Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1126

It's inconvenient to have a meeting without a car, and it's also very shameless. Jing Zhi thinks that some hardware is necessary to compete with the people in the bar, so that he can overwhelm each other in momentum.

So he went to the 4S store and bought a new car, which cost him nearly six million yuan.

Then, all of a sudden, his card was empty.

Jingzhi doesn't know that he has such a small amount of assets. He thinks he has a lot of money!

After all, when I was a killer, I took on a lot of tasks and received a large amount of remuneration. However, there should be tens of millions of them.

The result does not know when, he all spent money!

Jingzhi is worried about pulling his hair. It's hard to beat hero Han for a penny. If he doesn't have money, he will even have a problem eating!

Forget it, I'd better go to my brother's place to eat. I have to find a way to make money.

The bar also wants him to compensate for several million yuan. He certainly won't give so much, but it is estimated that one million yuan will be compensated. After all, he really smashed a lot of good wine.

Jingzhi drove to Zheng's house for a turn. He didn't see Zheng yuluo. Then he went to school. After a turn, he still didn't see anyone. He was a little unhappy.

How can Zheng yuluo not look for him?

He's looking for someone now, but he can't find him!

He took out his mobile phone to call Zheng yuluo, called several times, no one answered.

At the end of the call, the mobile phone was suddenly connected, but there was a familiar voice from Jingzhi!

"Hello, I am a lost father, her mobile phone left at home, are you her classmate?"

It's Zheng Jing!

Jing Zhi hung up the phone impatiently!

He is now looking at Zheng Jing more and more unpleasant, this person is always in the middle of him and Zheng yuluo, and in Zheng yuluo's heart, he is far less than Zheng Jing.

This is normal. How many days did he and Zheng Yu fall together?

Zheng Jing is Zheng yuluo's father. After taking care of her for so many years, it is not the same.

Jingzhi is suddenly a little frustrated. He drives to leave X University, but inadvertently he sees a pair of bright lovers walking on the green path, holding hands.

Eh, isn't that brother and Shu yin?

I didn't expect my brother to coax Shu Yin so soon!

And it seems that the feelings have gone further.

Jingzhi is a little jealous. His brother and Shu Yin are in pairs. However, he drives around alone and doesn't even see Zheng Yu falling.

Jingzhi stops at the side of the road and gets off to say hello to two people.

Jing Rui holds Shu Yin's hand and looks at her face as bright as jade, as well as her cherry like fresh and ruddy lips. He can't help but bow to kiss her.

Oh, my brother's voice is not suitable for two people! Are you changing your girlfriend again? Did you dump Xiao Li last time? "

Being interrupted by kissing, Jing Rui was already angry. When he heard the words behind, his face was gloomy and he was about to kill people!

Where did you come from, Xiao Li?!

When did he change his girlfriend again?

He turned his head and looked at Jing Zhi, who was surprised by his innocence. He wanted to kick him out of the whole planet!

Shu Yin is thin skinned. She was embarrassed to be so close to Jing Rui on campus. At the moment when Jing Zhi broke through, she was so ashamed that she could not find a way to get into it.

Hearing Jingzhi say "Xiaoli", her embarrassment quickly subsides. She looks at Jingrui with a dangerous look and grits her teeth and says, "who is Xiaoli? How many girlfriends have you changed? "

At this time, Jing Zhi seemed to have just recognized Shu Yin's appearance. He said in a veiled way: "ah? It's the shade of a small tree! Oh, what did I say? Ha ha, don't take it seriously. My brother loves you the most. All the little beauties and beauties are floating clouds! You see, he's been talking to you the longest! "

Shu Yin continued to bite his teeth: "and Xiaomei?"

With a black face, Jing Rui said in a cold voice, "don't listen to his nonsense!"

He comforted Shu Yin, then turned his head to look at Jing Zhi, looked him over with a bad look, and said faintly, "you itch, don't you? For the sake of a stranger, he destroyed my car and emptied my family. Now, if you dare to do damage, can't wait for me to send you back to North America by rocket? "

"How do you know all that?"

Jing Zhi is shocked. He only bought a car for half an hour. His brother knew it!

And know he's ruined his car!

Xiao Yue's business has not escaped his ears and eyes. It's so magical!

Jingzhi suddenly withered and said pitifully, "brother, I don't dare any more. Don't send me away! North America is not a place for people. I don't like it! You can't have a woman. You don't want a brother. I'm your brother! "

Is there a brother like this?

Jingrui said coldly: "I asked you to deal with the matter of the bar, but I haven't dealt with it. What are you doing all day long? There's no clue about the police station. Are you going to drag on like this all the time? It seems that I was beaten lightly last time! I'll be locked up in the police station again, and I won't be allowed to help you any more! "Seeing that his brother is so cruel, Jing Zhi has a business like tone. When he turns his eyes, he simply doesn't ask for him. He turns his head and asks for Shu Yin.

"Little tree shade, I was just joking, you know?"

Shuyin shook his head seriously: "no, the more you explain, the less like it is!"

Jingzhi almost cried. He wanted to dig a hole for his brother, but he fell in!

"No, I'm joking! You see my brother is so single-minded. He is not like me. Xiao Li and Xiao Mei are all my women. It has nothing to do with my brother! Tell him, don't send me to North America! You're all here. It's boring for me to go to North America alone

Shu Yin seemed to suddenly realize: "Oh, it's your woman. When I talk to Zheng yuluo, let her stay away from you. Now we are alumni, and occasionally we will have classes together. Later, I will help her find a new boyfriend. You are so playful, you two should forget it!"

Jingzhi wants to give himself a brick. Why come to find trouble when he is free!

Now, lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot!

He didn't dare to explain any more. The more he explained, the more disordered he became. After a while, he didn't necessarily get any results!

Jingzhi leaves in a hurry, gets on his own car and leaves X university quickly.

In the school, Jing Rui holds Shu Yin's hand and says solemnly, "don't get me wrong. Ah Zhi is just playing. I always have only one girlfriend."

Shuyin blinked: "that's really hard to say. What if Jingzhi said is true? I see you have a lot of experience in love. How many have you talked about before? If you confess, you will be lenient; if you resist, you will be strict! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!