Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1130

Jingzhi can't accept that Zheng yuluo is close to any other man, but he doesn't care who Xiaoyue is in love with and who he is friends with.

"OK, don't mention Xiao Yue! I've driven her out. You should stay away from her. She doesn't have a home. What's the matter with running to other people's homes! If she comes to you and she's not allowed to take her in, do you hear me? "

Zheng yuluo heard Jingzhi's words, and he was sure that Jingzhi and Xiaoyue should be nothing.

If he really took a fancy to Xiaoyue, he would not explain so much. He just said he didn't like her.

She whispered, "Oh, I see."

Zheng yuluo's obedient and gentle appearance makes Jingzhi's heart become soft.

He sat down beside Zheng yuluo, leaned on the back of the sofa, stretched out a finger, rolled her long hair, and asked faintly, "have you finished your monthly affairs?"

Zheng yuluo didn't expect that Jingzhi suddenly uttered such a sentence. Suddenly, he blushed and his head was almost buried in his chest.

"That I I have classes in the morning. I'm going to school! "

"What school, don't go to school, anyway, it's no use. You can serve me well at home. I'll pay you!"

Before Jingzhi disliked Xiaoyue not going to school, but now he hates Zheng yuluo's going to school, because if she goes to school, she can't accompany him.

Zheng yuluo feels very good to go to school these two days. She has already enjoyed college life. She deliberately asked Jing Zhi, "now a college graduate can earn at least three or five thousand a month. How much salary are you going to pay me?"

Jingzhi opened his mouth and said, "one million! I'll give you a million dollars. You can work for me all your life. If you perform well, you can get a bonus at the end of the year! "

I don't know if he said one million a month or one million a year.

Whatever he is, it's just to amuse Jingzhi.

Zheng yuluo wanted to laugh in his heart, but his face was calm: "do you want to buy me as coolie for a million? Well I think I'm worth at least 10 million, right? Don't you have a lot of money? It seems to me that your sports car is new. If you have money to buy a car, you can't afford to buy me? "

Jing Zhi thinks that it is an extremely wrong decision to discuss this issue with Zheng yuluo!

Because, his current deposit is a single digit!

Don't say ten million. He doesn't have a thousand!

Just now he opened his mouth and said "one million" is just his habitual casual talk.

How can he have so much money!

But how could he tell Zheng yuluo about such a disgraceful thing!

He pretended to be extremely rich and generous, and said, "it's only ten million yuan. It's a small thing! I bought it! You don't have to go to school today. Just wait on me at home. I haven't had breakfast yet. Go and make breakfast for me

Zheng yuluo stood up from the sofa with a smile and carried his bag on his back. He bowed to Jingzhi and saluted him: "Sir, I'm sorry. You haven't paid a cent. I can't serve you today. When do you pay off ten million, I'll make you breakfast. It's getting late. I'm going to school! "

She said that, even she felt funny, smiling eyes are bent into crescent.

For the first time in his life, Jingzhi felt the pain of no money. He had no money in his card, and he had only a few hundred yuan left.

Ten million

This is undoubtedly an astronomical number!

But when he saw the brilliant smile of Zheng Yu, his face was not sad in the past, only the simplest happiness. In his heart, he felt that even if Zheng yuluo was given 10 million yuan, it was worth it!

It's a romantic and emotional thing to buy a beautiful woman with a smile.

He went to Zheng Yulai, some frivolous with his fingers to hook her delicate and beautiful chin, evil way: "OK, wait, my Lord will soon take 10 million to buy you! Before I bought you, you just stayed at the X university and didn't want to hook up with me. Do you hear me? "

"Yes, I'm waiting for you. You should come to me quickly! I hope you are fascinated by other goblins

Her voice is delicate and tender, it makes people's bones crisp!

Just listening to her voice, Jingzhi's body has already reacted!

She's the real goblin!

Jingzhi kept grinding his teeth: "Zheng yuluo, you seem to have failed to learn recently. You are more and more arrogant when you know what I can do with you! You wait. After these days, I'll let you taste it! I want to hear you beg me in bed, please let you go

After all, Zheng yuluo is still thin skinned. She can't stand Jing Zhi's joke. She slaps Kaijing Zhi's hand with a red face and goes out quickly: "I really have to go. I still have classes in the morning."

She was a little afraid that she would delay her stay here. Jingzhi might not have done anything yet!

Jing Zhi grabbed Zheng yuluo's arm, then wrapped her small hand in his own hand and pulled her out together.

Zheng Yu was surprised: "what are you doing? I It's not convenient for me. You can't mess around! "Jingzhi looks at her a little funny. She reaches out a finger with her other hand and pokes Zheng yuluo's head hard.

"I'm taking you to school! Zheng yuluo, what are you thinking about all day! You're all like this. I'm a jerk! You want me to fight? I can't believe you have such a strong taste

Zheng yuluo's face flushed all of a sudden!

It turns out that she thinks too much. Jingzhi has no other meaning at all!

What a shame!

Zheng Yu can't raise his head in shame, and without saying a word is pulled into the sports car by Jing Zhi, and then he is sent to school.

Jingzhi's car is a new red Ferrari with gorgeous colors and chic styling. It stopped at the gate of X and was immediately watched.

Zheng yuluo just got off the car and received a wave of eyes.

What's more, Jing Zhi even got out of the car and gave her a kiss in front of all the people. He hugged her and announced with a high profile: "you all look good. This is my girlfriend. If that bastard doesn't have long eyes and dares to make her idea, he just says," get out of a city, life is worse than death! Do you hear me? "

There was a dead silence around him!

After the silence, there was a roar in the crowd, and all of them laughed with exaggeration.

That's eight words, OK? This man drives such a good car that he doesn't know how to count!

As the discussion went on and on, the crowd of onlookers was not reduced, but more and more!

Zheng Yu wants to find a crack to drill in!

Jingzhi is out of his mind today?!

To announce that she is his girlfriend in front of so many people!

Jingzhi doesn't care about other people's eyes, stops the sports car outside the campus, and then holds Zheng yuluo's hand and pulls her into the campus.

Ten million. He can't make it for a while.

In order to prevent Zheng Yu from being made up his mind, he should declare his sovereignty with everyone in advance!

He wants everyone to know that this is his woman! , the fastest update of the webnovel!