Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1117

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Jing Rui doesn't discuss the issue of having children with Shu Yin. She is only 18 years old. Even if she likes children, she won't want children so early.

In any case, there will be opportunities for verification in the future, so we can't force Shu Yin to rush.

"I'll take you to my house for dinner tomorrow. My mother has always wanted to see you."

Jing Rui holds Shu Yin and says an explosive news.

"Ah? I'm not going! "

Shuyin subconsciously refused, because it was too much like a daughter-in-law to see her mother-in-law!

She's totally unprepared!

She doesn't have the confidence to make Jing Rui's mother like herself.

She is a person who doesn't want to see her mother. She has an instinctive fear of her elders.

"It's OK. Don't worry. My mother is very nice. Although my father is a little cold, he will never embarrass you. If they do, you can tell me that I will take you away from home."

Shu Yin's tension was relieved by Jing Rui. She laughed and said, "I thought you were a very filial son!"

"Yes, I am very filial! At least better than my father. I found my girlfriend so early. When he chased my mother, he was more than 30 years old. Thanks to his handsome and young appearance, how could my mother be cheated by him? "

Shu music can't be supported. Before, Jing Rui put his father at an unprecedented height. He thought that jingyichen was the most powerful in the world. As a result, he sold jingyichen soon!

How can she never know that Jing Rui has such a humorous side!

Shu Yin relaxes, but still feels that it's very inappropriate to see Jing Rui's parents now.

And if she went tomorrow, she was in a hurry. She didn't have the right clothes to wear. She didn't know their preferences. She didn't prepare gifts for them.

It's very impolite to visit the door empty handed.

Shu Yin was not taught by her parents when she was young, and she knew little about etiquette. But she remembered that when she was a child, people would bring small gifts to her when they went to her home. Few people would be guests empty handed.

"After a while, when I'm settled down, I'll visit my uncle and aunt. It's too hasty to go tomorrow."

Shuyin's tone has already taken a shallow plea. She is really afraid to see Jing Rui's parents. The feeling is like reviewing the lessons for several days and having to take the exam tomorrow. However, she has no confidence in the examination results.

Jingrui wants to take Shuyin home, but it's just a temporary move. Seeing her, she's a little scared, and can't help laughing.

He thought that she was not afraid of heaven or earth. She was afraid to see her father-in-law!

What a surprise!

This reflects a problem from the side, she actually cares about him, otherwise she will not be afraid to see his parents.

Jing Rui finally found a powerful weapon to restrain Shu Yin. His dark eyes were full of smile and said in a low voice, "OK, I'll give you some time to prepare."

Shuyin is very relieved!

Great! Don't go tomorrow!

She got up from the bed and pushed Jingrui to get up: "it's dark. It's time for you to go home."

"I won't go back if you don't go back."

Jing Rui lies lazily on the bed with his hands on the back of his head, looking straight at Shu Yin.

Shuyin did not dare to sleep in the same bed with him. He always moved her, making her uncomfortable.

She got out of bed and said with a smile, "OK, this hotel belongs to your family. You can stay at will. I'll change another one! I don't believe it. All the hotels in a city are owned by your family! "

Shu Yin's obstinacy, Jing Rui has already experienced.

It was not easy for her to follow him into the villa before, but now she is out, and the possibility of her going back is very slim.

Forget it. Anyway, Shuyin lives everywhere. He lives with her.

Jingrui also gets up, calls for dinner, and then eats with Shuyin.

In fact, Shu Yin has been hungry and dizzy for a long time, but she has been bearing it all the time. Even if Jingrui doesn't want chicken wings for her on purpose, she doesn't care about it.

Seeing that she was obedient and ate a lot of vegetables and fish today, Jing Rui nodded with satisfaction: "it seems that you can still be an omnivore. It is just deliberately picky to refuse to eat before."

Shuyin can't help herself. She can't control what she likes or dislikes.

However, she thinks eating with Jing Rui will improve her appetite.

He ate a lot, fast, and not picky, the key is that his eating action is very elegant, aristocratic temperament shows no doubt.

Shu Yin is a little envious of him, even a good-looking man to eat, charm value burst table!

Jingrui elegant drink soup, light way: "sound, you don't eat chicken wings now, want to eat me instead?"Shu Yin's face is slightly red. She stares at Jing Rui and is actually found by him!

She lowered her head a little flustered and ate to cover up her embarrassment.

Two people finished dinner, only eight o'clock in the evening, daytime sleep enough, two people are very spiritual.

Shuyin originally wanted to drive Jingrui away, but she was a little reluctant to part with her.

She likes him around her.

"I don't have any clothes to wear, and I'm short of some daily necessities. Shouldn't the mall be closed at this time?"

Jing Rui goes to her side, holds her hand and takes her out.

"What are you doing?" Shu Yin asked suspiciously

"Go shopping with you."

"I shop fast and I don't need company."

"Oh, do you need someone to carry your bag?"

"I don't have a bag to carry."

Shuyin's bags are backpacks. Strictly speaking, they really don't need to be carried.

Jing Rui was not hit at all. He said calmly, "then you must be missing a driver!"

Shu Yin just wants to say that she can take a taxi, Jing Rui lowers her head and blocks her mouth.

After a hot long kiss, Shu Yin leaned against Jing Rui's arms for a breath, and said in a tender voice that had never been seen before: "you accompany me to..."

Jing Rui faint "um" a, and then took her out of the hotel.

City a is full of lights at night and people are coming and going on the street. It is the most lively time.

Shu Yin consciously takes Jing Rui's arm and walks with him in the street with bright lights.

There are a lot of snacks on the roadside, the aroma is overflowing, causing people to stir.

There are also several children holding a large bunch of roses, the voice of clear to sell to pedestrians.

There was a little girl of 11 or 12 years old, with two braids and eyes rolling. Seeing Jing Rui and Shu Yin, she immediately stepped forward and said, "Sir, buy a rose for your girlfriend! She is so beautiful that she should have the most beautiful rose

The name of "girlfriend" makes Jing Rui look at this little girl very much, although he knows that the little girl may say so to any man.

He turned his head and looked at Shuyin. Seeing that her face was slightly red, but her eyes were bright, he clenched Shu Yin's hand and said to the little girl, "I want all your flowers!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!