Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1125

Xiao Yue was anxious when he heard it: "Mom, how can this be done! I don't know him well. How could he give us money? He has helped me a lot. I can't ask him for money any more! When I go to work tomorrow, don't worry. You won't be hungry. "

Xu Qiu said in displeasure: "the little money you earn is not enough to plug your teeth. This big family, pointing to you, is it necessary to drink from the north and the west? Do you want to starve your brother and sister? Just now I specially made you scrambled eggs. How can I turn my face when I finish eating it? "

Yue, she had to make good use of her eggs!

Her original warm heart, instantly cold, all over the body some chills!

What's more, she only took a small bite of the two eggs, and the rest went into her brother and sister's stomach.

Didn't her parents always hate her to do something shameful?

Even if she went out to work, she was forbidden to look for that kind of shameful job, and she had to go to that kind of place with face.

She didn't even go to high school. Which good company would want her?

So she went to the bar to work, all of them were furtive, never daring to tell her family.

"Mom, I can make money, and I'm sure you can live a good life in the future. Don't give my friend the idea. He won't give us money to spend. We are not his people. "

Xiao Yue doesn't agree. She can't bear to ask Jingzhi for money.

What's more, why should they spend the money they earn?

Jingzhi has a saying that it's true that her parents are healthy and healthy. She goes out to play cards and gamble every day. She always cries out that it hurts here and there as soon as she works.

At first, she believed that her parents were old and out of health, but now it seems that they have no problems at all.

"Xu Yue, you can pretend it for me! Do you think you can hide from us? You have to pay for it. We don't want to pay more. We can only give you hundreds of thousands a year. If we keep you for so long, can't we ask him for some money? "

Xiaoyue looked at his own mother in disbelief. Her eyes were filled with tears. She felt that she didn't believe what she had just heard.

"Mom, are you going to sell me? Am I still your daughter? "

Xu you had to frown and scold Xiao Yue: "how do you talk to your mother? Are we the kind of people who sell daughters? It's just asking for betrothal gifts from the future son-in-law. What are you talking about so bad for

"That's it

As soon as Xu Qiu's eyes brightened, she felt that her husband was still able to speak. It was really a little too bad to say that the maintenance was too bad. She was also affected by what the neighbors said yesterday.

If my daughter can marry a rich man, that would be the best!

Xiao Yue didn't seem to know his parents. He didn't know what they were talking about.

A future son-in-law?


How can they say it!

With her condition, it is not qualified to be a nanny for Jingzhi. Marry him? That's daydreaming!

But her parents obviously didn't think so.

Xu Qiu even immediately said: "you don't stay at home, hurry to clean up, go to the city, you look so beautiful, if he doesn't like you, how can he take you to the hospital and send you home again! Go and ask him when he will marry you. I don't agree to marry you without betrothal gifts. "

Xu Qiu was a famous beauty when he was young. Xu had a good appearance. When he was young, he was also a handsome young man. In fact, all the children born to the couple were very good-looking.

Many neighbors have praised Xiao Yue, saying that she looks like a star on TV, and she will definitely catch a golden tortoise in the future.

Now it has really become a reality. Xu Qiu's hands are shaking with joy.

She rushed to find clothes for Xiao Yue, forcing her to change into the so-called "new clothes" - a washed white school uniform.

Later, Xiao Yue was pushed out of the house by his parents.

She looked at the "bang" of the door closed, looking at herself standing outside alone, and for a moment felt that she was abandoned by the whole world.

In her pocket, Xu Qiusai gave her two yuan, which was just enough to let her go to the city by bus.

Wearing her school uniform, she left home step by step and got on the only bus passing through the village.

This school uniform was issued by the school when she was in junior high school.

Fortunately, the school uniform was made very large at that time. Even though she has grown tall in the past two years, she can still wear it.

In addition, she was originally pure and thin, with a small ponytail, and looked no different from an ordinary student.

Xiaoyue went to the city, she was thirsty and hungry, no way to go, just relying on memory, once again found the villa of Jingzhi.

She was lucky. Jing Zhigang was at home.

Seeing Xiao Yue coming to him, Jing Zhi's anger can't help but want to burst out.Up to now, he has not dared to tell his brother that his sports car was smashed beyond recognition. If there are more than seven million cars to be repaired, it will cost at least one million!

Jingzhi felt that he was very unlucky. In the past, there was a Zheng yuluo who kept looking for trouble for him. Now Zheng yuluo has stopped and a little Yue has come!

And it seems that this little Yue can't throw it off!

"Get away from me. I'm not a charity. I don't adopt stray dogs."

He had an impatient tone, a cold look, and a look of disgust.

Xiao Yue was scared, then red eyes, lowered his head, quietly went out.

She also knew that she should not come, but in city a, she did not know anyone except Jingzhi.

If he didn't want to take in himself, she would have to sleep on the street tonight - she didn't even have the money to go home, and her parents didn't give her the money to go back.

Jingzhi watched Xiaoyue go out, did not call her, he turned back to the villa.

He is really not a kind-hearted person. If he hadn't been implicated in Xiaoyue by smashing the bar, he would not have cared about him yesterday. If she didn't look like Zheng yuluo, he couldn't have sent him home.

There are more poor people in the world. Xiaoyue still has parents. Are those orphans more pitiful?

Shu Yin is an orphan and has been tortured with virus for several years, but she overcame all the difficulties and got a new life with her own efforts.

This little Yue's brain is not clear, he doesn't care about her.

Jingzhi drives Xiaoyue away. Seeing his car in the yard, he drives to the repair shop in agony.

Many parts of the car have been scratched, and there are many potholes. The glass is also broken. It will take at least half a month for the car to be completely repaired. , the fastest update of the webnovel!