Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1116

Jing Rui sees Shu Yin's own nothingness. He grits his teeth and says, "you're very familiar with that smelly boy. The data are so clear that you can't remember it in the future."

Shuyin Leng for a while before reaction, he this is pantothenic acid.

She couldn't help but bend the corner of her lips and smile. This man is really, even eating his brother's vinegar!

"I have taken care of him for so long in the Research Institute. I record his temperature, weight, heart rate, etc. every week. All these data are shared by the Research Institute. Not only me, but everyone is familiar with it already!"

Shu Yin chuckles to explain why, but can't let Jing Rui have such a misunderstanding.

If he beats Jingzhi, it will be troublesome. Jingzhi will definitely come to her for settlement.

"Then you should also record my physical condition every day and know my data well in your heart! More familiar than him

Jingrui's domineering tone makes Shu Yin cry and laugh. It's hard for her to see such a childish side of this powerful man.

"What am I doing recording your data for? It's not like taking you to do research. It's very troublesome to record every day. I have other things to do! "

"Then you can take me for research. Don't you wonder why I have the same virus as ah Zhi? This is a world problem that your research institute has hollowed out the finance of several countries and has not studied it out! "

Shuyin's eyes brightened: "would you like me to study it?"

Jingrui said with a smile, "I will!"

The tone was like "would you like to marry me?"

But Shuyin soon calmed down. She shook her head and whispered, "no, forget it. I don't want to test you or draw your blood for research."

In the past, she was very repellent to others to draw her blood. Every time she saw her own blood drawn into the tube, she would be inexplicably irritable and uncomfortable, and even produce a series of symptoms such as vomiting and dizziness.

Later, she grew up, strong psychological quality, and she constantly hypnotized herself, which is much better.

However, she still hated people taking her blood and didn't like injections.

This is the same with Jingzhi. However, Jingzhi's irritability is extremely serious. He has to kill people every time to calm down.

This is actually a kind of serious psychological trauma, because their childhood left an indelible psychological shadow.

Shu Yin can mediate his hypnosis, but Jing Zhi can't, and the virus in his body can easily stimulate his belligerent factors, so his situation is much more serious than Shuyin.

Jing Rui has no such problem.

It's normal to take some blood. He thinks that if Shuyin wants to study it, it's better.

She is a very rational woman. She has been oppressed and tortured in the Research Institute for so many years. She is still a normal person without any psychological distortion. This is enough to show that her inner strength is not under him.

Before facing Jing Zhi, she could resist not drawing blood, and would not lose the most basic human nature because of studying virus.

To him, she will not.

"It's OK. If you want to know why I can withstand this virus, you can rest assured and boldly study it. I also want to know."

Jingrui's tone is relaxed. He doesn't have any bad feelings about viruses. They are already part of his body now, and they have been playing a good role all the time. In addition to the possibility of causing other people to die, there is no harm at all. If you want to hate them, you can't hate them!

Shuyin suppressed the temptation of the virus to her, suppressed the excitement of the virus that might develop and transfer the genetic evolution of all human beings. She still shook her head: "I don't research, as long as your body is OK."

Human evolution has been going on slowly. Shu Yin thinks that she is not so great. She takes the man she likes to do research for the benefit of all mankind. She is a little person abandoned by her parents and is not so noble.

It's OK to save a few people as much as you can, but forget the rest.

Her biggest wish in this life is to have chicken wings and live a stable life.

Jing Rui listened to her words, but her look was a little strange: "you really got it right. Maybe I have some physical problems, but it still needs to be verified."

Shuyin was stunned and asked nervously, "are you not feeling well? where? How long has it been? What are the symptoms? I remember Jingzhi has nothing wrong with him! "

"Oh, not too long. Since I met you, I began to feel uncomfortable from time to time. As for the symptoms..."

Jingrui said, holding Shu Yin's hand down: "you can feel it and see it!"

Shu Yin has been listening carefully. When she hears that it is related to herself, she frowns involuntarily. When her hand touches something hard, she finally reacts. She is fooled by Jingrui again!

She seemed to be scalded to the same swish all of a sudden retracted her hand, blushing than the sunset glow even more bright!

You You, you, you, how do you do this! I'm still worried about your health, but you're "

playing rogue!

Seeing Shu Yin's appearance that she was almost going to run away, Jing Rui hurriedly said, "I'm not kidding. I may not be able to bear children, but I haven't verified it yet, so I want to ask you!"Shu Yin immediately remembered the Research Report on Jing Zhi's body by the Research Institute. It really said that Jing Zhi could not bear children.

But Shu Yin never thought about having children before. Most of the people in the research institute are infertile. Even if she can have children, she doesn't care much about it.

Now hearing Jing Rui's words, she was stunned.

However, the blush on her face still did not dissipate.

Because Jing Rui has been emphasizing that he has not verified it.

Obviously, his underlying line is that he wants to test it with her.

Shu Yin buried his head low and said in a low voice: "you ask me how can I know..."

In fact, there are tens of thousands of frozen eggs, frozen semen, and frozen embryos collected from all over the world in the Research Institute. Shuyin is mainly engaged in genetics and viruses, and must be exposed to these things.

But she had no idea about these things before, because a frozen egg or sperm can't be seen with the naked eye. They are sealed in a incubator, which is not very different from human stem cells and tumor cells.

They can only be seen under a high-power microscope.

But this kind of cell will never let Shu Yin have other associations. When she left the Research Institute, she was only 17 years old. She had neither the experience nor the need of that aspect, and her imagination was extremely scarce.

In the past, she studied Jing Zi as an ordinary cell, but this cell has the function of forming an individual.

But from today on, Shu Yin felt that she would never be so simple again!

All blame Jing Rui!

How can she do research in the future! , the fastest update of the webnovel!