Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1146

Mention of their parents, Shu Yin delicate flawless face did not show any sad expression.

As if she was treating two strangers, she said faintly, "I guess it's just that Lucas is the most likely one who killed my parents. As for my parents, in fact, I have never forgotten that the Institute's amnesia drugs are of no use to me

Her tone is a little indifferent. It doesn't sound like a person who has deep feelings for her parents.

Think about it, she and her parents separated too many years, even if there are feelings, I'm afraid also grinding No.

Jing Zhi looks at Shu Yin. The big stone in his heart seems to be less heavy.

He looked at his brother quietly, but saw that he was also looking at Shu Yin. The tenderness and pity in his eyes was something he had never seen before.

Elder brother is a little bit of a pain in her heart!

Hopefully, Shuyin will never know the secret of Shucheng mountain.

Since she thinks Lucas killed her parents, let the misunderstanding go on.

Jingzhi looks natural and pushes the black pot on Lucas's head: "that old bastard, you killed so many people! You can rest assured that he will not be able to run. You can dig his eyeballs for revenge in a moment! "

Shu Yin suddenly laughed and said in a soft voice, "I want to revenge, but I don't want to revenge my parents, but I want to revenge myself. Haven't I always been an orphan? Where are the parents? "

Jing Rui looks at her smile, but her mood is not as relaxed as Jing Zhi.

Before shuchengshan died, he contacted him most.

At the same time, only he knew that shuchengshan was very fond of his only daughter.

The reason why he didn't want to live two more days and chose to commit suicide was not to let Shu Yin get revenge?

How can a father who is willing to give his life for his daughter not love her!

Shu Yin said that she remembered the past, that is, she completely remembered that she was sent to the research institute by shuchengshan, so she hated her parents and was extremely indifferent to them.

Jing Rui has no way to tell her that her father loves her, so he can only watch her desolate and decide that he is an orphan whom no one wants.

He didn't care that Jing Zhi was still nearby. He reached out and held Shuyin's cool hand, and without saying a word, he took her along the long corridor of the hospital.

Shu Yin wants to break free, but finds Jing Rui's grip tighter.

She raises her eyes and looks at Jingrui a little bashfully. She signals him to let go with her eyes. Jingzhi is still watching!

Unexpectedly, Jing Rui said directly: "don't look, you look at me with that kind of eyes again, and I'll kiss you!"

Shuyin's face, brush all of a sudden red!

Just now, because of the knife like pain in my parents' heart, it all disappeared in a moment!

She stomped her feet angrily, but could not shake Jing Rui's hand in any case.

Jingzhi suddenly said coolly, "brother, sister-in-law, can you abuse the dog at home? I've been busy all night before I catch Lucas. Do you want me to be physically and mentally devastated by your show of love in front of me? "

Shu Yin immediately turned to stare at Jingzhi: "don't shout, who is your sister-in-law!"

"Tut Tut, brother, look, they don't recognize you! You have to hold on to it, or the shade of the tree will be snatched away

Jing Rui just wants to say that no one dares to rob him. A handsome and young doctor in a white coat comes up to him.

"Are you Shu yin? Hello, my name is mulson! My father said, "you are the top doctor in the world, please give me more advice!"

His voice is bright and moist, and the whole person is sunny. His white coat not only does not weaken his handsome, but also makes him clean, bright and full of vigor.

This is a man completely different from the two brothers of Jing family!

Shu Yin has never seen such a strong affinity, he clearly just a smile, but let people feel that the whole world is better!

The other party held out his hand to her. Shu Yin knew that he had a pair of long bony hands with clean and neat nails - standard doctor's hands.

Out of politeness, Shu Yin also extended his hand: "Hello, I..."

Before her words are finished, Jing Rui drags her to her back. Mu Sen's hand falls into the air directly, even Shu Yin's fingernails are not touched.

Jing Zhi looks bad at Mu Sen: "boy, I warn you, you'd better stay away from my sister-in-law, or I'll beat you, your mother doesn't know you!"

He didn't know what Mu Wensheng wanted him to do, but it didn't delay him to think that he had a conspiracy.

As soon as he came up, he didn't look at him or Jing Rui. He went straight to Shu Yin. The goal was so obvious!

In the future, Shusen should not forget the treacherous person, especially muyindao! One man is not enough for my brother? "Muzen's face was a little ugly.

Why isn't he something?

The wood family has been a doctor for generations, treating diseases and saving people. It seems that there is no one who is treacherous?

On treachery, no one can compare with Jing family!

Shu Yin doesn't know what's the origin of Mu sen in front of her, but it seems that she doesn't deal with Jing Rui and Jingzhi. She learned about Mu Sen from Mu Wensheng the day before yesterday.

At that time, Mu Wensheng's meaning was very obvious. He wanted her to develop with him.

She felt better to avoid suspicion.

She is a little apologetic toward Mu Sen smile, the first time cleverly stood behind Jing Rui, did not come forward.

She has always had little trust in outsiders.

She only trusts Jing Rui.

Jing Rui is very satisfied with Shu Yin's attitude. He clenches Shu Yin's hand and coldly says to Mu Sen: "this is my woman. If you want to give advice, you can find me. I'll be with you at any time."

Musen's headache is about to collapse!

How can these two brothers be the same as when they were children!

Ruthless, strong, and always united, regardless of whether to hit people!

Conscience of heaven and earth, he has no intention to rob Shu Yin!

Although she is really beautiful and beautiful, but not every man will be moved by the beauty.

"Miss, I don't want to talk about other talents, but I don't mean to admire them

"Bah! My sister-in-law does not need your admiration, where cool where to stay! If you want to learn from me, I can satisfy you and cut you off! "

Jingzhi cuts off Musen impolitely. He is most disgusted with the little white face. He has a good appearance, but his skin is so white, and his teeth are whiter when he smiles. He thinks this is a typical little white face!

Mori Qingjun's face turned pale. If he had not cultivated himself well, he would have cursed now! , the fastest update of the webnovel!