Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1113

In the strong night light, the street lamps on both sides of the street give out the Yingying light, stretching the shadow of Shuyin very long.

In the deep night, there are almost no pedestrians and vehicles, only she walks alone on the road.

Jing Rui gets out of the car and looks at the thin figure gradually away. His heart is full of remorse.

He had known her aloofness and arrogance, and had known that she lived alone in the world, and should have brought her warmth earlier.

He strode toward Shuyin, quickly catching up with her, holding her hand, regardless of her struggle, pressed her in his arms.

"I'm wrong, I'm not good. I know you're very tired today. It's selfish of me to bring you out of the hotel. I want you to stay with me a little longer. "

Shu Yin has recovered calm and reason, and she doesn't want to let Jing Rui's men die. It's necessary to save them if they can.

"Well, let's go. I still need time to prepare the medicine. Don't delay it."

We don't know what kind of virus Lucas used for those people, and Shuyin is not sure that she can save them all.

The two men walked back into the car without talking again.

However, Jing Rui's hand has always been holding Shu Yin's hand.

He was smiling bitterly in his heart, because Shu Yin didn't have the same kind of pinching and pinching as other girls. As soon as he apologized, she accepted it, which made people feel uncomfortable.

I don't know whether it's good or bad. He hopes Shu Yin won't be so generous. He hopes she will haggle with him.

Although Shu Yin has decided not to be with Jing Rui, his trust has not been reduced.

By his side, he is the most secure.

She pulled her hand several times, but did not come back, so she let him hold it. Then she leaned on the back and relaxed herself.

When she got to the hospital, she was almost asleep.

Shuyin rubbed his face, let himself sober a few minutes, and then went to the hospital to check the virus infection of those people.

Fortunately, all the viruses are the same. Shuyin has seen them and can solve them.

Fortunately, Lucas is generally gifted in this aspect, otherwise, with his madness, he will certainly be able to develop a virus that Shu Yin has never seen before.

In the past two years, he has been pursuing a virus that can make him strong and slow down aging. Therefore, there is not much research on the virus that can harm people. The virus he used this time is an old variety developed by the research institute many years ago.

Shu Yin first prepared a kind of medicine to relieve everyone's pain, and then began to make a formal prescription.

Not all viruses can be quickly killed by drugs, even the cold virus will survive in the body for many days, even if the injection medication, it will not be the same day, there will always be a transition period.

The more powerful the virus, the longer the transition period.

So after Shu Yin mixed out the medicine, the more than ten people didn't see much improvement after the injection.

So many people doubted her ability.

Shuyin was suspected not once or twice. She didn't pay attention to it at all, otherwise she would be angry to death by these people.

Good intentions to save people, but also suspected ability, ordinary people can not stand.

She gave all the potions to the cold wind, told him the specific usage and dosage, and then she was ready to leave.

Cold wind took the medicine and looked at more than a dozen brothers lying on the hospital bed. Finally, she couldn't help but ask her, "Miss Shu, I have no worries about my brothers' lives, right?"? They have been following me through life and death. They are all tough men and my brothers. Do you think this medicine works? "

Shu Yin has a good impression on the cold wind. He is loyal, strong and upright. He has a clear love and hatred. If he didn't follow Jingrui as a follower, he would have made a world of his own.

She smiles at the cold wind: "don't worry, you said, they are all men of iron and steel, and they are all in good health and can't die. It's just that I can't get out of bed in these days, and it will be OK in a week. "

"Good! Thank you for your help. It's a debt from our brothers. "

"You're welcome. Please give back your favor to Jingrui. I didn't come to save people for nothing. He promised to give me money to come here."

Cold wind a belly of gratitude words immediately blocked in the throat, up and down can not come, hold his face some red.

The girl has gone into the money hole!

It's so clear how to settle accounts with the boss!

Women are so fickle!

Yesterday, just like honey, I left today.

It's better to be a brother. If there's any contradiction, a fight will be solved immediately. Women have many things to do, and they can't do it!

Shuyin, this is a girl who doesn't like to make a fuss any more. The boss can't bear it. If you can make a fuss, where can you have a comfortable life!

After seeing a group of people, Jing Rui looks up and sees Shuyin and cold wind standing at the door, smiling and Yingying.

his face suddenly turned cold, and he immediately said, "cold wind, are you idle?"The cold wind scared a shiver, quickly holding medicine to leave!

He just said a few words to Shuyin. The boss is going to get angry, so stay away from Shu Yin in the future!

Jing Rui strode to Shu Yin and looked at her for a long time before he said, "go, I'll take you home and have a rest."

Shuyin Qingmei's face was full of fatigue. She shook her head and said, "no, I can go back to the hotel myself. You can remember to pay. There are 13 people here. I used a lot of expensive medicine in the hospital just now. You can pay me 30000 yuan each

"Money is not a problem. I'll give it to you later. I'll take you back first."

Jingrui said, taking the lead to go out.

Shu Yin has no strength to argue with him. He goes outside and gets on his car directly, but he doesn't agree to go to his villa.

"Go back to the hotel. I won't go to your house."

Her voice is firm, and Jing Rui thinks for a while. After all, he doesn't force her to drive her back to the hotel.

He followed him all the way into Shuyin's room, which made Shuyin a little angry: "this is my room, you go out! I'm going to have a rest

As if he didn't hear it, Jing Rui picked her up, went to the bedside, put her down, took off her shoes, and then took off his own shoes and lay down next to Shuyin.

Shu Yin was in a hurry. Her voice was not calm and calm. She was a little flustered and said, "what are you doing?! We broke up! You go out

"I forgot to tell you, this hotel is mine, so all the rooms here are mine! You'd better go around and live in my house! "

He domineering Shu Yin pressed in his arms, not to let her move, light way: "and, you broke up unilaterally, I have never agreed! I'm sleeping in my house with my girlfriend in my arms. Is there a problem? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!