Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1115

Shu Yin was amused by his arrogance and narcissism, but what he said was true and could not be refuted at all.

Shu Yin has never met a more handsome and excellent man.

She was panting and lying on Jingrui's chest. She laughed a little. When she had enough, she said solemnly, "you are the most powerful. I always know that!"

Praised by the woman she likes, and uses the highest vocabulary, Jing Rui is in a good mood.

He rarely modest way: "I am not the most powerful, there are more powerful than me."

Shuyin subconsciously felt impossible, raised his head and glared at his eyes and asked, "is there any?"

She looks innocent and simple. In her clear eyes, she only respects him. It seems that in her heart, he is the real number one in the world.

Jing Rui is pleased by her, and feels that today's Shuyin is really lovely!

"Yes!" he said with a low smile

Shu Yin thought about it and didn't think that person could let Jing Rui also bow down. She was unconvinced and asked, "who?"

Jing Rui gently scraped her delicate nose and said with a smile, "my dad!"

Shu Yin immediately felt that he had played with him and hit him on the chest.

Jing Rui's father, Jing Yichen, is not a stranger to Shu Yin.

Because no matter research institute or killer organization, have deep fear to this name.

Jingjia's investment and various industries are all over the world and have great influence. If jingyichen has no means, Jingjia will not be able to develop rapidly.

Jing Rui thinks his father is powerful, which is too normal.

However, Shuyin was suddenly a little nervous.

I don't know if such a powerful character will like her? What if you don't like her?

Jing Rui seems to be able to see through her mind and says with a smile, "my father likes you, my mother likes you, and my sister likes it too."

Shu Yin's face turned red and thought it was too early to say this!

"Most of all, I like it!"

Shu Yin's face is more red, she has not heard Jing Rui so formal confession.

Her heart thumped as if to jump out of her chest.

She was a little resentful of her failure to compete and said, "I haven't decided yet. You are still in the investigation period."

Jing Rui smiles and kisses her forehead: "well, good, inspection period."

The examination period is better than the probation period, so let's investigate!

Anyway, the little woman was in his arms and he could eat it at any time.

Jingrui holds Shuyin in his arms and talks to her in a low voice. The beauty is in his arms. He has a little meaning that he will not be a king since then.

With that, he asked his worry: "Yinyin, what did Lucas come to you for last night? Did he threaten you? "

Shu Yin was stunned, but he sighed in his heart.

All in all, it is impossible to avoid talking about the secret of Jing Rui's blood.

She light way: "yes, threatened me, he that person, has been very despicable."

Jing Rui in the heart a tight, hold her hand, quietly asked: "threat you what?"

"He threatened me that if I didn't obey my orders, I would make the secret of your blood known to the public, and let the people of the research institute occupy city A."

Jing Rui was stunned and frowned: "how could he know this?"

Shuyin showed a confused and innocent appearance, like a harmless rabbit: "I have been asking him what secrets you have in your blood, but he refused to tell me, and blackmailed the virus I developed."

Jing Rui can't help laughing at how much she acts.

He believed that Shu Yin had not lied, and he also believed that Shuyin must have handled this matter very well.

This little woman is his, she carefully guard his secret, she makes him feel satisfied and proud!

He fondled her soft hair and said in a low voice, "Yinyin, I did guard against you before, but I didn't. I didn't mean to hide the secret of blood. We will be together in the future. You are a virus expert. How can this be hidden? "

Shu Yin did not want to be separated from him because he concealed the virus. She did not find a sense of belonging, because she realized that she was rejected by them.

She was afraid of being abandoned, so she gave up first.

She didn't know whether Jing Rui really wanted to tell her about the virus, but she still chose to believe him.

She trusted him for a long time, and she found it impossible to lie whatever he said.

With his pride, he disdains to lie, right?

Shu Yin's voice is no longer as relaxed and pleasant as before. He tells Jing Rui in a low voice: "Lucas doesn't know where he heard the wind, but he is not sure the truth of the news at present. You must not be injured recently. I'm afraid he will try to take your blood sample for test."

At last, she is willing to discuss this issue with herself, and Jing Rui finally relaxes.

This shows that she is not angry.Jingrui gently kisses her forehead, kisses her nose tip, and whispers: "I will be careful, you should also be careful. Next time there is such a thing, don't allow yourself to bear it alone. Tell me, even if you quarrel with me, it's the same. Don't get angry. "

If Shu Yin doesn't say that Lucas has already known about the virus today, it is her secret that Lucas framed her in the future, and she can't even explain clearly.

It's stupid and stubborn. I'd rather risk being misunderstood than make up with him.

Shu Yin is silent for a long time, she has been used to a person to undertake.

Although the feeling of relying on someone is very good, let her feel happy bubble, but if this dependence is lost, she will also be miserable all bubble burst.

"Lucas, like me, instinctively doesn't believe that this virus can survive in other people. This is the mindset left by the researchers. In fact, I just doubt it. There is no way to confirm it, because although your physical signs are similar to those of Jing Zhi, the gap is quite large. "

"For example, I have treated the wounds of both of you, but Jing Zhi's wounds recover several times faster. Moreover, he never has a fever. You have a fever since you last burned him."

"There are also the most obvious body temperature and heartbeat. Although your body temperature is slightly lower than that of ordinary people, Jingzhi's is far below the normal value of human beings."

People's individual lives are different. Some people's body temperature is naturally high, while others are born low. Although Jing Rui's temperature is low, there are also ordinary people with this temperature.

And Jingzhi's low temperature, the world will never find a second!

Shu Yin talks about the differences between many brothers, some of which have never been noticed by Jing Rui himself.

He listened and listened, suddenly jealous!

"Well, no more!"

Shu Yin looked at him inexplicably, and didn't understand how he changed his face in an instant.

Jing Rui is not such an emotional person! , the fastest update of the webnovel!