Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1144

In the dead of the night, everything was quiet.

The place where Lucas lives is neither a luxury hotel nor a luxury villa, but a very ordinary old house.

This is about to be demolished. Most of the residents have already moved away. Some houses have even collapsed because they are out of repair for a long time.

Those who did not move out were either nail farmers or too poor to move.

Lucas lives here and feels very comfortable.

He was not born to enjoy the luxury, and he even hated all the beautiful things.

He likes the dark and messy environment, because only such an environment can give him a unique sense of security.

Moreover, he only likes to live in the basement, not in the high-rise, so that he can avoid being killed by killers.

Lucas has caught a lot of people in order to do the experiment, including the elderly and children, and even some pregnant women.

Such a move will undoubtedly attract many enemies. Many people will hunt him down all over the world. Of course, he must live in the safest place.

Only, tonight, he has been restless, always feel around a pair of cold eyes staring at himself!

This time he lived in a semi basement utility room, half of the windows were out of the ground, but the windows were closed, and Lucas covered them with a rag.

The old houses are full of yin and humidity. Especially in the basement where sundries are stored, not only is the air not in circulation, but also because a lot of moldy potatoes, taros and other things are shelved, they emit a stench.

Lucas used to test the virus himself, which led to some abnormal smell. He was not very sensitive to all kinds of flavors, so the stench did not bother him.

Those bodyguards who are in charge of protecting him are miserable. Their noses are easy to use. In this environment, they can hardly stay!

Moreover, they have protected Lucas for a long time. Apart from his own efforts to provoke Jing Rui and Shu Yin, there is no one here to find fault.

The bodyguards can't help but slack off, they are very afraid of Lucas, but also very hate him.

If Lucas hadn't died, they would have lost a lot of money. They all wanted to kill Lucas!

Jingzhi is lurking in the thick darkness, waiting patiently.

In ordinary life, he is easy to be impulsive, and he is definitely impatient, but every time he does a task, he will be like a changed person.

Patient, meticulous, calm, rational, he can be motionless in the harsh environment, dry wait for dozens of hours!

He is a brilliant killer!

Unless you don't shoot, you're going to die!

Darkness, gave him the most perfect cover, around the pungent smell of decay, can also be a good cover up his body breath.

He is like a dark ghost, lurking in the corner, silent, waiting for prey to appear.

Lucas has been attacked and killed countless times, and his life is recovered from countless life and death struggles.

Although he can't see Jing Zhi, he can feel that he is being watched!

There is a fine line between genius and madman. Lucas is a madman, but to some extent, he is also a genius.

He had an instinctive sense of danger, and he believed in this mysterious perception.

In fact, he has been worried that Jing Rui will send someone to revenge himself. His virus has invaded Jingrui's body. Even if Shuyin can crack it, it will certainly make Jingrui suffer a lot.

In city a, if someone wants to kill him, it should be Jing Rui and Shu Yin. Other people, he hasn't been provoked yet.

Lucas wanted to call the bodyguards to come in to protect himself, but before he could speak, the whole earth suddenly trembled, and then there was a loud noise, and the whole building he lived in collapsed!

He subconsciously ran to the half window that exposed the ground. The rag that had blocked the window had just been removed. A bullet cut through the dark night sky, tearing the thin air, and breaking the crumbling glass with a piercing sound.

Lucas's eyes widened in horror, watching the bullet drop into his chest!

He screamed and fell, and the bodyguards had rushed to protect him.

Lucas can't imagine shooting at each other in the dark, but they can't see anything in the dark.

The air was filled with a chill breath, and no one knew whether the other party was leaving or who the next ghost was.

All of them squatted cautiously, clinging to the wall, and minimizing exposure as much as possible.

"Help Come on Take me to the hospital... "

Lucas spat out a few words intermittently, and spat out blood in his mouth.

He had been on the brink of death many times in his life, but never before had he been so frightened.Quilt bullet through the chest, he felt his life in the rapid passage!

"No, Lucas will be dead if it goes on like this! Maybe it's time to get to the hospital now! We can't sit around like this and rush out! "

As Lucas's bodyguards, they all received a high reward. Despite the danger, they had to save Lucas' life first.

Some of them are still around Lucas. Some of them have begun to walk out of the basement and try to break through.

However, all their efforts were in vain.

Jing Zhiyin is in the dark, the sniper gun in his hand seems to have a soul, with his heart, tracking every target.

He looked cold and murderous, as if death came to the world, harvesting life every second.

In the dead and silent night, the sound of guns, bodyguards one by one fell down.

The door of the basement is kicked open, and Jingzhi's tall figure appears in Lucas' blurred sight.


Lucas just said a word weakly, and Jingzhi stepped on it.

With a crack, Lucas's sternum was crushed by Jingzhi.

In the dead basement, the sound of broken bones is very clear.

"Lucas, you're not dead! Is it because I'm a backward shooter

Jingzhi tore Lucas's clothes, looked at the location of the bullet he had shot in, touched his chest again, and suddenly said in surprise, "Oh, your heart is on the right! No wonder it's not dead! "

Lucas was in great pain and couldn't say a word.

His heart did grow on the right, so he escaped the fatal blow.

But even so, if you don't go to the hospital immediately to get the bullet, he will die of bleeding! , the fastest update of the webnovel!