Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1112

Hearing the familiar voice, Shuyin's tight body relaxed.

Not the enemy!

Shu Yin turned around and saw Jing Rui's face by moonlight and tried to keep the surface calm: "so late, how did you come?"

Jing Rui took the knife from her hand, put it on the small table beside her, and said in a cold voice, "my people just saw Lucas go out from your room. Are you ok?"

Shu Yin light way: "nothing, I'm still useful to him, he won't kill me, also can't kill me."

She said, go to get her own knife, and then go to the bed, in front of Jing Rui's face, put the knife under the pillow.

Jingrui frowned: "you are a girl's home, you sleep with a knife, be careful to hurt yourself!"


Without a knife, there will be no sense of security and self-protection.

Shu Yin doesn't care what Jing Rui thinks of her. Jing Rui knew about her two years ago.

"Come back with me, you can't live here!"

Jing Rui pulls Shuyin's hand and takes her whole person into his arms.

This is only a little more time, she is in danger!

She had a knife in her hand all the time, and it was clear that Lucas was a threat to her.

He worked until late at night, because he lived next door to Shuyin. He thought that Shuyin would be OK, so his vigilance was so weak that no one knew that Lucas entered Shuyin's room.

If Lucas didn't leave Shuyin's front door, no one would even find him!

Jingrui knows that Shuyin and Lucas have always been incompatible, so as soon as his subordinates report Lucas, he immediately comes.

Shu Yin is very tired at the moment and has been frightened twice in succession. Jingrui's chest makes her feel secure and peaceful.

She quietly leaned in his arms, only a minute later, she pushed Jingrui away.

Shu Yin said with a faint smile: "in the past, I faced so many dangers in the Research Institute, and I have survived. Now there is only one Lucas, and I can cope with it. You go away, and if I need your help in the future, I will certainly come to you. "

It's a total estrangement attitude that regards him as an ordinary friend!

And more cold than in the morning!

Mingming people are in front of him and can be touched by his hand. However, he always feels that he is far away from her. It seems that she will disappear from her own world if she is not careful.

It's a bit of a bad feeling!

Just as Jing Rui was about to speak, his mobile phone rang.

When the mobile phone was connected, there was a calm but self reproach voice: "boss, Lucas has run away. We have more than a dozen brothers infected by the virus ball he threw out. I'm afraid We need Miss Shu's help, or they won't survive tonight. "

"Take the infected to the hospital first, and she'll be there in a minute."

Jing Rui hangs up the phone and tells the story again. Shu Yin, as he expected, agrees to go to the hospital to rescue people immediately.

"It's OK to save people, but I have one request."

"I can promise you anything but leave me."

Shu Yin faintly smiles, does not entangle with Jing Rui whether to leave his question.

She said in a cold voice, "you have to pay! In the middle of the night, I can't save people in vain. I have to charge according to the degree of infection, but we are all friends. I can give you a discount. "

When I went to school to save people in the morning, I didn't mention any money at all. I had to charge for it in the evening.

Mention money hurt feelings of this sentence, Jing Rui at this moment is a profound experience.

However, he did not hesitate at all, and said directly, "OK, you can make an offer."

Nothing else. He has more money!

So it just saves him the trouble to transfer the money to Shuyin's account to ensure that she has no worries about food and clothing.

It's urgent. Shuyin goes to the bathroom with her clothes in her arms and quickly changes them. Then she gets on Jingrui's car and drives to Mu's hospital.

Jingrui is very fast, but he doesn't delay his speech.

He wants to explain to Shu Yin what happened during the day.

"Yinyin, what Xixi said when I was at school..."

"You don't have to say anything."

When he was only halfway through, Shuyin interrupted him.

"I don't want to know anything. The more I know, the faster I die. I want to live two more years. If you have any secret, please keep it and don't tell me for a lifetime."

Curiosity killed the cat. Although Shu Yin is extremely eager to know the secret in Jing Rui's blood, she wants to confirm whether the virus in his body is the same as Jing Zhi, but she has been restrained.

Perhaps, for another person, Shuyin may not be able to bear it. She may try to get a little blood from each other to test it quietly.

However, this person is Jing Rui, she is not willing to start.

Jing Rui listen to her unexpectedly refuse to know his secret, some surprised ask: "you don't want to know?""No!"

Shu Yin doesn't want to talk to him about it, because there is no point in saying it now.

"You can drive well. If you drive so fast, if you are distracted, you are likely to have an accident. It doesn't matter if I die. Those more than a dozen infected with virus will also die."

Her words inadvertently brought their own emotions, a little prickly meaning.

Jingrui's car made a harsh brake sound, and then quickly stopped.

He stares at Shu Yin's side face, the tone is a little cold: "do you think in my heart, those ten people are more important than you?"

Shuyin was startled by his rapid parking. Her voice was even colder than he: "you don't want to save it. I'll go back to the hotel!"

She untied her seat belt, opened the door and walked down.

Shu Yin is very sick in her heart and tired today. She just came out of the fear Lucas brought to her. Now she has to fight with Jing Rui again. She can't stand it.

Is she important?

She is the only one in the world who thinks she is important. To others, she is dispensable.

She trusts Jing Rui's character, but she doesn't think she has such a great charm that she can occupy an important position in Jingrui's heart.

If he really thought she was important, he would have come to see her rather than wait until midnight to see Lucas walk out of her room!

What is he busy with in the afternoon and the night?

No matter what he is busy with, it shows that she is not as important as what he is busy with!

Women's instincts are often terrible.

Even if Shu Yin doesn't know Jingrui's thoughts, she can guess her position in Jingrui's heart by intuition.

No matter how stable and mature she is, she is only an 18-year-old girl.

Like a person, even if quarrel, break up, also hope that person can explain two sentences, can comfort her.

This can prove at least that he did not love the wrong person.

She admitted that she had been waiting all day for him to show up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!