Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1136

Jingyichen looked at him coldly: "you'd better keep your life first and live on!"

"The sound is so strong that the virus can't defeat her, but if you scare her, it doesn't have to be!"

Jingyichen is very clear about Shu Yin's strength. When Jing Rui decides to be with Shu Yin, he has already checked Shu Yin clearly.

He supports his son's choice. As long as the woman he likes, he and shangguanning will not object.

Feelings are his own business. In the future, he and Shu Yin will live together. As long as he feels good, that's OK.

The Jing family is neither short of money nor lack of resources. No matter what kind of family the wife belongs to, it will not have any influence on the Jing family.

Even the best family power of the female side should not be too strong, otherwise it is easy for girls to compromise for the development of their own family, so that the two people's feelings will no longer be pure.

Shu Yin's current situation is the best. She has no strong sense of career and no family business in need of help. Besides Jing Rui, she has no weakness!

In addition, she also has a very important specialty for the Jing family - virus and genetic research.

In the next generation of the Jing family, there are only two boys, Jing Rui and Jing Zhi. However, both of them have viruses in their bodies. Whether they can give birth to the next generation is a huge problem.

Only the people in the virus research institute have deep research on this particular virus.

But when others come to study Jing Rui, Jing Yichen is not at ease.

Now with Shuyin, everything is easy to solve.

"I've always been so, I didn't scare her. Moreover, she is a talent coming out of the Research Institute. If this affects her professional level, it can only show that she is not skilled enough! "

Jingyichen's words are sharp and her attitude is indifferent. She does not show any smile to her son. Her hand is still on her son's wrist all the time, feeling his pulse with two purposes.

Shu Yin also heard jingyichen's judgment, and she also approved jingyichen's words in her heart.

For the first time in her life, she thanks the abnormal life of the graduate school, because that life forged her strong psychological quality and taught her professional knowledge that the outside world could not touch.

Even under the strong pressure brought by jingyichen, she can still experiment one by one in an orderly way.

Moreover, it is precisely because of the pressure of jingyichen, she is even more acute than usual, and suddenly found a breakthrough!

Jing Yichen doesn't know that he promotes Shu Yin to make a qualitative leap at a certain moment. He feels Jingrui's pulse, and his eyebrows are getting deeper and deeper.

"Your body function is declining, according to this speed, you will become a vegetable tomorrow!"

"Dad, can you say something nice! I'm like this now. Can't you comfort me? "

Jing Rui is also a little childish only when he is in front of jingyichen. His body is actually very uncomfortable, rigid and has a feeling of being out of breath.

However, jingyichen is used to protecting him. As soon as he sees jingyichen coming, he feels that the sky is falling and his father is supporting him. He is relaxed.

Facts have proved that Jing Yichen, if not omnipotent, is already close to omnipotence.

He not only accurately judged Jing Rui's physical condition, but also stimulated Shuyin, which accelerated the research progress.

Of course, he didn't dare to bet all his money on Shu Yin alone.

Fifteen minutes later, the helicopter came to the hospital with MuQing and muwensheng.

Mu Wensheng has saved the lives of fawn countless times. He has made great achievements in the research of this special virus.

Mu Wensheng is 102 years old this year, but he is still hale and hearty, and his body is strong. He wants to support him and is pushed away by him.

"Go away, old man, I can go myself! You're holding me by. People think I'm old! "

Mu Qing wanted to cry without tears: "even if you don't let me help you, you can't cover up your 102 year old age!"

Mu Wensheng slapped his back and glared: "what's wrong with me 102?"? Very old?! Wang and his daughter-in-law next door are 106 this year! I'm four years younger than her! "

Wood green back hot pain, the old man's age is long, the strength also did not change a bit!

He said quickly, "yes, yes, you are younger."

He would not say that in order to make the people around him older than him, the old man took out many of his treasures. He not only helped others see a doctor for free, but also led a group of old people and old women to practice long-life aerobics!

Two grandsons and grandsons quarreled and entered the laboratory. As soon as he saw Jing Rui lying on the bed, the old man came forward and took pictures: "boy, how can you stand up on the bed! Jingtianyuan, that old guy was still talking about you yesterday. Are you going to be separated forever today? "

Jingrui and jingyichen are all black lines!

Wood green face is also very ugly, the old man so talk, not afraid of jingtianyuan for a while to fight with him!This is the most precious successor of the Jing family. He was invited to help, not to urge!

Mu Qing quickly said, "Rui Rui, don't be surprised! The old man is old and has seen through life and death. Sometimes he talks nonsense. Don't take it to heart

"Who is old?" asked wood? Who's talking nonsense? You'll be dead. You'll be dead in the dark

He said, and his hands were not free.

He pressed his fingers on several acupoints of Jingrui's body, and then he checked the pulse of Jingrui's left and right hands, and his eyebrows wrinkled deeply.

"This is the first time I've seen it! MuQing, blood test! Come on

When it's time to be serious, Mu Wensheng is not vague at all.

However, he turned his head and saw a girl sitting in front of a large number of utensils in the laboratory, and was using the most professional method to extract blood virus. His eyes brightened: "where is this girl from?"

Shu Yin is preparing the medicine nervously. She devotes herself to it. Although she knows someone is coming, she still doesn't get up and automatically blocks all the sounds.

In her eyes, there are only viruses.

Mu Qing also stares at Shu Yin curiously. From his experience, we can see that Shuyin is preparing medicine.

It's just that he was shocked after watching it for a minute!

He had never seen anyone so efficient in making potions!

This requires a profound understanding and Research on drugs, viruses and cells. We can't do this without ten years!

How old is this girl?

It's impossible!

Jingyichen saw that they all looked at Shu Yin curiously and shocked. She was a little proud, but she said on her face: "this is my future daughter-in-law!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!