Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1114

Shu Yin is helpless.

The face is not thick as the other side, but also can't beat, even want to struggle to leave this hotel.

She knew that the Jing family had already covered the sky in a city, but she didn't expect to find a nice looking Hotel casually. As a result, it was Jing's!

She is held in her arms by Jing Rui, a little angry but also a little funny: "breaking up is unilateral, no one will say anything, but now you unilaterally force me is against the law!"

"Well, if you think this is a violation of the law, you can call the police now to see if Zheng Jing dares to bring someone to arrest me."

Although Shu Yin did not speak to Zheng Jing, she also knew his identity and knew that he had a close relationship with the Jing family.

In city a, where does anyone dare to catch Jing Rui?

"Then I won't sleep. It's dawn. I'm going to school. Let me go."

Since Shu Yin decides to separate from Jing Rui, she doesn't want to be entangled with him, otherwise she will be the enemy.

Yesterday that kind of loneliness still exists, she wrapped her heart again, the idea of a person to live is still unchanged.

Jing Rui knows that Shu Yin is not so easy to compromise. Her feelings are different from those of a transaction. She needs to slowly break in and melt a person's heart.

Of course, he is not easy to compromise.

Especially in the emotion, he knew clearly what he wanted, and could not easily let Shu Yin leave.

He still held Shu Yin in his arms for fear that she would become angry. His hands were very honest and did not move.

"I didn't sleep last night. I'm sleepy now, but I can't sleep without holding you."

There is a faint red blood in Jing Rui's eyes. Shu Yin only looks at it once, and his heart softens.

He is under pressure that outsiders can't imagine. Maybe he was busy all day yesterday, so he didn't have time to find her, right?

Shu Yin suddenly didn't get so angry. Didn't she always know that he was a person who had a clear division of feelings and career?

At first, I still thought that this kind of Jingrui was very charming. How could it be so delicate now?

She relaxed, no longer struggling, lying in Jingrui's arm, listening to his even breath, gradually sleepy.

Half dream and half awake, she felt the top of her head breathing became hot, a gentle kiss fell on her forehead, Shuyin opened her eyes.

In fact, she was always very alert when she was sleeping. It was very difficult for her to sleep when there were people around her.

But this person is Jing Rui. Her vigilance is seriously lower than the normal value. She was even kissed by him to wake up!

"Yinyin, did I wake you up?"

Jing Rui kisses her eyebrows and eyes, and his voice is deep and sexy. He sees Shu Yin wake up and his big hands follow her waist, all the way up, holding the mountains in front of her chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't control it, but I was a gentleman before you woke up. I didn't touch your body or take away your first kiss. I think it's better to kiss you when you're awake, don't you

Shuyin has been sober, can't wake up again!

She didn't even want to be so sober!

Because of Jing Rui's hand, the stimulation to her body is too big!

She knew she couldn't sleep with him!

He was lucky enough to say that he was a gentleman, which was just taking advantage of others' danger!

And he had the cheek to say such a shameful thing to her!

Shuyin's cheek is hot, and her heart rate suddenly accelerates. She presses Jingrui's weird hand and rebukes him with shame: "Jingrui! You go out, I don't want to sleep with you! You are a rascal

Jing Rui didn't hear what she said. He looked at Shuyin's ruddy lips and had endured for a long time!

"Yinyin, I'm serious about you. You can't run away."

He said that, without hesitation, he lowered his head and kissed Shu Yin's lips.

Shu Yin just felt that his mind suddenly exploded, and even forgot to resist.

His kiss seems a little raw, it is obviously the first kiss, but he has no teacher, quickly mastered the skills, began to crazy plunder.

He kisses too fiercely, Shuyin just gives him a symbolic push, and then he is powerless and paralyzed in his arms.

She likes him in the bottom of her heart. She can't refuse such a kiss.

Tongue entangled, breath intertwined, do not know in the end is who seduced who, until they stop, have been intoxicated, do not know this evening.

Jingrui's hand lingers on Shuyin's smooth and delicate back, which makes Shuyin's body tremble. The whole person can't help burying himself in Jingrui's arms.

Jingrui likes her cuddling up very much. Only in this way can Shuyin reveal the side of a little woman, charming and charming, which makes people excited!

"If you dare to leave me in the future, I will punish you severely. Yinyin, I'll let you go first today. Next time, I won't be able to control myself."

Jing Rui says, go to bite Shu Yin's lips, looking at her lips bright to drop, just satisfied to loosen.

Shu Yin was bitten by him a little bit painful, but more is a kind of happy experience she has never had.She suddenly understood why some men and women in the research institute were so keen on doing certain sports.

Things develop like this, she doesn't know how to face Jing Rui.

Just now, she seemed She also offered to kiss him.

"I'm by your side, sleep!"

Jing Rui looks at her soft lying in his arms, his heart is also a soft.

Last night, when he heard that Lucas had gone out of Shuyin's room, the whole person was angry.

If something happened to Shu Yin around him, he would regret all his life!

I don't know how she confronts Lucas. It's amazing that she is a weak girl who can fight Lucas's kind of madman.

Jing Rui touched her delicate face, hugged her and fell asleep with her.

When they woke up again, it was already evening.

Shuyin opens his eyes and sees the sunlight outside the window shining on Jingrui's handsome face, which makes him more and more handsome and extraordinary.

He gave her an arm as a pillow, an arm around her waist, posture intimate and doting, as if afraid of her running away, holding very tight.

In the afterglow of the sun, he was wearing a simple white shirt. Under the shirt, he could see the strong chest muscles and the smooth muscle lines on his arms.

Shu Yin blushed and bit her lips. She thought that even if she slept with him, she seemed to be the one who took advantage.

"Yinyin, why are you blushing? I don't seem to have done anything? "

Shuyin was surprised. She didn't expect him to wake up long ago, but pretended not to wake up. Peeping at him, she stammered: "I didn't, you, you Wrong reading! This is The problem of light! "

She had to explain two more words, but her lips were sealed.

His kisses were lingering and strong, as if to melt her, and devour her little by little.

"It doesn't matter, Yin Yin, like me, no need to explain! I know I'm handsome , the fastest update of the webnovel!