Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1140

Seeing that it is Jing Rui, she is obviously relieved.

"How did you get here? Are you well? "

Jing Rui sits down beside her, takes her hand out of the quilt, clenches it in the palm of his hand, and whispers, "I'm ok. Wake you up. I'll be lighter next time. "

In fact, his steps and movements were light.

He just didn't think that Shu Yin was so sensitive and alert.

This is not the alertness of an ordinary girl.

From her little reaction, we can see that she has been sleeping with a high degree of alertness for so many years.

Such a soothing sound is heartbreaking.

Jing Rui deeply doubts that even if Shucheng mountain is not dead, he would like to kill him!

He would send Shuyin to that place! And entrusted her to Lucas, that pervert, and made him the adoptive father of Shuyin!

Damn it!

The only thing he's glad about is that Shuyin is smart enough and independent enough to protect himself well.

For a girl, there is no body left!

Thanks to Lucas's love of viruses, his homosexuality and his lack of interest in women, Shuyin may not live to this day.

Perhaps, shuchengshan dared to give Shuyin to Lucas at the beginning because he knew that Lucas liked men and viruses, and could not do anything to Shuyin.

His character is distorted. Shuchengshan and he are good friends. It's impossible to be unaware.

Although shuchengshan later regretted his behavior and could not do anything to save Shu Yin, his mistake was irreparable.

Jing Rui gently put Shu Yin's long hair behind his ears and said in a low voice, "you worked hard yesterday. Yinyin, you saved me!"

His action is too gentle, his fingertips touch Shu Yin's ears, let her heart gently tremble.

Think of yesterday, Shuyin to now or fear and panic.

No one knows how much pressure she's under.

Jingrui is so stiff lying there. She actually wants to cry in his arms, but she knows she can't cry!

Here, no one knows Lucas better than she does, and no one knows more about the principle of the virus and how to crack it.

She needs to be more calm and rational than anyone else!

Because she's the only one who can crack Lucas.

She held Jingrui's hand tightly and said seriously: "I have limited ability and can't crack all the viruses. So, you must be careful in the future. Promise me, OK?"

Almost lost the feeling of Jing Rui, heartrending, helpless and painful, she didn't want to experience it again!

She finally understood why there are many doctors with excellent medical skills, but when they operate on their closest people, they are easy to fail!

Sometimes, too much care about a person, will lose the normal heart.

Jing Rui feels Shu Yin's tension to himself, and his heart is warm.

He put Shu Yin's hand on his face and said in a soft voice, "OK, I promise you, I will be careful in the future."

Shu Yin's hand touches Jing Rui's face, and can't help but caress the outline of his face.

I don't know if it's her illusion. She always thinks that just one day and one night, Jingrui seems to be getting thinner.

She was a little distressed, some self reproach way: "all blame me, but for me, Lucas would not have hurt you!"

Jingrui likes Shuyin's touch, which makes him feel loved.

With a faint smile, he said, "it's none of your business. I'll meet Lucas sooner or later. And He has already said that this is a virus specially aimed at ah Zhi. I tried it for him first. When he encounters it again, it will not be as dangerous as me. "

In the past, Jing Rui protected Jing Zhi everywhere. Shu Yin didn't feel much about him. He just felt that he was a good brother with responsibility.

But now, she is not happy.

In her heart, no one else can compare with Jing Rui.

She cares more and more about Jing Rui and doesn't want him to take risks for others.

"You should see yourself more important than your own life. Are you going to spend time with him

Shuyin's voice is stuffy and sour, and Jingrui laughs.

Shuyin will eat Jingzhi's Vinegar one day!

He couldn't help but lower his head and kiss Shuyin's forehead: "fool, he's my brother. You'll be my wife in the future. It's different. If you don't like him, I'll throw him to North America! "

Shu Yin was kiss red face, hear him say "wife" two words, even heart beat all of a sudden acceleration.

What's more, he wants to send Jing Zhi to North America?

Shuyin smiles a little sweetly.

In fact, she has always known that Jingrui and Jingzhi brothers have a good relationship, and she never thought of driving Jingzhi away.At the beginning, Jing Zhi's life in the Research Institute was more painful and miserable than that of her.

She said sour words for a moment, but also just heartache Jingrui, afraid that he regardless of his own safety, for Jingzhi desperately.

Jingrui's breath is right beside her. You can see him in his eyes. Shuyin's eyebrows and eyes are soft, and he says in a soft voice: "no, I think Jingzhi also likes city A. don't drive him away. You are just his brother. You'd better gather in a city in the future. If you miss him, you can meet him."

Think of Jingzhi?

Jing Rui looks cold. He won't think of that troublemaker!

Jingzhi is now second only to Jingxi!

He smashed a bar, destroyed two sports cars, and pulled off a door of a taxi. He left Xiao Yue and his right hand Zheng yuluo. He took this one to the hospital, spent a lot of medical expenses, and then sent that one to school. He bought a lot of roses and sent them by express delivery!

Yesterday, he had just checked Jingzhi's credit card, and the bill had been owed more than 50000!

As for the money in the savings card, there is no more left!

Jingrui gets angry when he thinks about it. He holds Shu Yin's face and says in a low voice: "I don't want him. Let him live and die on his own."! I just want you. "

Shu Yin doesn't know if Jing Rui is making her happy, or is she really angry with Jing Zhi. She knows that Jing Zhi has been making trouble for the past two days.

But no matter what kind of reason, Jing Rui said that miss her, her heart is still filled with boundless happiness.

Her face was held in the palm of his hand, and she felt deeply loved.

Never before this kind of feeling, the heartbeat is about to exceed her limit.

Jingrui lowers his head and approaches Shuyin's lips. Shuyin thinks he wants to kiss himself, so he closes his eyes gently.

But after waiting for a long time, she did not kiss down. She opened her eyes in doubt, but saw Jingrui's bantering smile.

She bit him angrily, but Jing Rui just smiles: "darling, don't bite. You want me to kiss you so eagerly. I'll satisfy you in a moment. But before that, you can ask for a reward , the fastest update of the webnovel!