Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1137

"This is my great grandson's daughter-in-law! Ha ha ha, great, family

Mu Qing kindly reminded the old man: "grandfather, your grandson and great grandson are surnamed mu, and Musen has not talked about his girlfriend yet!"

Mu Wensheng turned his head and glared at him: "I want you to take care of it! What's your last name? I don't know?! However, this girl looks good to me, let's let Arsene grab it! Anyway Xiaoruirui doesn't have to live for a few days

If Jing Rui hadn't been stiff and unable to move, he would have jumped up and got angry!

"Master, are you here to save me, or do you want to piss me off? Dad, you send the old man away. If you don't leave, I don't have to wait for tomorrow. I'll die today! And even girlfriends will be robbed! "

Jingrui has made up his mind, and when he is ready, he will immediately beat Musen into a pig's head!

Poor wood Sen, did not appear at all, unknowingly to Jing Rui to offend!

Mu Wensheng soon forgot to let Mu Sen grab Shu Yin. He and Mu Qing both devoted themselves to the experiment, just like Shu Yin.

Shu Yin was only temporarily shocked by the two assistants who suddenly came out. She had a great grasp of the results of the experiment, and she needed help. The two strangers came at the right time!

Although Mu Wensheng has profound knowledge and experience in killing all doctors, he is old after all, and his physical strength and energy are declining. It is Mu Qing who is mainly responsible for cooperating with Shu Yin.

In the field of virus research, Mu Qing and Mu Wensheng are far behind Shu Yin. Many of her unique insights and ways of decomposing the virus have made them refreshing.

Just a moment later, they both have confirmed that Shuyin must be from the virus research institute!

There is no place to cultivate such a young virus genius!

Mu Wensheng touched his white beard and said to Shu Yin, "little girl, how about I find an apprentice for you?"

Shu Yin was busy originally, smell speech blankly head up: "ah?"

"You've almost cracked the virus. Jingrui can't die. Listen to me about my apprentice first!"

Shu Yin did not know, so she was still anxious to do research, and said directly, "grandfather, I don't accept apprentices!"

"You girl, don't refuse so soon! I tell you, I have a great grandson who is very handsome and smart. He is a very gifted doctor and has a certain foundation for virus research. How about letting him follow you

Shu Yin has not uttered a word, lying on the bed of Jing Rui immediately said: "not good!"

Wood asks angry blow beard to stare: "I talk to little girl child, what mouth do you put in! I'll find her an apprentice to be her assistant. I can run errands and do chores for her at her command. What a wonderful thing

Shu Yin felt that the old man was a little abnormal. She carefully kept away from muwensheng and continued to prepare the medicine.

Jing Rui said rudely: "my woman does not lack assistants. You should be a doctor at home! If he dares to come, I'm sure I'll give him a beating. If he's ruined, don't settle with me then! "

He can't bear to think of anything else, even if he dares to make Shuyin's idea!

Mu Wensheng simply takes the stool and sits in front of Jing Rui, arguing with him.

He wanted to beat Jing Rui by virtue of his high seniority. Unfortunately, jingtianyuan came soon. When he heard that Mu Wensheng wanted to rob his great grandson's daughter-in-law, he immediately quit!

"Wood, you don't want to face! Can't you get a daughter-in-law? Why do you want to rob our Jing family? "

"Who robbed it? It's fair competition! Maybe the little girl has a good eye and takes a fancy to us, Arsene

"Fart! Our ruiruirui is the most handsome in the whole earth. Your Musen is from Mars. It looks so abstract. How can we compare with ruiruirui! "


Mu Qing saw that the two old men over 200 years old were arguing endlessly there. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. He could only regard it as invisible and continued to dispense medicine with Shuyin.

"It's OK, it's OK. Let's continue. The two old men have been bickering all their lives. If they don't fight, they will suffer. You don't have to pay attention to them."

"Well, good."

Shu Yin gently agreed, and began to bow his head busy.

Her attention was totally absent from the two old men, who she did not know and what to call, so she could only devote herself to the research.

To her, everything is not as important as Jing Rui's life.

Mu Qing is also afraid of Jing Rui's accident, so he is very serious.

Shu Yin has a wide range of knowledge, and the use of drugs is already a master level. Mu Qing even wants to be an assistant to Shuyin and learn from her for a year and a half.

Virus Research Institute always studies all kinds of crazy viruses, killing many people. Although it is criticized, it has really formed the most perfect virus research system in the world, and also has the most advanced technology and the most advanced concept.

It's all the most precious human wealth!Shu Yin and Mu Qing worked hard for five hours before they finally developed a drug to control the virus.

However, after Shu Yin draws blood for Jing Rui again, he finds that the original virus in his body has started to devour Lucas' virus spontaneously.

They have the upper hand in the battle!

Shu Yin is very happy, she now know, I am afraid that even if there is no drug she developed to crack the virus, Jing Rui can carry it by himself.

It's just that he must suffer a lot more.

The two viruses fight in his body, damaging normal cells in his body.

The medicine she prepared did not dare to give Jing Rui too much injection because she was afraid of abnormal reaction.

Fortunately, her professional level is very high, and there is no big problem with the medicine. Jingrui's body begins to slowly recover consciousness, and her breathing is gradually smooth.

Jing Rui's physical condition stabilizes, and he is pushed out of the laboratory by the cold wind and transferred to the advanced ward.

Jingyichen see son finally all right, finally relieved, he has been almost unable to withstand the pressure of shangguanning!

Because Jingxi foolishly, ate his own invention of small sugar beans, resulting in a little diarrhea today, shangguanning had to take care of Jingxi at home, otherwise she must have run to the hospital!

Jing Rui is out of danger, but Shu Yin has been working hard for eight or nine hours. She is too tired to speak.

Jingyichen looked at her and saw her pale. She could not help saying, "Shu Yin, you go to rest. Ruiruirui has someone to take care of here."

After half a day, he has recognized Shu Yin.

She keeps busy for Jingrui all the time. She doesn't care to drink, let alone eat.

He watched Shu Yin go out of the ward and go to the next room to have a rest. He can't help patting Jingrui on the shoulder: "son, good eyesight!"

Jingrui complacent smile: "that is!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!