Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1111

The virus was developed and cultivated by Shu Yin himself. Although Lucas saved Yew's life, he could not crack it, so Yew's body left a sequela.

This new and powerful virus, Lucas himself developed for a long time without success.

So he asked Shuyin anxiously.

The virus is so lethal that Shuyin doesn't want to give it to lunatics like Lucas.

She took out a piece of paper towel from the head of the bed, gently wiped the blood on the knife, and said coldly: "no! If you want to cultivate yourself, aren't you good at cultivating viruses? If you want to ask a girl like me, do you want to be shameless? "

Lucas is almost used to being scolded by Shu Yin. Besides, he feels that he is a shameless person. He asks Shu Yin for virus, but he is not embarrassed.

He didn't treat Shu Yin as an ordinary little girl at all. He said viciously, "don't grind me. Give me the virus quickly! Otherwise, I will spread the secret of Jing Rui's blood! Well, the people who come to draw his blood will capture the whole city

Shuyin's heart trembles, this kind of consequence, will be unimaginable!

However, Ding Ruijing can't hide her secrets for her.

She deliberately disdained the way: "you continue to flicker, I have been in contact with him for so long, how don't you know what secret is in his blood? Where on earth did you get the false news and cover it so tightly? It's really ridiculous! If there was a problem with his blood, the killer organization would not have found anything? Lucas, is your brain full of water

Shuyin stopped and said, "Oh, no, it's full of viruses. My brain has been eaten up, so I'm an idiot."

Clay figurines have three temperaments, not to mention nervous Lucas!

Shuyin's hands were shaking, and he wanted to slap Shu Yin to death. However, seeing her wiping the blade with light wind and light clouds, he felt that she was not a good stubble and could only bear with life.

"I'll buy your virus and you'll make an offer!"

"Lucas, I don't lack money. I was taken care of by Jingrui some time ago. He gave me a lot of money!"

Shu Yin looks proud, as if it is a very proud thing to be taken care of by Jing Rui. She doesn't look like a good woman at all.

Shu Yin is not afraid of Lucas to investigate this matter. Thanks to Jing Rui's high-profile driving a luxury car to send her to school last time, the matter of child care has been widely spread by the school's good people.

It's a good umbrella.

If it's true love, there's no such thing as maintenance.

Since they have all taken care of them, it can only show that the relationship between her and Jing Rui is very general. They are just money and sex transactions.

Lucas was so angry that he even had an abnormal flush on his pale face.

He walked around the room, but he couldn't think of any way to deal with Shuyin.

Lucas finds it a bit tricky to deal with a character who is more ruthless than he is afraid of death.

The most important thing is that Shu Yin doesn't have any weakness!

He thought she cared about Jingrui. Who knows she didn't put Jingrui in his heart. She kicked him when he said that he would kick him!

Now, the way he wants to use Jing Rui to threaten Shu Yin is not working!

She didn't have a father or mother, even a friend, and couldn't find anyone to start with!

Take the orphan, no matter what.

Lucas gnawed his teeth and said, "a million! I'll buy you five milliliters of virus solution! "

Shu Yin curled her lips to show that she didn't think much of his money.

"You know how much effort it takes to develop a new virus, a million? Do you send beggars

Lucas is so angry that he's going to jump!

Which country's beggar is so valuable?!

"Five million! No more! If you don't sell it, I'll follow you every day and rob you of your virus. Then you won't get any money! "

Shu Yin knows that Lucas can't be really pushed into a hurry.

This man can do anything. He is willing to buy it with money, which is not easy.

It also shows that Lucas has put her in the position of an opponent, otherwise he would never have been so good at talking.

Shu Yin is a little happy. She feels that she has grown up very fast.

Finally one day, she can also rely on her own strength to protect Jing Rui, protect herself, and confront the once powerful enemy Lucas!

She said reluctantly, "OK, I'll sell you five milliliters, but you'd better stay away from me in the future, or I'll develop a new virus to test you first!"

Lucas's eyes glowed with excitement when she saw Shu Yin's agreement!

Money is not a problem for him. He has a lot of money, and the money that Shu Yin's father, Shu Chengshan, has seized has exceeded 100 million yuan.

Only give Shu Yin five million, drizzle!He reached out his dry hand to Shuyin: "where's the virus? Bring it

Shu Yin sneered: "do you think I'm stupid? Give you the virus without giving me a cent? You give money first, pay half of the deposit first, and then take the virus here in three days, and then pay off the other half! "

This is the most common way of trading in the black market, which is reasonable.

Lucas secretly scolded: Little Fox, how clever!

He asked for Shu Yin's account with a cold face, transferred 2.5 million yuan to her, and then walked away from the front door angrily.

When Lucas is gone, Shu Yin takes his breath.

No one knew that her back was completely wet.

She was under a lot of pressure when she faced Lucas.

She hated to throw away the paper towel, but still tightly grasp the handle.

The cold light reflected from the blade brought a little comfort to her.

It sounds ridiculous, but it's true that sometimes only powerful weapons can bring comfort to a lonely person.

Fortunately, she has always been alert, and fortunately, when she was alone, she never relaxed her vigilance and kept the knife hidden. Otherwise, what happened tonight would not be certain.

Lucas should have come in through the window. Shuyin looked at the opened window, thought about it, and went out of bed with a knife to close it.

However, as soon as her finger touched the edge of the window, she saw a black figure on the glass!

And this figure, standing behind her!

There is no light in the room. The darkness makes the atmosphere seem terrible and frightful. Shu Yin suppresses the instinct of turning back and stabs back with a knife.

She has practiced these basic skills for many times, and her speed and accuracy are very good over the years.

However, her speed is fast, the other party's speed is faster than her.

The man behind her grasped her wrist and whispered, "it's me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!