Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 112

Because of jingyichen's relationship, Mu Qing knew jingyiran a long time ago and knew that he always liked not to take the ordinary road. But he didn't expect that this guy was so bold that he robbed Shangguan under jingyichen's nose!

What's worse, shangguanning is still burning. Her temperature has just dropped. If she goes out and tosses around like this and does not have timely infusion, her body will be gradually engulfed by high temperature!

We must find shangguanning as soon as possible!

Wood green in the heart of a Jingyi ran to scold a bloody dog, this person is a madman, actually regardless of shangguanning's life and death, directly took people from the hospital bed!

If he was caught by jingyichen, he would surely die miserably. No, he would be worse than dead!

"Jingshao, we must find our sister-in-law as soon as possible. Her physical condition is not optimistic, and she can't last long! I'll go with you to find someone with emergency medicine

Mu Qing can't care what night shift is worth. Now shangguanning is the most important thing. He can't imagine how many people in a city will be buried with her if shangguanning makes any mistakes!

Jing Yichen has not been so angry for a long time. The last time he got angry was when Tang Yun disappeared ten years ago.

At that time, the whole underworld of a city was almost washed by him, so that those who were not afraid of the underworld talked about the change of scenery.

I hope this time, there won't be such terrible bloodshed as that time. Although jingyichen and jingyiran have always had a very bad relationship with each other, there has never been a case of sibling mutilation in the Jing family. Jing Zhongxiu attaches great importance to both of his sons. He is a father who will intervene if he really wants to cause human life.

Jing Yichen did not speak, cold face strides out.

Because of his presence, Li duo and others did not come to the hospital tonight. None of them thought that Shangguan could have an accident when he was around jingyichen.

After learning that the young lady was taken away by the second young master, Li duo immediately took people to look for him.

Jing Yi Chen has a lot of hands, and his eyes are all over the city of A. Jingyi ran with Gao Guan and did not stay away for a long time. After a quarter of an hour, they were discovered.

Jing Yichen received the position and drove to the other side with MuQing. His speed on the road was terrible, and Aston Martin's superior performance was brought into full play by him.

Shangguan was in a daze and felt that she was being held in her arms. She thought it was jingyichen. Her delicate eyebrows wrinkled slightly. She closed her eyes and said, "go away, stay away from me. I don't like you!"

As she spoke, she pushed him with her hand.

The woman in her arms was sick, and her face was not the slightest blood color. Her sleeping appearance was lovely and weak, not as cold and distant as usual when she saw him.

Jing Yiran put his ears close to the lips of Shangguan Ning and finally heard her words.

Does she also know that the person holding her is not jingyichen? Or is she saying this to jingyichen?

Is the relationship between them not as deep and good as he imagined?

Jing Yiran's sexy lips show a trace of evil smile.

He took hold of the small, boneless hand that tickled on his body and put it on his lips for a kiss.

After the kiss, he realized what he had done.

It seems that she is angry with her behavior just now. Jingyiran tries hard to wake up Shangguan Ning: "beauty, wake up. I like spicy food, but I don't like lifeless. Otherwise, it's not fun to play!"

Shangguan Ning reluctantly opened her eyes. When she saw that she was in Jingyi Ran's arms, she almost thought that she had an illusion.

No, even if there are hallucinations, it should be jingyichen. She doesn't like jingyiran's madman at all. The object of hallucination is definitely not him.

Jing Yiran took the expression of Shangguan Ning's eyes. He didn't know why he suddenly got angry. He stretched out his hand and patted Shangguan Ning's buttocks.

"Don't think about other men in my arms!"

His tone was rude and angry, as if shangguanning was his woman.

Shangguan Ning was patted his buttocks, and immediately shy and angry, regardless of pain, lying on his arm and then biting.

After biting, she closed her eyes like fate, waiting to bear the fury of Jingyi ran.

After waiting for a long time, she opened her eyes again. However, she saw some light shining in jingyiran's black eyes. There was only excitement but no anger.

The Shangguan Ning heart suddenly, more and more sure that the person in front of him is a madman with serious mental disorder!

Jing Yiran felt the pain from her arm, and suddenly bowed her head to kiss Shangguan.

Shangguanning has always been on guard against him. Seeing him bow his head, he covers his whole face with his hands in a hurry.

Jing Yiran's kiss fell into her delicate palm.

The two men sat in the back seat of his brand new Maserati in an ambiguous position. On the driver's seat, there was a man in black who could hardly feel his existence. After a moment, he respectfully said to Jingyi: "Er Shao, here we are.""Where are you taking me?" Shangguan Ning is very uncomfortable now, and she has no strength to fight Jingyi, but she still wants to stay away from this dangerous person.

Jing Yiran took her out of the car and said, "Why are you so light? Has jingyichen not fed you enough every day? "

"You let me go, I'll go by myself!" Shangguanning immediately struggled, she didn't like this person to hold her.

Jingyi ran did not care about her resistance, but said: "you struggle again, I will strip your clothes now and satisfy you in this street!"

Shangguanning stopped immediately.

He's a madman. He's absolutely what he says!

She now very much hope that jingyichen can quickly appear in front of her, Jing Yiran so holding, said embarrassing words, she almost collapsed!

I don't know how jingyiran brought her out. She clearly remembers that she took cold medicine and slept in the bed at home!

Moreover, she promised jingyichen last time to let Li duo take people to protect her.

But now, what about people?!

She felt like a century had passed and no one had appeared!

Jingyi ran seems to be able to see through her heart, proud way: "don't worry, no one can find you, tonight, you are mine!"

Shangguan Ning looked at his conceited and arrogant appearance, and his heart suddenly cooled.

However, when she looked at Jingyi and ran her into a bar, her heart was full of doubts.

"What are you doing in the bar?" She could not keep her words in her mind and immediately asked.

"Naturally, people who come to the bar are drunk. Of course, their family can buy other things besides being drunk, such as Spring -- medicine , the fastest update of the webnovel!