Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1139

Cold wind will not disobey Jing Rui's orders at critical moments, but he still has his own ideas at non critical moments, especially when he is more casual in private.

Now, for example.

He insists on feeding Jingrui.

"Boss, don't try to be brave. Now your body is the most important thing. You can lie down and I can feed you. No one here can see it. I only know it! Don't worry, I won't tell Shu Yin. She's asleep and won't know! "

What a mess!

Why can't Shu Yin know?

What's the matter with him? Don't let Shu Yin know!

If Jing Rui doesn't have the strength to hit people now, he must beat the cold wind into a pig's head!

His eyes were black with anger!

He would rather starve to death than let the cold wind feed him to eat!

What kind of man did he find? How did his IQ fluctuate!

Usually looking at a very smart person, now the brain in the water?!

"Get out of here, I don't need you here!"

"Don't do it. You are in the weakest time. I asked the chef to cook you Cordyceps duck soup, which can replenish qi and blood, as well as medlar and red date cake..."

Before the cold wind finished, he was interrupted by Jing Rui's black face: "take it, I don't drink it!"

That what Cordyceps old duck soup, that is tonifying qi and blood?!

That's for invigorating the Yang and tonifying the kidney!

This is to kill him!

That what medlar red date cake, that is not a woman to eat it?!

No culture is terrible!

In the future, it seems that we can't just choose the strong and strong to fight, but we should choose those who have brains and culture!

I can't do it. I should send it to have some cultural lessons!

"Boss, you can't hide your diseases and avoid doctors. Before, in order to test the virus in the blood, you took out a lot of your blood. You need to replenish your blood! Come on, drink this bowl of soup first, the chef said, this soup will be very good for your health, and it is also added with... "

Jingrui's ears are buzzing!

In the future, I have to add one more: crisp and silent!

You can't ask for any of this kind of wordy words!

In this regard, Gao ya, who is responsible for protecting Shu Yin, does a good job. He talks little, does not grind, and works efficiently. The most important thing is that he is very obedient!

Jing Rui is thinking, Gao Ya pushes the door and enters.

He is tall and thin, with white skin and beautiful facial features. Fortunately, he has a kind of heroic spirit in his temperament, which weakens his soft sense of facial features.

However, he likes to pretend to be poor, and his eyes are most innocent.

People who don't know him are easy to be cheated by his first impression. They can't imagine that there is a huge explosive force hidden in his seemingly thin body!

He just looked thin, and his muscles were no less than those of the cold wind.

However, he is six years younger than the cold wind. This year, he is as old as Jing Rui, only 20 years old.

"Boss, Shuyin has eaten and is already asleep. I'd better come here to protect you?"

Jingrui frowns and feels that Gao Ya is obedient. How can he be infected by the cold wind for a while?

"No, you'd better protect Shuyin!"

Gao Ya's delicate face showed a kind of aggrieved look: "boss, don't you like me?"

He was originally a pair of innocent children's face, it seems that some simple do not understand the world, a doodle mouth grievance, it seems more innocent!

Jing Rui has been driven crazy by these two men!

What kind of curse have these two today!

He forced his body up and sat up from the bed. His face was gloomy and it was going to rain: "when did I like you?"?! You also give me the hell, go to Shuyin there, and run around again, and send you to Africa to mine with the cold wind! "

Gao Ya has been following Jingrui for only four years, far less than the cold wind, so he doesn't dare to fight against Jingrui.

He whispered, "I I'm just worried about you. You scared us all today... "

Cold wind and Gao Ya are on the same front, and he immediately agrees: "yes, boss, we can't do without you! So, drink this bowl of soup as soon as you can. It will not be good to drink if it is cold for a while. "

Jing Rui can't bear it. He takes up a pillow and smashes it in the cold wind: "disappear from my eyes right now. I don't want to see you two again! Go away

Cold wind martial arts is not practiced in vain. He reached out very quickly and had excellent reaction. Unexpectedly, he avoided the pillow at such a close distance, and the soup in the bowl did not spill at all.

However, seeing Jing Rui get angry, he still runs away with Gao ya.

So good soup, Jing Rui refused to drink. The cold wind thought it could give Gao ya a tonic body, and then handed it to Gao ya.

I can't be moved by your eyesThe cold wind patted him on the shoulder: "it's needless to say, we are all good brothers! You are also infected with the virus today. Although it will be solved soon, you still need more rest! "

Gao Ya nodded, looked up and drank a bowl of Cordyceps duck soup.

And then Then Gao Ya soon had a wonderful spring dream!

When he woke up, he felt alive and vigorous, but his impulse seemed to be stronger in some aspects.

He sighed in his heart, the cold wind is really good for him, and he still cares about his life in that respect!


Isn't this soup for Jing Rui?

Is it that the boss something the matter?

Jingrui doesn't know that he is trapped by the cold wind again. He is a very strong man, and he doesn't want to let others feed him to eat unless he is Shu Yin.

Although he was weak, he could barely support himself to eat.

And he has been infusion, physical strength is gradually recovering, perception is all back.

His body's virus adaptability is very strong, resilience is also very good, by the next morning, he was able to walk freely.

Early in the morning to see the cold wind to deliver breakfast, but he still did not have a good face.

When he simply ate and went to the ward where Shu Yin was, he still didn't have a good face when he saw Gao Ya guarding outside with people.

Now he knows that Gao Ya has been damaged by the cold wind!

At ordinary times, he looks innocent and innocent, but in fact, his face is so deceptive!

Gao ya, who is fresh and pure, may be a disguise expert who is even worse than the cold wind!

Jingrui ignores the two gallant men and enters Shuyin's room. He closes the door immediately and isolates the cold wind and Gao Ya outside.

Seeing Shu Yin's beautiful face lying on the bed, he felt much more comfortable!

Shuyin is very alert to sleep, which is a habit developed in the Research Institute for many years.

As soon as Jing Rui comes to her side, she opens her eyes before touching her face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!