Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 111

MuQing quickly connected the detection equipment to shangguanning, and a string of numbers and symbols quickly appeared.

He frowned when he saw the data on the screen.

Shangguanning's high fever is close to 41 degrees. If she is delivered a little later, she may fall into shock due to excessive high fever, and then she will die soon because of shock.

Mu Qing calmly and attentively dispenses and injects her to cool her body quickly.

He had seen shangguanning many times and knew her physical condition like the palm of his hand. Now, combined with high-precision medical equipment, after half an hour, shangguanning's temperature was stabilized at 38. Five degrees.

Jing Yichen looks at the green "38" on the instrument. 5 ", not from frown, cold way:" how body temperature has not returned to normal? "

Mu Qing took off the equipment that was connected to shangguanning's arm. He took off his mask and his milky rubber gloves. He took a look at Jing Yichen and said, "Jing Da Shao, you don't understand medicine. Can you stop questioning the doctor's level? I'm a medical genius. I've won countless medical awards since I was young. Can I even treat a basic fever? Are you a layman

Mu Qing also only at this time can make a good laugh at someone who is extremely excellent in all aspects.

Thanks to his good medical attainments, he was able to hold back the powerful momentum of Jing Da Shao who wanted to kill people with his eyes at this time!

Hum, he can't compare with jingyichen in other aspects. But when he is in the hospital, he can only look up to him!

However, Mu Qing is complacent and complacent. He is still good-natured and popularizes common sense to Jing Da Shao.

"She burned too much this time. She was close to the limit of human body's high temperature, so she couldn't reduce the temperature all at once and keep it at 38. Five degrees is good for her, not bad for her. Wait for her body to adjust a little bit, and then continue to cool her

Jingyichen nodded faintly, went forward to pick up Shangguan Ning, walked out of the emergency room, and entered the ward She used to use.

Mu Qing shook her head helplessly in the back. She didn't know how shangguanning was ill again. Moreover, she was sent to the hospital with a high fever to this degree. No matter how good she was, she couldn't stand such a tortuous method.

It seems that he would like to act as a big sister and give them a good class.

He really doesn't want shangguanning to run here too often, or jingyichen's cold can freeze the whole hospital.

Jingyichen sits beside the hospital bed, looking at Shangguan Ning's bloodless face, and his heart aches.

He has been in Australia, and shangguanning just came back from Germany the day before yesterday. They haven't seen each other for a week. He misses her very much.

But as soon as he came back, he saw her dying of illness. He was angry and distressed.

What's more, she seems not only to miss him, but also to push him away from her.

Jing Yichen thought for a long time and didn't find out where he annoyed her.

Looking at shangguanning's physical condition stabilized under the effect of drugs, he slightly relieved, and then walked out of the ward to an empty ward next door, and began to call to inquire about what happened today.

It was OK when I talked on the phone yesterday, but there was a problem today. He couldn't find out the reason. Fortunately, Li Duoduo followed her with people, always knowing what happened to her.

Li duo obviously did not sleep, he succinctly and clearly reported the things of shangguanning yesterday.

After returning home, shangguanning didn't go anywhere except go to work. Even Liyu technology didn't go to see it. Life was so simple that Li duo only said a few words and finished the report.

However, since Tang Yun once went to Jingsheng group to challenge shangguanning, and he clearly knew that shangguanning was in the young master's heart, so he said the meeting between the two people.

But he didn't know exactly what they talked about, because as long as Shangguan was in the group, he and his people would not go in, they would only guard her outside.

After listening to Li duo, Jing Yichen immediately knows where the problem lies.

It must be because of Tang rhyme.

Shangguan Ning has always been very concerned about her, and even cut off her beloved long hair.

As long as Tang Yun is mentioned, she will be jealous.

But Tang Yun went to the company to find her. With Tang Yun's character, she would choose what to say.

Shangguan Ning's mind is far worse than her. She is not her opponent at all.

I don't know what Tang Yun has experienced outside these years. She is more and more interested in playing tricks. Sometimes, even Jing Yichen feels frightened.

However, he knew what kind of person Tang Yun was. He always tried to protect her, not because she was kind or beautiful, but because he owed her all this.

In his heart, no one can compare with shangguanning.

Tang Yun goes to Shangguan Ning, which makes jingyichen feel angry.

He took her back home, not to let her destroy his hard won secure and happy life.He can indulge her in anything, but he will not allow her to bully his wife.

Jingyichen is getting cold all over his body. It seems that what he said to Tang Yun last time didn't play a role. Want to come, she forgot, he can take her back, also can send her away!

Jingyichen hung up the phone and went back to Shangguan Ning's bed, but she was surprised and angry to find that Shangguan Ning was gone!

The venous indwelling needle that had been inserted into her hand was pulled out, and the transparent medicine was dripping out.

He just called, but only used three minutes. How could shangguanning disappear in such a short time?!

She's still burning. She's still in a coma! She couldn't have left on her own!

He was in the next room, and he didn't even notice what happened in this room!

Jing Yichen is very angry. Her handsome face is covered with frost.

He immediately found Mu Qing and checked the hospital's surveillance.

There are dozens of monitoring screens in the hospital. Mu Qing is looking at the left part of the monitoring screen, while Jing Yichen on the right suddenly bursts into a terrible murderous spirit. His fists are clenched together and he makes a startling "click" sound of his knuckles.

Mu Qing stood by his side and was startled by his sudden momentum. When he also saw the picture in the monitoring, he immediately took a breath of cold air.

In the clear monitoring screen, there is a figure that he is very familiar with. No, it should be two. One of them is naturally the unconscious shangguanning, while the other is Jing Yichen's younger brother. Jingyiran is adored and heartbroken by thousands of women in a city!

Shangguan Ning is held in her arms by jingyiran, and jingyiran swaggers out of the hospital. Before going out, he also shows a vicious smile at the monitor, as if he knew for a long time that they would check the surveillance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!