Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1131

When Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo are attracted to the attention of X University, Jing Rui receives a phone call from the legal department of the largest taxi company in a city.

"Hello, Mr. Jing! This is platinum, director of Legal Department of Haichuan taxi company. I'm very sorry to disturb you. Our taxi has a dispute with you. Is the red Porsche 911 with license plate number a111111 your car

The other party sent out not the ordinary legal officer, but the highest level manager, the Minister of justice, and perhaps from his name to know his real identity, the other side spoke very politely.

Jing Rui originally wanted to hang up the strange phone, but a111111 was his license plate number, but the car was not his - the red Porsche was just bought by Jing Zhigang, because the sports car originally listed had been sent to the maintenance company by Jingzhi.

Jing Zhi didn't relist his new car because he thought it was too troublesome. He directly took off the license plate of the old car and let someone hang it on the new car!

"What's the matter?"

He had a cold feeling in his heart.

"Well, a taxi driver of our company took a female passenger. When she was sent to Fengyue villa, the driver of your Porsche stopped our taxi, pulled off the door of our taxi and dragged our passengers away. We can't get in touch with your driver. Please tell him and ask him to come to our company to discuss the claim settlement. "

Fengyue villa community is exactly where Jingzhi's family is located.

Now, wise man, you've got to make trouble again!

The so-called "driver" is Jingzhi, no doubt!

Who can have the strength to pull the taxi door down!

And because Jingzhi has not left any personal information in a city, the taxi company can only find Jingrui's information through the license plate number, so it found him on the head!

Jing Rui is annoyed by Jing Zhi's toothache. He says coldly, "the driver will lose money" and hang up the phone.

After seeing Zheng Yu off to school, Jingzhi drives straight to Jingrui's villa. He doesn't have breakfast and wants to come here to eat.

Unexpectedly, just entered the door, on the back of the head on the "pa" of a slap!

Jingzhi cried out: "brother, how do you hit people! If you want to fight, don't be a leader. I'm stupid than you. If I start again, I'll be more stupid! "

As he yells, he runs out quickly, and Jingrui chases him out.

"Are you stupid?"

Jingrui sneered: "I don't think anyone is smarter than you! Hang my license plate and tear down someone else's taxi. The taxi company can only find me to lose money, but can't find you! "


Jingzhi is stunned, and then he remembers that he seems to have stopped a taxi.

He quickly admitted his mistake: "Oh, I was careless! It's OK. You don't have to pay for this. I'll pay for it myself! Brother, if you have something to say, don't hit me

Jing Rui doesn't want to talk to him. The matter of the bar has not been solved. Now a taxi company has come. Zheng Yu is not enough, and Xiao Yue is also a taxi company. It has not been long since he returned home, which has caused a lot of troubles.

"You can solve all these problems in two days. I'll send you back to North America the day after tomorrow."

Jingzhi cried: "brother, how can you send me away again? Can you change the way of threat?"


Jingzhi didn't expect that his brother was so good at talking today. His eyes lit up: "what for?"

"Send Zheng yuluo to North America instead!"

"That Brother, I'm hungry. Why don't we have something to eat first? "

"I don't have anything to eat here. Go back to your own house and eat it!"

Jingzhi was not happy: "you lied. I can smell the smell of the food. My house is cold and nobody cooks for me! I'll stay with you in the future, and I won't leave even if I drive me out! "

Jing Rui is going to be driven crazy by his thick face. How can he say that his family is cold?

Xiao Yue has lived in Jingzhi's house for two nights. Where is it cold?

It's cold here. Besides the chef and the servant, who else!

Shu Yin still refuses to live back. If Jing Zhi didn't say something wrong and did something wrong, how could Shu Yin go?

"Here you are! Get out of here. You can't come again without my permission! In particular, you can't bring your little Yue, Xiao Li and Xiao Mei! "

Jingzhi murmured in a low voice: "there is no Xiaoli Xiaomei. I was just joking last time. How can you remember it! What a stingy thing

Jing Rui looks cold, and his eyes seem to kick him out.

Jingzhi shivered and ran away with the cook.

Jing Rui gives the chef to Jing Zhi and tells the cold wind to find another one for him. After having a simple breakfast, he drives out.

Shu Yin still lives in the hotel, but has changed to a large suite.Jing Rui drives half way and receives a call from Gao ya, who is in charge of protecting Shuyin.

Lucas is looking for Shu Yin again!

The six people responsible for protecting Shuyin, including Gao ya, could not stop Lucas!

Jing Rui with the fastest speed to the hotel, Gao Ya and his men, all collapsed in the corridor outside the suite.

Fortunately, six people were just infected with the virus, their whole body was weak, and there was no other damage.

Jing Rui only has a rough judgment on the virus. He knows that there is no danger to the lives of the six people in Gaoya. He asks the cold wind to find someone to take them to the hospital, and then takes the cold wind into the suite.

As soon as he went in, he saw Lucas lying on Shuyin's bed, and the sound of water splashing from the bathroom, obviously Shu Yin was taking a bath!

Jing Rui's inner anger is ignited in an instant. His body approaches Lucas at a very fast speed. In his incredible eyes, he kicks him out of bed.

Lucas bumped into the wall and made a big bang. He snorted bitterly and hit the ground.

Fortunately, his body has been transformed by thousands of viruses, and his anti attack ability is very comparable, otherwise it is very likely that he will die directly!

Even so, Lucas has a hard time.

His body is like a loose shelf, every one does not hurt, especially by Jing Rui kick in the chest, needle like pain!

He's suffering from breathing!

Lucas never thought that Jing Rui could be so fast!

Apart from Jing Zhi, he has never seen other human beings reach such a speed!

Jingrui's body has broken through the limit of human beings!

He has a problem!

Lucas spat out a big mouthful of blood, and his pale face became more and more pale. He said grimly: "Jingrui, I already know all your secrets!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!