Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 113

"I'm in a hurry today. I haven't got anything ready. I can only borrow some from others. However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this bar is my son's, with first-class defense measures. There are no heavy weapons such as tanks. I'm afraid it will take four or five hours to attack. What can we do for such a long time

If there is a knife now, shangguanning will stab jingyiran's body without hesitation.

But she had nothing but cold sweat all over her body. She watched Jingyi carry herself into the bar.

It's already more than two o'clock in the morning, but the bar is still very lively. Men and women in exposed clothes are embracing each other and wriggling on the dance floor.

Maybe it's also because he lived in an empty villa since childhood. Jingyiran likes a crowded place and doesn't like a closed bar and private room very much. So he casually finds a place close to the bar and throws shangguanning on the sofa.

He snapped his fingers, and soon a hot and sexy rabbit girl brought him a cocktail.

He likes colorful things, so he always drinks cocktails with bright colors.

It came with the cocktail and a red pill.

Jing Yiran threw the pill into the glass in front of Shangguan Ning's face. The pill quickly melted in the bright red cocktail and disappeared.

The name of this cocktail is bloody mary. Shangguanning thinks that it is really what kind of people order what kind of wine! This cocktail is a perfect match for Jing Yiran!

But bloody mary is only named for its gorgeous color. In fact, its red color is due to the addition of a lot of tomato juice.

Jing Yiran put the wine cup in front of Shangguan Ning. Seeing that she didn't drink or speak at all, she took out a diamond ring from her pocket and shook it in front of her.

Shangguan Ning frowned and didn't understand why the painting style changed so fast.

However, when she saw the diamond ring, she immediately mobilized the last trace of strength of her body and rushed toward jingyiran.

Warm fragrance into the arms, jingyiran a little intoxicated take a deep breath, stretch out her arms around her soft and slender waist.

He held the ring in his hand and said, "do you want it?"

Shangguan nodded and his voice trembled slightly

If she had never taken a diamond ring from her mother all the year round, she had never taken a yellow ring with her.

But after her death, the diamond ring and her necklace disappeared.

How can even this diamond ring be in jingyiran's hand!

After searching for so many years and searching for so many years, she hardly found any valuable clues. But in just a few days, jingyiran has taken out two kinds of her mother's relics!

She can't wait to get the ring in her hand and see if it's mom's ring.

Jing Yi Ran pointed to the cup of Bloody Mary without medicine, playfully said: "you feed me a glass of wine, the ring will be given to you."

Shangguan Ning did not hesitate to take the glass to his lips.

Jing Yiran picked up her mobile phone, snapped a picture, and then sent it out neatly.

Jingyichen, who is driving fast, hears the mobile phone ring, but has no time to pay attention to it. Mu Qing on one side thinks that he has received the message at the moment. He must be extraordinary. He took his mobile phone, asked him the password, opened it and almost threw it out.

Jing Yichen noticed Mu Qing's action and said in a cold voice, "what's the matter?"

"That You'd better watch for yourself. " Mu Qing handed his mobile phone to him, and a photo came into his eyes.

The angle of the photo is excellent. Shangguan Ning is all nestled in jingyiran's arms. His hand is on her slender waist, and they are holding each other vaguely. Shangguanning has woken up from her coma. Her white hand is carrying a cup of red cocktail wine to jingyiran's mouth.

The neon lights of the bar shine on the two people's bodies, which is dreamlike and looks beautiful.

Jingyichen holding the steering wheel's big hand suddenly tightens, the forehead blue muscle suddenly rises, the body's temperature seems to drop to the freezing point all of a sudden.

He resisted the impulse to smash the mobile phone, and stepped on the accelerator continuously under his feet, and once again increased the speed.

In the bar, Shangguan Ning sees Jing Yiran to take photos, and immediately wants to rob his mobile phone.

Just don't say that she is sick now. Even if she is not ill, she is not jingyiran's opponent at all.

Jing Yiran finished taking photos, threw the expensive customized mobile phone at random, and drank the blood red cocktail with the wine glass handed over by Shangguan Ning.

If he can't get the mobile phone, he wants to take photos at will, as long as he can give her something.

"Well, I'll feed you, and give me the ring!"

"Ha ha ha, beauty, what does a diamond ring mean? Don't you know? The diamond ring represents the proposal. Are you urging me to propose to you? As far as I know, you are married. Bigamy is against the law! So, you'd better go back and divorce your marriage and come back to me for a ring. "Shangguan Ning didn't expect that he didn't mean what he said. He said angrily, "you said just now, I'll give you the ring to drink! You lied to me? "

Jing Yiran looked at her and was angry, just like a kitten with open teeth and claws. He stretched out his hand and pinched Shangguan Ning's delicate white chin. Without face or skin, he said, "I let you feed with your mouth. If you don't hold a cup to feed, how can you count?"

Shangguan Ning Qi shivered all over and tried to break away from his arms. However, he had no strength because of fever, so he didn't succeed at all.

"Pa" a sound, she angrily directly threw Jingyi ran a slap.

On his beautiful white face, a palm print quickly appeared.

Jing Yiran, the whole person is cold.

He is so big that no one has ever slapped him in the face! No one dares!

Jing Yiran looks at the woman in her arms coldly, as if to devour her with her eyes.

Shangguan Ning looked at him obstinately and refused to bow his head.

But the tears in her eyes could not help but slide down, aggrieved and sad.

Her mother's remains are in front of her, but she is weak and incompetent. She can't take it back. What else does she talk about to find out the truth of that year!

She's useless!

Shangguan Ning's tears pattered down and dropped on the back of Jingyi's hand holding her chin, bringing a warm breath.

This warm feeling, along with jingyiran's hand, instantly passed to the bottom of his heart.

It's strange that he has seen so many women cry. Why has he never felt like this?

That kind of feeling is called heartache.

There is no wound, no bleeding, why does it hurt?

Is it the sequela of the cocktail he just drank?

Jing Yiran quickly chose to ignore the strange feeling and pointed to another cocktail. She still used a dandy way of saying, "if you drink this wine, I'll give you the ring, OK?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!