Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1135

Cold wind originally wanted to keep the secret, but it was a pity that the day did not meet people's wishes. Shangguanning didn't receive the phone call from his son, so he kept looking for him all the time.

Even if Jing Rui called her later, she was still worried and asked jingyichen to find Jingrui directly.

Although Jing Yichen doesn't think that his son will have problems, he has become obsessed with his wife. After receiving instructions, he immediately finds out the position of his son.

Ten minutes later, Jing Yichen appeared in Mu's hospital.

As soon as he entered Shuyin's lab, he saw Jing Rui lying motionless on the white bed, still blood transfusion, and his face immediately became gloomy.

"What's going on here?"

He lives in a high position all the year round, which makes the cold wind and Shuyin feel numb.

He didn't even exaggerate Jingyi for the first time!

Years hardly left any trace on his face. He was handsome and neat, and his black suit made him cold and noble.

If Jing Yichen didn't come in and Jingrui called him "Dad", she would even think that this is Jingrui's brother!

his appearance is as like as two peas, especially his eyes.

However, jingyichen's eyes are more profound and more sharp and wise. It seems that he only needs to look at you to see through your whole person.

His body with a mature man's unique calm and unique charm, in every move, can make women crazy.

Shu Yin always thinks that Jing Rui and Jing Zhi are both very cold-blooded, especially Jing Rui, who has few words and expressions and is indifferent to everything around him.

But she saw jingyichen today, only then understood what is really callous!

His coldness is emanating from his bones, which is frightening and frightening!

What kind of man is this!

What kind of woman can conquer such a man, let him hold her in the palm of his hand!

This is a man who can only look up to, even if a woman loves him, I'm afraid she can't get close to him easily. He is too indifferent and there is no one else in his eyes!

Shu Yin was just glanced at indifferently by him, and felt that the whole body's blood was almost coagulated. However, jingyichen didn't pay much attention to her. His attention was focused on Jing Rui.

Shuyin is too nervous to speak. The cold wind is not so good. He is even more nervous than Shuyin.

Because it is his poor protection that makes Jing Rui in crisis.

"The young master has been infected with an unknown virus, and his whole body is stiff and unable to move! The developer of the virus is Lucas, who specializes in the special virus in the young master's body. Shuyin is looking for a way to crack the virus. It has been two hours and twenty minutes since the young master was poisoned! It's my poor protection. Please punish me! "

Cold wind only when facing jingyichen, will call Jingrui "young master".

Although his tense teeth were trembling, he still reported the matter clearly and took all the responsibilities.

Jing Yichen's eyes moved from the cold wind to Shuyin and asked in a cold voice, "are you Shu yin?"

Shuyin was suddenly called, scared directly back a step.

Jing Rui looked at his father's cold look, and couldn't help but say, "Dad, what are you doing? It's OK to frighten the cold wind. He was scared by you since childhood. What do you do with the frightening sound! You scared her away, and I'll have to chase her myself then

Change to do peacetime, although jingyichen is also indifferent, but will not be as cold as today.

He didn't even have the thought of joking at all, but was full of anger!

He gave his son a cold look: "shut up! I've taught you for so many years, that's how you protect yourself?! Why don't you tell me what happened? "

As soon as jingyichen saw that his son couldn't move, his face was pale, and his forehead was covered with sweat!

He was so distressed that he almost killed people. He didn't have the leisure to talk to his son!

What's the use of killing everyone if there's something wrong with my son!

What he wants is that his son can be safe, otherwise he can't tell shangguanning!

Jingrui knows that his father is worried about himself. He smiles faintly: "I'm ok. Isn't this looking for a research method? It was almost successful. As a result, you interrupted the study of sound and sound when you came here. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time to start over again! "

Jingyichen doesn't believe Jingrui at all. His own son, can he not understand him?

He taught his son too well and taught him to be too independent. No matter what happened, he used to carry it by himself and never complained to his family.

"Don't tell your mother about it! Your sister can't say that either

Jingrui smiles bitterly: "well, I know, but I can't hide it. My mother is not stupid, and Xixi is not a good fool.""I'll keep it as long as I can! You don't say anything, I'll deal with it! I said you're OK. Your mother will believe it. "

Otherwise, Shangguan Ning will be pained to death when he sees Jing Rui like this.

Jing Yichen sits down by the bedside and takes Jing Rui's wrist to feel his pulse.

Shu Yin didn't expect that the person in charge of Jingsheng family, the president of Jingsheng group, would even feel the pulse!

"Shuyin, don't stand still and continue to do your experiment!"

Shu Yin was stunned. Suddenly, jingyichen ordered his name again. He was so scared that he ran away from him and went to re test the potion.

She really can't resist Jing Yichen's arrogance!

He didn't do anything, but he made people want to surrender unconsciously!

If he wants to brainwash people, it's too easy!

Jingyichen actually this has been considered to be more peaceful, he can not give others face, how can he not give his son's face.

Of course, he knew how different his son was to Shuyin, and he didn't want to be so strict with Shuyin, but he was so indifferent and used to it. Besides being gentle to Shangguan, his attitude towards others was almost the same.

I'm afraid of him for the first time.

Jing Rui is lying on the bed, already helpless.

Shu Yin is not a coward at all. She has seen big waves, but she is afraid of jingyichen!

I knew that he had done more psychological work for Shu Yin, so that she had a good preparation.

Now, this situation will not be good in the future!

He knows that jingyichen is as gentle as possible to Shuyin, but looking at Shuyin's appearance, he knows that she is still afraid.

He glared at his father: "you should be more gentle with your future daughter-in-law!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!