Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1132

Jingrui doesn't respond to Lucas' words, but the cold wind turns pale.

Jing Rui's biggest secret is the virus in his blood. How can Lucas know this?!

If those people in the virus research institute know this secret, they will certainly gather again, and it will certainly be harmful to Jingrui!

However, now that Jing Rui is here, he does not need to deal with this matter.

He just needs to wait for Jing Rui's order.

Jing Rui has heard from Shu Yin for a long time. He knows that Lucas may have guessed that his blood is different, so when he hears his words, he has no reaction.

He went around the bed to the other side and stepped on Lucas on the ground.

Lucas screams with pain, but Jing Rui steps harder.

He stares coldly at Lucas lying on the ground and says in a cold voice, "it's meaningless for a dead man to know any secret! Last time I let you escape, you dare to come again! Since you're here to die, don't go back! "

Shuyin hears the scream in the bathroom. She is shocked. She immediately wipes herself and comes out of the bathroom with clothes on.

Then, she sees Jing Rui trampling Lucas under her feet. Both of them are obviously angry and look like they are going to kill each other.

And Jing Rui side, still standing in a ready to go cold wind.

Jing Rui and the cold wind are in her room. She is not surprised. She just didn't expect that Lucas was there!

Shu Yin guesses that Lucas should come to pick up the virus she has made an appointment with, but is just hit by Jing Rui.

Jingrui and Lucas both look at Shuyin at the same time. Before Jingrui opens his mouth, Lucas shouts: "cherry, I'm your adoptive father. That's what you do to me?! Let him go! I'm here to get my virus. I've already paid for it. If you want to pay off, I'll kill you! "

Jingrui hears that he dares to kill Shuyin in front of himself. His foot directly steps on Lucas's face and changes his pale face. He can't even say a complete sentence.

Shu Yin laughs at Jing Rui's bullying Lucas so badly.

She took a towel and wiped her wet hair. Then she walked briskly to Lucas, squatted beside him, and said with a smile, "Lucas, you have today! Seeing you so miserable, I think the sunshine today is particularly beautiful! "

It's cloudy outside today. It's a big black cloud. What sunshine is there!

"In the future, don't talk about adoptive father or not. Don't you know that I hate these two words most? When I hear these two words, I will be in a bad mood. When I am in a bad mood, someone will have bad luck. You seem to like being abused by others! "

Lucas could not speak, but his eyes were full of red blood. His eyes were full of red blood, and his eyes were full of anger. However, his face was very pale and looked rather terrible.

Shu Yin is not afraid at all. She is so big and bullied by Lucas for so long that she has almost never been able to fight back.

She never hurt Lucas, except the last time she shot him with a small grenade.

She can only reluctantly protect herself, can only make Lucas fear her, dare not move her, but has no way to step on Lucas.

Shuyin stood up and patted Jingrui's chest happily and said, "dear, you are wonderful! It's rare to see Mr. Lucas in such a mess. I'm afraid he's never been so embarrassed in his life

Being called "dear" by Shuyin, and in front of others, Jingrui is a little unaccustomed.

But even if not used to it, I still feel very happy.

After all, this is a qualitative leap!

Shu Yin has always been shy, she has never called any nickname, is directly called his name.

It seems that Shu Yin's hatred of Lucas is not so deep!

Cold wind heard Shu Yin call Jing Rui call so intimate, feel goose bumps are about to get up!

But he seems very happy to see Jing Rui. He feels a little redundant for a moment.

But Lucas, a dangerous element, is still here, and he can't go out to avoid any accident to Jingrui and Shuyin.

Jingrui doesn't feel that the cold wind is unnecessary. The cold wind often follows him. He is used to it and will treat him as the air directly.

He stepped on Lucas under his feet and didn't let him move. Looking at Shu Yin's broken face, he said, "when I came in, he was lying on your bed."

Shu Yin slightly a Leng, she suddenly understand why Jing Rui will make such a big fire!

She frowned and said, "I don't know when he came. It seems that I have to change my room. I don't want to sleep on the bed he used to lie on."

Jing Rui has also guessed that Shu Yin doesn't know Lucas has entered her room, otherwise she would not have gone to take a bath.

When he first came, he was so angry that he ignored the problem.

He can't tolerate other men lying in Shuyin's bed, even Lucas under the name of Shu Yin's adoptive father!Lucas was trampled on his head, but his hands could move.

His eyes are grim, hands into the clothes a pull out, touch out a virus ball, and then mercilessly patted on Jing Rui's calf.

The virus ball is made of ultra-thin transparent silica gel. As soon as Lucas exerts force, the silica gel immediately breaks. The virus rushes into Jingrui's calf and then spreads rapidly.

Jing Rui's legs quickly become numb. His movements are seriously affected. The strength of his feet is beyond control. Lucas takes the opportunity to escape.

The accident happened too fast, and the cold wind stood a little farther away from Jing Rui. He could not save Jing ruigen.

He turns to catch Lucas, but is stopped by Jingrui: "stop! Cold wind, don't go there

Cold wind is used to executing Jing Rui's orders. At the most critical time, his body and brain will follow Jingrui's orders for the first time.

Therefore, he stops immediately, stares at Lucas with cold face and anger, waiting for Jing Rui's next instructions. It seems that if Jing Rui says a word, he will go up and fight with Lucas.

Seeing that the cold wind doesn't attack Lucas, Jing Rui breathes a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to risk the cold wind.

Lucas must have a lot of virus on his body. He is worried that the cold wind will also be eroded by the virus.

This is his most loyal and effective man. He is also his brother who has been growing up together for many years. He is a man who has protected him for many years. Like his brother, Jing Rui does not want cold wind to make unnecessary sacrifice.

"Cold wind, back! Don't go near him without my command

Cold wind red eyes back, he knows, Jing Rui is afraid of his virus.

At this critical moment, he was not impulsive.

During his eight years with Jing Rui, he seldom disobeyed Jing Rui's orders , the fastest update of the webnovel!