get scolded by the old man than talk to Shu Yin.

This minute is going to be skinned and boned by the brothers!

When Shu Yin saw that Mu Sen was gone, she couldn't help saying, "are we a little too much? He looks nice. "

Jingrui and Jingzhi immediately said with one voice: "where is good?"

Two people's expressions are surprisingly consistent, the tone is also exactly the same, frightening very much.

Shu Yin blinked a little innocently: "he obviously doesn't like me, and I don't like him. Are you two exaggerating?"

Shu Yin doesn't think she's beautiful enough to make all men fall in love with her. At least when she was in graduate school, most men didn't seem to have any interest in her.

Just now, that Mu Sen has pure and clear eyes and no evil thoughts. She only regards her as half a colleague. It is estimated that she is very obsessed with medical skills, so she would like to have a discussion with her.

She is only a half baked doctor. She can do a good job in virus and genetic research, and she may not be able to compete with Musen.

Jing Rui held Shu Yin's hand and said coldly, "he had better not have other thoughts."

He felt that it was normal for a man to look at Shu Yin. She had excellent appearance and excellent temperament. She was a beautiful woman.

No one can guarantee whether Musen will be moved.

He can only guarantee that two people are not allowed to touch.

The three entered the ward where Lucas was. After rescue, he was awake.

However, he was seriously injured and injected with drugs, so his whole body was weak and had no ability to take care of himself.

Seeing Jing Rui three people appear together, his eyes immediately appear the expression of malice and hatred. His pale face is full of ferocity, and he would like to tear them up.

Jingzhi sneered: "Lucas, your life is really hard! Can you live like this? However, what do you mean by this look? I didn't shoot you yesterday because I didn't shoot you accurately? You can't blame me. I didn't know it in advance because your heart was crooked

"Thank you for my heart growing on the right. If I die, the secret of Jingrui's body will immediately spread all over the world! When the time comes, you brothers will be besieged by people from all over the world

Lucas's voice is hoarse, with his ferocious expression, the whole person is like a devil coming out of hell.

"I have told your secret to someone else, and he will let it out as soon as I die! Ha ha ha! The research institute has studied the subject for so long, but I didn't expect that now I have found a breakthrough. If I can find the secret of Comprehensively Strengthening the body, people all over the world should remember me! "

Jingzhi frowned and looked at Jingrui: "brother, is what he said true? Could he have lied to us in order to live? "

Although Jing Rui thinks that Lucas should be telling the truth, he looks indifferent and says, "will he tell us the truth? He's just trying to survive. When he's useless, just kill him. "

"Kill me?"

Lucas, weak as he was, was strong.

He cherished his life very much. Before he came to a city, of course, he had already made sufficient preparations.

He just didn't expect that Jing Zhi had disappeared so much since he killed people. Otherwise, he would bring more people, and he would not live in a place without security.

"You dare not kill me! Because I know too many secrets. If you kill me, all those secrets will be made public by my people! "

Lucas's sinister eyes stay on Shu Yin's face, and his expression is unpredictable: "cherry, do you want to know who killed your parents? Especially your father, who loved you most

The expression on Shu Yin's face has not changed from beginning to end. She said coldly, "do you know?"

"Of course

"Then I don't want to know!"

Lucas frowned: "you don't want to know, do you still suspect that I killed them? I didn't kill your parents at all. You always hate the wrong people! "

When he said these words, Shuyin didn't react at all. She didn't believe it and didn't care.

But Jing Rui and Jing Zhi both look pale. They don't think that Lucas knows about it!

They all look at Shu Yin at the same time, but she even smiles!

"Lucas, don't you think you've been very nice to me all the time? Hate the wrong person? How could it be! I wanted to kill you a long time ago. Unfortunately, my strength is not enough. You are too careful. I don't think I have a chance to do it. It doesn't matter how my parents died. What matters is that I almost died in your handsLucas certainly knew that Shu Yin hated him, but he didn't expect that Shu Yin was so indifferent to his parents!

Didn't she always shout for revenge on her parents?

Why it's changed now!

"It doesn't matter how unjustly your parents died! As their daughter, you should avenge them

Lucas tries his best to encourage Shu Yin to revenge, so that Shu Yin finally detects a trace of abnormality.

If Lucas had really killed her, he would not have encouraged her to take revenge so actively.

Unless someone else killed her parents!

But what does it matter?

All the inhuman torment and pain she suffered was due to her parents. She was not so generous as to forgive them and seek justice for their death.

"Lucas, I hear you and my father are good friends, right?"

Lucas didn't know what Shu Yin meant by this question for a while. He hesitated for a moment and then said, "yes, we've known each other for a long time."

"Since you are a good friend and have known each other for a long time, doesn't he know that you are a scum pervert? I will never forget the day when he delivered me to you

Shu Yin looked at Lucas's shocked face and sneered: "you don't think I really lost my memory? Do you think that if you let me call you adoptive father, I will really treat you as a father? I remember my father

"It turns out that all your amnesia is fake!"

"Yes, the effects of those drugs are so bad that they are useless to me. Do you want me to inject you with my newly developed amnesia drug?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!