Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1142

Shuyin sits back again, pressing his hand to Jingrui's chest, not light or heavy.

Her hands are very soft, the strength is very suitable, press very comfortable, she also exudes a delicate fragrance, beautiful appearance, watching her massage himself, Jingrui thinks this is the ultimate enjoyment!

It's worth the virus this time!

Otherwise, how could Shu Yin treat him so well!

Shu Yin is also really distressed by his suffering. She is very clear that although most of the viruses have been eliminated, they have also greatly damaged Jingrui's vitality. Moreover, some of them remain in his body and need to slowly kill the virus through his own immunity.

He was able to get out of bed early this morning to find her, and she already felt it was a miracle.

She thought that Jing Rui would stay in bed for at least three or five days.

However, Jing Rui takes an inch to push forward, Shu Yin's bad heart pinches the sensitive part in front of his chest!

A puff of crispy hemp spreads all over the body in an instant along the small red beans on his chest. The pain and crispy hemp interweave together. Jingrui snorts and immediately presses Shu Yin's weird hand.

"Yinyin, do you think I'm weak now and can't punish you, so you're challenging my endurance?"

His eyes are a little dangerous. Shu Yin is not sure how much strength he has. She immediately smiles and says, "Oh, I made a mistake just now. I'll start again!"

"No need to come back. It's uncomfortable to live here. I decided to go home and get sick. As for you I can't take care of myself. I need someone to take care of me. You can go and live with me

"You have servants and chefs there. Don't you need me?"

"I need you!"

Jingrui gets up and sits up. He pulls Shuyin to his side and sticks it tightly with her body. Feeling her beautiful figure, he whispers, "listen, Yinyin, I really need you. I am like this, are you afraid that I will eat you? If you want to eat you, at least wait for my body to recover, or you will question my ability

Shu Yin leans in his arms, listening to his deep sexy voice, feeling his warm breath and powerful heartbeat, which makes him dizzy.

Her resistance to him has become worse and worse, especially when she is held in his arms, she will always obey his words subconsciously. She seems to have completely become a girl in love and only listen to her inner feelings.

Yesterday, Shu Yin didn't have a chance to get close to Jing Rui, because there were too many people around him, and jingyichen was so powerful that everyone had to give up.

She is absolutely not so thick skinned, in front of jingyichen to embrace Jing Rui.

Today she can finally hold him. She is a little reluctant to leave.

Jing Rui can also feel Shu Yin's attachment to himself. Although he didn't wait for Shu Yin's answer, he knew that Shuyin would not refuse him today.

Two people nestled together, the door of the ward was suddenly opened, and Jing Zhi rushed in: "brother, how are you doing? I'll help you... "

He did not finish his words, see two people holding together on the bed, the words behind the hard swallow back.

"Er That Am I here at the wrong time? "

Shu Yin didn't expect someone to come in. She was startled. She immediately came out of Jing Rui's arms with a red face and sat on the chair beside her.

The bosom becomes empty, the soft feeling disappears, and Jingrui's pretty eyebrows wrinkle tightly.

"Why are you here? Isn't it a negotiation with the people in the bar today? "

"I'm worried about you!"

Jingzhi doesn't care whether he has broken his brother's good deeds. He goes up and down Jing Rui in two or three steps and looks him up and down. He glares at him and says, "brother, where are you hurt? I heard the cold wind say you are in hospital, who beat you? Tell me, I'll kill him

Jing Rui didn't deliberately hide the virus, but he didn't tell Jingzhi.

He was afraid that Jing Zhi would lose his composure when he saw himself lying half dead in the hospital bed. He would go to Lucas for settlement.

One second, Jing Rui dislikes Jing Zhi as an eyesore, disturbing his and Shuyin's world. The next second, he feels warm because of his brother's concern.

Looking at Jing Zhi's anxious appearance, there is a layer of fine sweat on his forehead. Obviously, he came to the hospital as soon as he got the news.

"It's Lucas."

Jing Rui will not hide this from Jing Zhi. Although he is impulsive, he has enough self-protection ability. He is not a child. He has the right to know everything and the danger they are facing.


Jingzhi looked cold and angry in an instant: "how did that madman come to a city? Shu Yin and I were tortured by him! Did he inject you with the virus? I'll go and kill him

He said, turning to leave.

With his character, even if he knows there is danger, he will sacrifice himself as long as he can protect Jing Rui.

He hated being touched by his brother!Jingrui said coldly, "come back! You don't even know the basic information. Are you going to die? "

Jingzhi suppressed his anger and came back: "he can't beat me, I can kill him! His viruses are useless to me! "

"He's developed a new type of virus that specifically suppresses you! Why else would I lie in the hospital? "

"No way! The research institute has studied for so long, but there is no particularly effective one. A special powerful anesthetic has been produced. Any other drugs and viruses are useless to me! "

Jingzhi doesn't believe it. He has formed a kind of blind self-confidence about the virus in his body.

Jingrui is not!

Over the years, the two brothers rely on the virus in their bodies, once again and again involved in danger, but each time they can retreat.

Their physical fitness, immunity and resilience are almost invincible. From small to large, they hardly get sick. Even bullets can't help them. For a long time, both of them have disdained other viruses.

"Lucas himself said he had been working on it for six years to fight the virus in your body. However, the concentration of our two viruses is not the same, which is useful to me, but may not be useful to you. "

Jingrui's voice is a little cold. He has asked Shuyin to extract part of the virus from his blood, so he can take Jingzhi's blood for a test.

It will soon be known whether this virus is useful to Jingzhi.

Jingzhi is still in a state of exasperation and disbelief. He thinks his brother is invincible. How can someone hurt him!

Shu Yin was shocked to see Jingzhi. After thinking about it, she still said: "in fact, I have developed a related virus and can restrain you, but the effect may not be as powerful as Lucas's."

Jingrui and Jingzhi turn their heads to look at her at the same time and say with one voice: "do you have it too?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!