Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1141

Who's hungry?!

This word is too much, Shu Yin blushes.

She had only bitten him once, then relaxed her mouth, listened to him finish, and then bit him with anger, and her mouth was much heavier.

Jingrui pinched her chin and said softly, "don't you know the virus in my body? How dare you bite? I'm willing to let you bite, but when we find a way to restrain it, you can bite again, or I won't rest assured. "

He was so gentle that she couldn't bear to bite him again.

She let go of her teeth and licked his neck.

Jingrui is shocked all over, her eyes are deeper, and her voice is more deep: "Yin Yin, you are playing with fire!"

Shu Yin's face is scarlet. She feels that she must have been bewitched by Jing Rui. Otherwise, how could she do such a thing!

She stretched out her hand and pushed Jingrui out: "I'm going to get up. Don't be here. Go back to your ward and lie down."

Just seduced him, actually in a twinkling of an eye to let him go?

How could it be so easy!

He easily stopped Shu Yin pushing his hand, the whole person pressed down: "I just said, you can also ask for a reward."

Shu Yin only feels the breath of Jing Rui, which immediately occupies the air around her. The breath is full of the light fresh breath of Jing Rui.

He always smells good all the time. Shuyin is a little infatuated with him.

The breath between the lips and the deep breath, only a deep emotion.

She and Jing Rui ten fingers clasp, heaven and earth as if only two of them.

"Kiss me, then."

Shuyin's voice is soft and her eyes are tender, which is quite different from her usually cold.

Jing Rui lowered his head and gently kissed her, raised his head and stroked her delicate and smooth face and said, "this is not a reward. It's not a reward. It's a reward for me."

Shu Yin's eyes are a little unclear. How could she kiss so lightly today?

She asked him to kiss, and he really only had one kiss!

"I don't want your reward!" she whispered

Jing Rui falls on Shu Yin's body and can't help laughing.

"Yin Yin, you look like you are dissatisfied with desire. You wait, wait for me, I'll give you whatever you want. "

Shu Yin is thin skinned, and she and Jing Rui just hold hands and kiss each other. They don't do anything deeper. Jingrui says this, and she feels that her face is going to burn up.

She pushed Jingrui away, got up quickly from the bed, lowered her head and hurried to the bathroom in the ward: "keep the reward first, and I'll ask you for it when I think about it!"

Jing Rui lies directly in the place where Shu Yin used to lie and says with a smile, "OK, keep it for you!"

The layout of the superior ward in Mu's hospital is arranged according to the standard of five-star hotel.

The bed is very big and soft. When Jingrui lies on the bed, he can feel the body temperature of Shuyin and smell the faint fragrance belonging to her.

He suddenly doesn't want to live in the hospital. He wants to take Shuyin home!

After lying for a while, he got up and got out of bed. He opened the bathroom door and walked in.

Shu Yin is washing his face. Seeing Jing Rui come in, he looks at him with some doubts: "what are you doing in here?"

Jing Rui hugged her from the back and said faintly, "nothing. I don't feel comfortable lying in bed with you."

Although Shu Yin likes his intimacy, but

"If you hold me like this, I can't wash."

Jing Rui is indifferent, still holding Shu Yin's waist, and doesn't let her go at all.

Shu Yin looks at the mirror, two people close together, feel helpless and sweet, she does not push away Jing Rui, just red ears, low head, continue to wash face and brush teeth.

Her own mind is very clear, she and Jing Rui now look like, is the ordinary couple in love when the appearance.

Intimate, separated a minute will miss.

She doesn't know how long this feeling of love can last. She just wants to be able to be happy with Jingrui forever.

She washed, face with crystal beads, just wanted to take a towel to wipe her face, but the towel was taken by the big hand behind her.

Jingrui loosens Shuyin's waist, turns her around, faces himself, and wipes her face with a brand-new white towel.

His movements were gentle, as if he were afraid of hurting her.

Her skin is as white as jade, her eyelashes are long, her eyes are clear and beautiful, and after a long time, she has an amazing feeling.

Jing Rui gently glides over Shu Yin's delicate face and says in a low voice, "Yinyin, have I ever said you are beautiful?"

He said it.

Shu Yin remembers clearly, but also secretly happy for a long time.

But she deliberately said, "no!"

Jingrui knows that she is intentional, but he dotes on her smile, looks at her beautiful eyes, and says: "you are very beautiful!"Shuyin was happy in his heart, patted Jingrui's chest with a soft, boneless hand, and said, "well, this proves that you have a good eye!"

Jing Rui suddenly smiles. How can he boast himself so much!

He subconsciously wanted to hold Shu Yin horizontally, but he tried it once and failed!

On the contrary, two people almost fell in the bathroom!

Jing Rui looks a little ugly. He didn't expect that he was so weak that he couldn't even hold Shuyin up!

Shu Yin but giggle straight, for a while Kung Fu laugh even waist straight up.

"Little ruiruirui, you should listen to me in the future. Oh, Lucas virus makes you so vulnerable. If you make me angry in the future, I can also turn you into a little girl!"

Jingrui doesn't like the two words Xiaorui and xiaoxiaoxiaoguai!

The first one was his address before he was three years old, and the last one sounded like a dog!

The feeling of losing strength is a little bad. Jingrui wants to recover his vitality immediately, so Shuyin can't be arrogant.

However, soon, Jing Rui felt a series of benefits brought by his weakness!

"I'm weak and weak. You feed me to eat!"

Shuyin really picked up the spoon to feed him to eat, and after feeding, he also picked up a soft napkin to wipe the corners of his lips.

Jingrui doesn't need to move anything. He just needs to lie on the bed comfortably and let Shuyin take care of himself.

He had already had breakfast, but he had another meal with Shuyin.

"Voice, I'm a little out of breath. I may need artificial respiration!"

"Is it enough to kiss the water?" he asked

"Not enough!"

"Oh, then you wait for me a moment."

"Where are you going?"

"Go to get you an oxygen mask!" she said with a smile

Jing Rui grabbed her hand and said without changing her face: "I'm breathing more smoothly now, but my chest hurts. Please help me rub it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!