Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1138

The ego as like as two peas is almost the same.

Shu Yin's temperament, appearance, temperament and talent are impeccable and sensible. Moreover, Jingrui and she are not the first day to know each other. They have known each other for a long time, so that they can go further in the future.

"When you have time, take Shuyin home and have dinner together. Your mother will be very happy."

Jingrui suddenly laughs. His father is the same as before. Only when he comes across something related to his mother, can he be more attentive.

If it was himself, according to his indifferent character, he had met Shu Yin this time, and he would not invite Shu Yin to eat at home.

He let Shu Yin go home as a guest, completely to coax Shangguan Ning happy!

It's rare for a wife to be spoiled in this way!

"I'm sure I'll take her to our house, but she may be scared by you today. If she doesn't go, you can explain to my mother yourself. You can't rely on me."

Jing Yichen was worried: "how did I scare her? You can't talk nonsense. If your mother knows about it, she won't be happy! "

Shangguan Ning has always been happy about her son's love affair. She has been worrying about whether Jing Rui will be too cold and will not fall in love. She is also worried that he is cruel. Girls dare not like him any more.

If she knew Shu Yin didn't want to go to their house because she was afraid of him, she would make trouble with him again.

Jingrui can't stand his father's strong momentum to oppress himself. He can only smile and say, "OK, OK, OK, I won't tell my mother. I'll take her home sometime, but you can't scare her any more."

Jing Yichen thinks he is really wronged. He likes Shu Yin very much. He treats her as his daughter-in-law. He doesn't even mean to frighten her at all!

How can I get to my son and become his frightening Shuyin?

My son is too protective to Shuyin!

This hasn't been formally together yet. After that, he will be married. As a father, he won't have any status!

They all said that he had forgotten his mother when he had his daughter-in-law and forgotten his father!

However, looking at his son's pale face and powerless appearance, jingyichen still loves him.

"Take care of yourself. I'll deal with Lucas first. He's been active in a city for many days. He can't be so arrogant."

If you change a person, even if the other party is a top killer, Jing Rui will not hesitate to give the person to his father to deal with.

But Lucas can't!

This man is too dangerous, he himself is not careful in the move, can't let jingyichen take risks.

His virus is too vicious and hard to resist. Unlike bullets, it takes a lot of energy and time to prepare the medicine after it invades the body.

Jing Rui would rather take the risk himself.

"No, I'll take care of this man myself, Dad. Leave him to me!"

Jing Yichen finally showed a faint smile on her face: "my son has grown up!"

He knew that he was responsible, he knew to leave the danger to himself, and knew to protect his father.

Jing Yichen went to the window, facing the lights outside the window, the whole person was a little high spirited, tall and majestic, like a tall and luxuriant tree.

With his back to Jing Rui, he said in a cello like voice: "there is a successor in the Jing family. I can safely hand over the Jingsheng group to you! Ten days later, I will hold a shareholders' meeting of Jingsheng group. You should remember to attend. "

Jing Rui is a little surprised: "can it be too fast?"

The original plan was to let him take over Jingsheng next year. Before that, he could get familiar with it slowly, and he could have a love affair in his spare time.

Taking over now means that he will soon become the new president of Jingsheng group, and the whole huge business empire will be directly controlled by him. It can be imagined that he will become very busy.

Jing Yichen turned his head and put his hands in the pockets of his suit pants. With a faint conceit and calm on his cold face, he said, "no, my son, he has already had the ability to control Jingsheng."

"Jingsheng, give it to me. What about you?"


Jingyichen gently smile, look all become a little gentle: "I accompany your mother, go to pick fruit, go fishing, go around the world. She has been thinking about our island abroad. The wild seeds on the island are also ripe, and the seafood is the most delicious time. I will take her to eat. "

Thinking of his wife's beautiful face and graceful posture, jingyichen doesn't even want her son.

"Lie on your own. Remember to attend the shareholders' meeting in ten days' time. I'll go back to accompany your mother!"

He said, not even a second to go out.

Jingrui was still bemoaning his father's doting and gentleness to his mother. When jingyichen was about to leave, he suddenly realized a problem!

"Dad, you and my mother went out to see the world. What about my sister?"

Jingyi Chen did not return to the way: "of course, it belongs to you! Is it hard for me to go on holiday with your mother and bring a little witch? "Jingrui's scalp is numb and immediately shouts: "I don't want Jingsheng! I want to take Shuyin back to North America! "

"I'm sorry, son, you're late! Jingsheng has 50% equity transferred to your name! You and Shuyin will stay in a city

Jingrui looks at jingyichen's tall and straight figure, which disappears from his sight, and suddenly feels that the future days will be very gray and incomparable!

Let him take over Jingsheng group, let him take over with Jingxi. This is his life!

Ginger is still old and hot!

He unconsciously was Jingyi chenkeng again!

Jingrui suddenly wants to follow his father's example. He has been running for ten years and eight years, and will come back to take over Jingsheng group after he is 30 years old.

Unfortunately, he has been running for eight years, and another ten years. I'm afraid jingyichen will catch him even if he searches the ends of the earth!

Jing Rui is lying in bed and can't help feeling a little upset. It's not a happy thing to have a strong father!

As soon as the cold wind came in from the outside, he saw his boss's sad face.

He is a little funny. Jing Rui usually looks mature and sophisticated. I don't know that he is in his thirties. Only in front of jingyichen, can he be a little childish.

Now he looks like a 20-year-old youth. He has an expression. Even if he lies in bed, he is still full of vitality and youth.

"Boss, it's time for you to eat!"

The cold wind puts several dishes packed in lunch boxes on the ward table, which the chef specially makes for Jingrui.

He opened several lunch boxes, took a bowl of rice, and then sandwiched the dishes. He had to feed Jingrui to eat by himself.

Jing Rui sees the dish that delivers to the lip side, facial expression is black directly come down!

"Go away! I don't have a broken arm. Move the table over and I'll eat it myself! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!