Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1128

If a poor girl like her doesn't study hard and drops out of school to work at a young age, she can't live in such a big house even if she's exhausted all her life, unless To babysit the owner of the house.

No one does not like the life of luxury, Xiaoyue saw such a luxurious villa, there is a kind of impulse to live here.

But she knew that this was not her own.

Unless you really marry Jingzhi as your parents said!

Such an idea, Xiao Yue himself suddenly scared!

No, no, no, no, she's not that shameless girl!

She can make money on her own!

He was sitting on the sofa, and he kept shaking his head and wondering, "how could you sit on the sofa and wonder? Has stomach pain developed into neuropathy? "

Xiao Yue's eyes are a little flustered. She is ashamed of her idea and dare not look up at Jingzhi.

"No No, I'm fine! "

Jingzhi knows that Xiaoyue certainly didn't tell the truth, but he didn't read his mind. He didn't know what the little girl was thinking.

He doesn't care. It doesn't matter how Xiao Yue thinks. The important thing is that he doesn't want to go on like this in the future!

This is endless, this girl is not his daughter, let him so painstaking efforts to send the hospital to buy food, how is this going on?!

Two days in a row, he's almost become a baby sitter!

He has never served others so much!

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He said coldly:

"that's OK, it's ok if it's OK! I'll take you in for another night tonight. If you dare to appear outside my villa tomorrow, don't blame me for breaking your neck

Xiaoyue was also moved by Jingzhi's taking care of himself. Seeing that he changed his face so quickly, he was scared: "good, good, I know. I won't come again!"

In fact, she knew that it was unreasonable to bother Jingzhi.

But she really has no place to go, and Jing Zhi is willing to help her.

When Jingzhi heard Xiaoyue's promise, his face looked better. However, his voice was still cold and said: "hurry to eat. Don't eat every day. Come to me. Do you want to find something wrong?"

Xiao Yue was afraid of him, so he took out eight treasure porridge to eat.

Seeing that she had eaten, Jing Zhi went upstairs to have a rest.

Xiao Yue huddled up on the sofa and slept for a night. The next morning, Jingzhi went downstairs and chased people: "OK, you should get out of here and go back to your own house!"

He said, throwing 200 yuan to Xiao Yue, let her when the road fare.

Xiao Yue held the two red banknotes and said in a low voice: "it's not so much. I go back by bus. Two yuan is enough."

Jingzhi disliked her wordiness and immediately took back the 200 yuan and gave her two yuan again, saying, "can I go now?"

Xiao Yue stood up with the two yuan and walked out of the villa slowly.

She still remembers that when she saw Jing Zhi for the first time, he asked her to drink with him. She still hated him and refused to accompany him.

And now?

She was driven out of his impatience, but she did not want to go at all, want to stay with him!

Xu Yue, how did you become like this?

What about your shame?

What about your self-esteem?

Xiaoyue some numb and mechanical out of the villa, outside a gust of cold wind blowing, she hit a shiver, but the brain is sober two points.

Then, she saw a taxi stop at the door of the villa, and a beautiful girl stepped down from the car.

The other party saw her, obviously stunned, the original steps to the villa stopped abruptly.

Xiao Yue always felt that he was very beautiful even though he was very beautiful. When he saw her, almost all the people who saw her did not praise her. Even Jingzhi, when he saw her for the first time, would pull her and let her drink with him.

But when she saw the girl in front of her, she knew what a real beauty was!

Her beauty is not that kind of too bright beauty, but her facial features are exquisite, white skin, like the most beautiful lanolin jade, people can not help but want to touch.

Her temperament is gentle and gentle, a look is a lady, just standing there quietly, is already an amazing scenery.

Xiao Yue was standing there in a daze, and a familiar voice with obvious surprise suddenly rang out: "Zheng Yu falls, how did you come?"

Zheng yuluo stood there, more than ten meters away from Jingzhi, without a step forward.

She looked at Xiao Yue and Jing Zhi. Her voice trembled slightly and said, "it seems that I'm not here at the right time. I'll go first!"

She has recognized the girl standing beside Jing Zhi, the one sitting in his car that day!

Obviously, this girl spent the night at Jingzhi's house last night!

Before the taxi left, Zheng yuluo opened the door again and sat in.The driver soon drove away, leaving only Jingzhi and Xiaoyue in place.

Jingzhi didn't expect that he just asked a word, Zheng yuluo actually left directly!

He glared at Xiao Yue angrily: "get out of here! My girlfriend misunderstood you when you came out of my house! If she leaves me, I'll kill you! "

Jingzhi said, regardless of Xiaoyue, he went back to the villa to take the car key and drove the car to quickly chase the taxi.

Xiaoyue stood alone in front of the villa gate, the shock in his heart is beyond words.

It turns out that the woman I met that day was Jing Zhi's girlfriend!

It turns out that he has a girlfriend!

And so beautiful, he seems to care about her.

No wonder, he is so handsome, so rich, there must be a lot of girls like him!

Zheng yuluo doesn't know that she has become the real girlfriend Jingzhi admits to. She just saw the picture of Jingzhi and another girl standing together. She just thought it was too dazzling!

She sat in the taxi, a little bit want to cry, but has been holding back, do not let tears fall down.

A brand new sports car almost grasps the taxi, then a sharp brake, across the front of the taxi, stops.

The driver was startled. Thanks to his old driver, he reacted quickly. He turned the steering wheel and slammed on the brake, otherwise he would definitely hit it!

Zheng yuluo was also scared. She was sitting in the back row, and the whole person was almost thrown out. Her shoulder was hit by the back of the co pilot's seat!

When she regained her consciousness, she found that the taxi door had been pulled down by Jing Zhi, and her whole body was pulled out of the car by Jing Zhi.

The driver has been frightened by Jing Zhi's amazing strength!

This is Astro Boy!

He helplessly watched Jingzhi leave with Zheng yuluo, neither paying his fare nor compensating for the loss of the taxi.

He didn't dare to confront Jing Zhi face to face, otherwise his own fate would be the same as that door! , the fastest update of the webnovel!