Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1133

The colder the moment, the more sensible it is to obey the order.

He has never disobeyed orders on impulse.

And it turns out that Jing Rui's command has never been wrong!

He has absolute trust in Jing Rui.

At the same time, he also knows that Jing Rui has absolute trust in him.

They trust each other and cooperate with each other, so they seldom make mistakes.

Cold wind is not a person who cherishes his life, but he knows that in this case, he needs to protect himself.

Otherwise, Jing Rui is in danger, and he will no longer be able to provide the most powerful protection for him.

He is Jing Rui's most solid backing, and all his forces are in his hands. In case of emergency, only he can mobilize secret forces to rescue him.

The cold wind retreats and goes back. He and Shuyin stand beside Jingrui, waiting for his orders.

Lucas doesn't pay attention to the cold wind at all. He has a lot of viruses. Ordinary people like cold wind have no same level of resistance as Jingrui. They will die in minutes!

If he didn't want to make a big fuss, none of Jingrui's men could live!

Resisting the pain of his body, he stood at the door and said: "this virus, which I have spent six years developing, is specially aimed at the special virus in Jingzhi's body! I didn't expect you and Jingzhi have the same virus! Ha ha ha, Jing Rui, you are lucky today to be the first person in the world to test this virus! "

In fact, Lucas is not sure which kind of virus is in Jingrui's body until now. He just said this on purpose to cheat Jingrui.

Jing Rui's face did not change at all, as if those viruses did not enter his body.

On the contrary, his face changed slightly.

She immediately squats down, rolls up Jing Rui's suit pants and looks at his calf.

The virus has quickly invaded his body, and there seems to be no change in the outside of his legs. It is impossible to judge the toxicity of the virus from the appearance alone.

She asked Jing Rui anxiously, "how are you? Let's go to the hospital now! I have to give you a blood test to know what kind of virus it is

At the moment, Jingrui just feels numb in his left leg, and the numbness is still spreading.

But he was still very calm and said calmly, "I'm fine. I'll deal with Lucas first."

There must be some price to pay for killing Lucas.

However, no matter how much he has to pay, Jing Rui will kill him, otherwise it will be a great hidden danger.

He's not going to be killed by Lucas Shuyin one day.

"He can't live! The last time he and yew took you away, I haven't settled with him. Since he dares to come to the door, he must be afraid of death! "

Shu Yin did not agree. She said firmly: "no, don't care about him first. Take care of your body first."

Shu Yin thinks that for the sake of a Lucas, it's not worth letting Jing Rui suffer. She just wants to go to the hospital quickly and help Jingrui solve the virus!

Shu Yin is sure to deal with other viruses, but if this virus really takes him six years to specifically target that special virus, as Lucas said, then Jing Rui will become very dangerous.

Because she was not sure she could crack a new virus quickly.

Lucas listened to their argument and said coldly, "cherry, where's my virus? Do you want to go back on your word today? If so, I don't mind teaching you the rules! "

Shu Yin's eyes almost kill people. She stares at Lucas and says in a cold voice, "I can give you the virus, but you have to tell me the solution to your virus! Otherwise, I'll show you how powerful my virus is

"He asked for it! I'm just here to trade today, not to fight! Otherwise, his subordinates will not be as weak as that! When he comes, he will do it. I will not give him any bitter taste, but I will think I am afraid of him

"You deserve it! Who let you run to my bed? You're not doing business, you're just looking for trouble! "

"Don't talk nonsense. Give me the virus quickly, or both of you don't want to leave today, and both of you will die here! My virus spreads very fast. Every minute he takes, his life will be in danger. If he is not treated in time, it will take only an hour for his body to become stiff and all his organs will stop working! "

Shu Yin doesn't dare to gamble with Lucas. If what he says is true, Jing Rui will be in danger.

She quickly walked to the corner of the wall, lifted up the carpet in the corner, took out a small glass bottle hidden under it, and threw it to Lucas hatefully: "get out of here!"

Lucas caught a small bottle the size of his thumb. He saw that it was the blue liquid he had seen before. It looked very active, and from time to time, tiny bubbles came out. His face was happy, and he knew that Shuyin had given him the genuine one.Hum, he didn't dare to leave immediately.

However, he can't make a scene in Xiaoji City, otherwise it's really hard for him to get involved in Xiaojing.

Jing Rui watches Lucas run away, but he can't chase him, because his legs are so stiff that he can only take a few steps, and he can't chase him.

Shu Yin saw him go forward and immediately stopped him: "don't move! The virus will spread faster

The cold wind that has been silent suddenly said: "boss, I'll kill him!"

If Lucas broke his voice today, the cold wind would not be particularly bad.

But now what happened is Jing Rui, who he has always protected. And he is beside Jing Rui, but his life is threatened greatly. He feels that he is very derelict of duty.

"Sooner or later, we can't! If you go alone, it's easy to lose! "

Shuyin's anxious forehead was full of fine sweat: "OK, don't talk about it. Cold wind, you carry Jingrui on your back, we'll go to the hospital immediately!"

In order to get to the hospital quickly, the cold wind calls Jing Rui's helicopter. Three people go to the hospital quickly. Shu Yin brings Jing Rui into his exclusive laboratory in Mu's hospital.

The laboratory is equipped with all kinds of equipment. When she and Peter first came to a city last year, Jing Rui specially prepared it for them.

I didn't expect that today, it was just used to save Jing Rui's life.

Shu Yin can't do anything else, but she is familiar and professional with the virus.

It's just that the person she's trying to save is Jing Rui, so it's hard to avoid being nervous.

She usually has confidence in her professional level, and only in the face of Jing Rui, will be so nervous.

She is afraid that she can't solve this virus, and she is afraid of losing Jing Rui! , the fastest update of the webnovel!