Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1118

The price of a rose is 20 yuan a flower. If you meet a bargain, you can also sell it for 15 yuan.

The little girl was so happy that she could make a lot of money tonight!

It's really good luck to meet an unjust local tyrant!

She has been selling flowers for a long time with rich experience. As soon as she heard Jing ruiquan's request, she immediately put a large number of roses in her arms to Shuyin Huaili. Unexpectedly, Shu Yin only took one of them.

"I don't want so many. One rose is enough."

Shuyin took a half opened rose and smelled the fragrance. Turning to Jing Rui, she said, "it's inconvenient to buy so many. It's not convenient to hold one or a hundred. It's the same to me. As long as you buy it!"

This is too emotional, too gentle, Jing Rui would like to hold her in the street and kiss.

He Mou son has some kind of mood in surging, light voice way: "good, listen to you."

As long as Shu Yin likes it, as long as she wants to, anything will do.

His desire for control, in front of her tenderness, instantly disintegrated.

As long as a rose, Jing Rui takes out a 100 note and hands it to the flower girl.

She could have sold all the flowers, but she could only sell one because of Shu Yin's words.

The little girl is very angry, and her face is not very good-looking. When she collects the money from Jingrui, she immediately raises the price and turns it into 50 yuan for each. She only gives Jing Rui 50 yuan in change.

Anyway, he didn't ask about the price. It's not the first time for a girl to do such a thing!

Jingrui did not ask about the price, but he has a good hearing. Not far away, there are lovers buying flowers for other children. The price is 20 yuan a piece.

He knew that he was trapped by this seemingly innocent little girl.

For Jing Rui, there is no big difference between 50 and 20. He doesn't speak. He just looks at the little girl indifferently and then leaves with Shuyin.

As long as Shu Yin is happy, he will not discuss the price with the little girl. He is not short of money.

Shuyin is worth the best rose!

Today's rose even if 5000 yuan, he will not hesitate to buy it.

Shu Yin was holding that rose and nestling on Jingrui's shoulder with happiness on her face. She was a little distressed and said, "fifty yuan for one, too expensive! Fortunately, we didn't buy all of them. We saved the money and bought me chicken wings

Jingrui immediately smiles. He takes Shuyin's slender waist and kisses her bright and full forehead with doting kisses: "did you start saving money for me before you married me? My woman is really good at life. I'll buy you chicken wings tomorrow. "

Shuyin feels happy bubble!

There are beautiful roses, there will be fragrant chicken wings, and there is a tall and handsome man around, which has attracted the envy of countless women around!

The inner pleasure spreads in the body, and the whole person is relaxed and happy.

"I think this is the happiest day since I was born!" she said

Jing Rui is also in a good mood. He has never been to the street and is not interested in it. He doesn't like the feeling that people are crowded. If someone is too close to him, he will be very uncomfortable.

Today, however, he did not. He enjoyed walking outside with Shuyin very much.

He protected Shu Yin tightly in his arms to prevent someone from hitting her.

When Jingrui was a child, he didn't understand why every time his mother went shopping, his father would accompany her even if he threw away his work and piled up a mountain of documents. Moreover, when he went home, he always followed his mother with a big bag and a small bag, and he still laughed happily.

At that time, he would rather sleep at home than go shopping, because mom was too slow and tormented!

She would try everything she saw, and when she bought it, she would often tangle with two colors or styles for a long time.

Only dad would be extremely patient with her.

Jingrui realized today that his father is not patient, but is shopping with his favorite woman. He will not feel time hard at all.

Dad is enjoying the process of accompanying his mother, that is the real husband and wife, the real life.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is extremely eye-catching. Jing Rui and Shu Yin have gained countless eyes along the way. Some even think they are stars and come to ask for autographs and group photos.

The cold wind with his men did not know where to come out and drove people away.

Jing Rui is indifferent to outsiders, so no one's eyes can affect him. He just takes care of Shu Yin wholeheartedly. Seeing that she is interested in some small things on the street stall, he will stop and wait, accompany her to be curious, compare and select together - although he doesn't think there is any difference in those things at all.

Although Shu Yin is not a star, her dead mother was a first-class beauty. She was also a famous star. She had seen people asking her mother for autographs.

Now she was asked for an autograph, and she felt very strange.Of course, she couldn't sign someone else. She didn't have to deal with all the people who came. Her attention was quickly attracted by the street gadgets.

She is so big that she has little contact with the outside world. The small stalls are basically memories before she was eight years old.

She was excited to buy this and that, and when she saw that there were people bargaining beside her, she suddenly realized that she could save money!

Shu Yin pulls Jing Rui, who wears more than 100000 handmade suits and millions of watches, to join the bargaining force.

She was interested in a lot of gadgets. After buying a few small things, she turned around and saw that there were lovers' shirts. After hesitating for a second, she thought she had bought them.

At first, Shu Yin was not proficient in business, but she was still trapped. However, she had a high IQ and was proficient in psychology. Half an hour later, she was able to buy things at the most suitable price.

Jingrui doesn't stop her, and occasionally helps her to bargain. After a while, he has already carried a big bag of all kinds of food and play.

Shu Yin looked at his battle and was very excited. He patted Jing Rui's chest with a smile and put the saved money into his suit pocket. He said triumphantly, "am I good?"

Jing Rui looks at Shu Yin in high spirits. She doesn't know why she can be so excited when she walks around the street. She looks like a completely changed person, full of youth and unrestrained.

Maybe, she has been suppressed by the madmen in the Research Institute for too long!

She is only 18 years old, which is a lively and lively age. She should hold her boyfriend's arm and come out to have fun, instead of burying herself in the laboratory all day long to study the horrible virus that makes people turn pale.

He was a little distressed. He reached out and stroked Shuyin's slightly disordered hair. His tone was unconsciously spoiled: "well, it's fierce. My voice is very strong." , the fastest update of the webnovel!