Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1127

Jing Rui is there to explain the problem of "talking about several things". However, Jing Zhi drives the car straight to his brother's villa and eats a lot as soon as he enters the door.

The chef made a lot of delicious food, except for the chicken wings Jingzhi, Shu Yin's favorite, did not let go of the rest.

He knows today. It doesn't matter if he offends his brother. The key is not to offend Shu Yin!

If he ate his brother's food, he would scold him at most for "eating food" and "only growing strength but not brain". But if he ate Shu Yin's chicken wings, he might wake up in North America the next day!

Jingzhi was full of food and drink, and the sky was already dark.

In order to prevent his brother from seeing him after he went home and thinking of the day and sending him to North America, Jing Zhi drove back to his home in a hurry.

In addition to the fact that there is no chef in his family, everything is very friendly. He has a special sense of familiarity, which he likes very much.

When he got home, it was completely dark, but this did not affect Jing Zhi's vision. The virus strengthened his body and modified his genes so that he could see clearly in the dark.

Under the high courtyard wall of the villa, a thin figure shrinks. She holds her legs tightly and lowers her head, like a kitten abandoned by the whole world. She is pitiful and lonely.

Hearing the sound of the sports car and seeing the lights, Xiao Yue raised his head subconsciously and looked at the brand-new car and the people in it.

Jing Zhi only lightly looked at her and drove into the door of the villa.

Xiao Yue's eyes became dim in an instant, then lowered his head again, continued to shrink in the wall, motionless.

Jing Zhi goes back to the villa and discusses the bar and police station with the lawyer's video. After taking a bath and watching the international news for a while, he lies down in his bed ready to go to bed.

But he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

Xiao Yue shrinks in the wall appearance from time to time in his mind, and then is her pale face and pure eyes.

Jing Zhi gets up impatiently, puts on a piece of clothes and strides out of the villa.

On the edge of the high wall of the villa, the small figure still shrinks there.

He went over and kicked Xiao Yue: "are you sick? What are you doing outside my house in the middle of the night? "

Xiao Yue didn't respond to him, but along with his kick her foot, slowly fell down.

In the dark, her eyes closed, her pale face faintly full of pain.

Jing Zhi is stunned and reaches out to touch her forehead.

It's hot!

I have a fever!

I fainted again!

Jingzhi patted Xiao Yue's face and called out: "Xiao Yue, wake up! Xiao Yue

Xiao Yue heard someone calling himself in the hazy. She opened her eyes and saw Jing Zhi. She wanted to smile at him, but she didn't even have the strength to smile. She felt pain in her stomach. She just wanted to cry.

Seeing that she was so weak, Jing Zhi scolded a "idiot" in a low voice, and did not dislike that she was stained with soil. She picked her up and walked quickly to the villa.

Holding Xiaoyue, he again felt how light this little girl was!

This morning, when he took her to the hospital, Jing Zhi already felt that Xiao Yue was too light.

Now it seems lighter than before!

She is even thinner than Zheng yuluo. With such a body, she has been blowing the wind outside the villa all day. Maybe she hasn't eaten for a day. It's strange that she doesn't fall ill!

How can there be such parents in the world? They are lazy and lazy, and they also order their daughter every day, so that she can not eat well, but let her work to earn money!

This girl is also too solid minded. With such parents, she does not leave home quickly and stay at home to be a slave to them?

Although small Yue has no strength, although the stomach ache is uncomfortable, but her consciousness is sober.

When Jingzhi held her for the first time, she knew nothing about it. But this time, she felt very clear.

No one has held her like this, she feels very warm.

Tears unconsciously fell down, why a person who is not familiar with her can treat her so well, but mom and Dad don't care about her life or death?

She was a little suspicious that she was born of her parents!

Unfortunately, she looks too much like her mother, and her father is also three points similar, saying that she is not born, no one will believe.

Jingzhi saw Xiaoyue cry, and her anger dissipated a lot.

It's not easy for a little girl to support her unworthy home alone. It's very poor.

Moreover, as soon as she began to cry, she became more like Zheng yuluo. Jing Zhi even lowered her movements.

He put Xiao Yue on the sofa and found several pills of antipyretic medicine at home. He didn't care if the medicine had expired, so he let her take it directly.

But Xiaoyue took the medicine, and the fever was a little bit worse, but the stomachache was more serious.

She took antipyretic on an empty stomach. It's strange that it doesn't get worse!

Jingzhi had never been ill and had never taken care of a patient. Her forehead was covered with sweat. She quickly picked her up, put her in the car, and drove all the way to Mu's hospital.After seeing the doctor yesterday, he said, "don't you want to eat well for her? Malnutrition is so serious that if you don't eat, don't send it to the hospital. My great ability can't save it! "

Although the doctor was not happy, he thought that the little girl loved beauty to lose weight and deliberately did not eat, but he still dutifully prescribed the medicine and arranged for her to be hospitalized.

Until Xiao Yue's condition stabilized, Jing Zhi was relieved.

However, when Xiaoyue had been given a fever reducing needle and a nutrition injection, he did not let him stay in the hospital, but took the medicine back to the villa.

He doesn't like hospitals, and Xiaoyue is not a big problem in his body. He just lacks nutrition. He needs more supplements. Taking medicine can't solve the fundamental problem.

Xiaoyue followed Jingzhi out of the hospital, he was much better, but this time he obviously owed Jingzhi a lot of medical expenses, and the debt on her shoulder was much heavier.

On the way home, Jingzhi went to a convenience store to buy snacks, eight treasure porridge and milk for Xiaoyue. When he handed these things to Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue said in fear: "I don't want it!"

Jing Zhi's eyes were cold: "what do you say?"

"This It's too expensive. I I have no money to pay you back... "

Jingzhi thrust it into her arms and ordered, "take it!"

This is actually some of the most common food, total did not spend much money, Xiaoyue unexpectedly too expensive!

What kind of days had she lived before!

Xiaoyue with a lot of food to follow Jingzhi home, she sat in the luxury villa, always feel like a dream.

She suddenly understood why many girls would rather sell their bodies and souls than climb into men's beds. , the fastest update of the webnovel!