Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1129

Jing Zhi shoves Zheng yuluo into the co driver of his car. In a moment, he drives back to the villa, and then carries Zheng yuluo directly into the living room.

He pressed the person on the sofa and said angrily, "Zheng yuluo, what's the matter with you! Why do you see me running so fast? Don't ask, just turn your head and walk away. You're more angry than me

"Who is she?"

Zheng yuluo long wanted to ask this sentence. When he first saw Xiao Yue sitting in Jingzhi's car, he wanted to ask!

Her eyes slightly red, low asked: "you said that day to send me to school? Why didn't you see me off? Why did I see her in your car? "

Jing Zhi was stunned: "did you see that I sent her to the hospital that day?"

Their direction of the day was obviously to leave the hospital. Zheng yuluo said softly: "when I saw you, it was noon. You didn't go to see me in the morning. Did you stay with her all morning? "

Jing Zhi thought about it carefully, but he went to Zheng's house once in the morning.

But Jingzhi is not stupid. If he said that he had been with Xiaoyue all morning, he would have been more angry.

He rarely used his cleverness in the right way. He said in a righteous way: "Xiao Yue fainted early in the morning. I couldn't watch her die, so I had to send her to the hospital. After she was sent to the hospital, I immediately drove to your house, but when I went, you didn't even have a shadow

Zheng yuluo was gently stirred in her heart. She raised her head and looked at Jingzhi's handsome face. She asked with some hope: "did you really go to find me?"

"Nonsense! I have not only looked for you once, I went to your house to look for you, also went to your school to look for you! But what about you? It's a real evaporation for me

Zheng yuluo thinks that what Jingzhi said should be true. He is a very conceited person. He has always refused to show that he cares about her. Now he doesn't care about his humiliation and says that he looks for her everywhere. He really goes to find her.

Zheng yuluo's heart pain dissipated a lot, but still a little doubt: "if you really look for me, you can call me! I've been on all the time, but you haven't called me

Jingzhi immediately became angry: "do you mean to say that?! Why haven't I called you? I've called you dozens of times. Haven't you seen dozens of missed calls? "

"Did you call me? But I didn't receive a call in my cell phone

Zheng yuluo immediately took out his mobile phone and flipped the call record to Jing Zhi: "you see, there is no record!"

Jingzhi frowned, took out his mobile phone and turned the call record to Zheng yuluo: "you can have a look. I have a record in my mobile phone, but you don't have it in your mobile phone. This only shows one problem - someone has deleted your call record!"

"This is impossible!" Zheng Yu said consciously

"How can't it be? I've called you dozens of times, and finally the phone is connected, but the person who answers the phone is the director of the public security bureau!"

Zheng Yu immediately opened his eyes: "my father? How could he... "

Zheng yuluo suddenly remembered that she left her mobile phone at home yesterday. Later, her mother sent her mobile phone to school.

The possibility of her mother moving her mobile phone is zero. Only her father may suspect that the caller is Jing Zhi, for fear that she has more involvement with Jing Zhi, so she deleted the communication record.

It turned out that Jingzhi had looked for her and called her, but she didn't even know!

If it wasn't for today, it might have been misunderstood!

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were looking for me, I thought..."



"You think I don't want you, I want another woman instead?"

Zheng yuluo was a little flustered and said in a hurry: "no!"

Jingzhi stood by her side, looked at her from a commanding position, and said solemnly: "I have no plan to ask for another woman now. If you make me worried about all of them, plus that little Yue, I have nine lives that are not enough!"

This is the first time that Jing Zhi said that as long as she was alone, although it was a little implicit and helpless, Zheng yuluo understood it.

She is too familiar with Jingzhi. According to his personality, it is good not to stimulate her by this matter. Now she knows how to comfort her. She has made great progress.

However, a woman is born with no way to endure and share the same man with other women. Zheng yuluo's heart is still very wary of Xiaoyue and still feels uncomfortable.

Today, she finally understood why Jing Zhi was so angry to see her sitting in Lou Ziyi's car on the first day of her return home, holding a large bunch of roses in her hand.

The feeling of betrayal is heartbreaking.

"That girl Xiao Yue, right? Is she your friend? Why don't I meet her some other time? If anything happens to her in the future, you can come to me. " Don't come to you again!Jingzhi is a little proud. Zheng yuluo cares about him so much. He is in a hurry to take over Xiaoyue. Is he afraid that he has something to do with Xiaoyue?

He disdains the way: "who with Xiaoyue that kind of idiot is a friend, her family's top grade neuropathy, you are not allowed to pay attention to her, lest be entangled by her family members!"

Yeah? How the tone is disgusted!

Things are a little different from what Zheng yuluo imagined!

She asked tentatively, "did Xiao Yue live with you last night? Do you have a bad relationship? "

"Good, what good! She was squatting outside my villa for a day yesterday. She was so hungry and dizzy that she had a high fever. I thought it was too bad for her to die here, so I took her in! "

Jing Zhi said as briefly as possible, because this matter can not stand any scrutiny!

For example, how did he get to know Xiaoyue and why did he take care of him again and again.

Do you want him to tell Zheng yuluo that he wanted to give up Zheng yuluo, so he went to the bar to get drunk, and saw someone with her temperament and manner a little bit like that, he wanted to give someone else up?

This matter, absolutely can't let Zheng yuluo know!

Anyway, he didn't have any interest in Xiaoyue now. When he took a fancy to her, he just saw that she had a rare pure soul and a clean and fresh face.

He clearly knows the difference between Xiao Yue and Zheng yuluo.

There was also a great difference in their feelings for him.

He and Xiao Yue just met by chance, his help and care, has done their utmost.

And he and Zheng yuluo, who owes who, how much, has been unable to calculate!

He did not want to settle with Zheng yuluo, his woman, calculate so Qing why? , the fastest update of the webnovel!