Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1145

Jingzhi takes Lucas's arm off and all his clothes are stripped off to prevent him from hiding virus in his clothes. Then he ties up all his hands and feet, puts them into a ragged bag, ignores the corpse on the ground, and carries him away quickly.

He was excited to find Jing Rui, and then pulled the naked Lucas out of the bag: "brother, you see, I avenge you!"

Lucas was a little conscious and wanted to beg for mercy from Jingzhi, but Jingzhi knocked him unconscious without saying a word.

There is also a cautious side to his character. Even Jing Rui suffered a loss in Lucas' hands. Of course, he did not dare to be careless, so he simply knocked Lucas unconscious.

Of course, Lucas can't last long without him.

Although his body has also been modified by the virus, but still not too strong resistance to bullets, his healing ability is relatively poor.

Jing Rui, who was sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, is suddenly pulled up by Jing Zhi. When he is dressed in loose pajamas, he follows Jingzhi to the yard in anger. When he sees Lucas, he is shocked!

"Who told you to kill him?! You didn't listen to what I said? "

Jingzhi knew that his brother was afraid of his accident. He didn't care and said, "I didn't kill him. I haven't died yet! You see if he can use it, if not, I will give him a happy one

Jingrui is still angry. Jingzhi goes to kill Lucas, but none of the people who are responsible for protecting him find out!

If he knew, he would stop Jing Zhi from taking risks!

"The next time you mess around, I'll send you back to North America!"

Jingzhi curls his mouth, and it's the same move. His brother has already said this sentence rotten! But he has not really ruthlessly sent him away!

He is a bit of a languid leaning on a tree, a black night clothes against him tall and straight, evil charm mysterious.

"Brother, I will not be a drag on you when I grow up."

Jing Rui looks at him faintly: "you never give me hindrance."

"I want to be your strongest arm!"

"You've always been."

Jingzhi smiles: "brother, are you not angry with me?"

Jing Rui looks at Lucas who is lying on the ground and doesn't know his life or death. He looks at Jing Zhi, who shows off his great power like a child. He sighs softly: "you can't be so reckless. I don't want you to have any contact with those people in the virus research Institute."

In the eyes of those people in the Research Institute, Jing Zhi is not a human at all, but a mouse they use to test. They are extremely eager for Jing Zhi's blood. If they have a chance, they will certainly not let him go.

Jingrui finished and waved the cold wind to let him take Lucas down.

"Take him to the hospital and try to save his life!"

Jing Zhi asked excitedly, "brother, is he still useful?"

Otherwise, Jing Rui will not choose to save Lucas' life.

"I think he should know the news from yew. Besides, I'm not sure if he's told me the secret of my blood. He'd better live. It's a pity to die! "

Yew seems to have disappeared out of thin air recently. Jingrui doesn't like this kind of thing out of his control.

According to Yew's character, she can't be silent all the time. Sooner or later she will come to him for revenge.

The cold wind sent Lucas to Mu's Hospital, where doctors gave him emergency treatment.

The attending doctor in charge of the rescue was 19-year-old Musen.

Although he is young, he has been involved in various operations and emergency rescue a long time ago. He is far more experienced than ordinary doctors.

In fact, the hospital has a special medical team to serve Jingjia at any time.

Originally, Musen didn't need to rescue Lucas himself. However, in the past two days, Mu Wensheng has been in the face for countless times and asked him to get closer to Jing Rui. Then And take his girlfriend, Shuyin!

Let's not say that Musen has never seen Shu Yin at all. He doesn't even know whether she is flat or round. Just say that Shuyin is Jing Rui's girlfriend, so he can't move his mind!

He thought his life was too long to pull out the tiger beard!

Rob a woman with Jing Rui? The old man thinks highly of him too!

However, he has no mind for Shu Yin, which does not mean that he has no mind for Shu Yin's talent.

Mu Wensheng has always been a man who is extremely strict with medicine. Even he praises the girl, she must be extraordinary.

A girl younger than him can make her great grandfather and father moved. It can be seen that her professional level has reached the top level in the world.

Such talents, Musen said not curious is deceptive.

In his heart, Jing Rui has always been a legend. Musen has his own self-esteem. In fact, he doesn't have any idea of following Jingrui.

Moreover, because of his sister Mu duo, he always thought that Jing Rui was too cruel. He sent Mu duo to the military academy because of his disagreement. Until now, he did not allow her to return home, which was no different from exile.Muduo was spoiled and spoiled since childhood. When she went to the military academy, she didn't know how much pain she had to eat. She was so distressed by her sister that she couldn't bear to suffer in that kind of place.

Today, he took the initiative to rescue Jing Rui's people. In fact, he still wanted to contact Shu Yin through this opportunity.

However, he did not expect that in the process of rescuing Lucas, there was unexpected joy.

Lucas's heart actually grows on the right side. It's the first time that he has encountered an example since he started the operation.

Lucas looks very thin, but strangely, his vitality is very strong.

Musen knew that this was due to the virus in his body.

In this way, he became more interested in the efficacy of the virus.

Jingrui takes Shuyin and Jingzhi to the hospital the next day. Shuyin learns that Jingzhi has caught Lucas, and her eyes are filled with admiration and gratitude.

Jingzhi is very proud. His brother didn't praise him. Now he is satisfied with Shuyin.

However, his smile in the next sentence of Shu Yin, directly solidified.

"Jingzhi, thank you! I hated Lucas for years, but I couldn't help him. He killed my parents, and now I can avenge them

Jingrui's step is a little bit, and then he returns to normal. There is no change in his look, just like he doesn't hear what Shu Yin is saying.

Jingzhi's psychological quality is not as strong as Jingrui. He looks at Shuyin with a stiff face and smiles reluctantly: "ha ha, thank you! After that, we are all a family. Besides, the old bastard Lucas, I didn't know how much blood he had drawn from me before. Of course, I won't let him go! "

After a while, he was still a little bit careful Remember your parents? That How do you know that Lucas killed your parents

The one who killed Shucheng mountain is the elder brother standing beside Shuyin! , the fastest update of the webnovel!