Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1110

The surprise and surprise in Shuyin's eyes flashed away. Holding the Dagger's hand slightly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Lucas?! You are so Haunted! Who is your daughter? The virus in your whole body can't be born for a long time

"Baby, you're still so bad. Glib is not a virtue for a girl. In addition, it's not gentle enough to use a knife at any time. No wonder Jing Rui's body hides such a big secret that he won't tell you! "

Shu Yin's pupil shrinks suddenly, and her heart almost stops. How does Lucas know?!

However, she is a survivor who came out of the storm. She has already been perfect.

Moreover, this matter is related to the safety of Jing Rui. Shu Yin gives full play to his best state, pretending to be unaware of his face: "what do you mean?"

"Cherry, don't pretend any more. I know all about it! How could I come to you in the middle of the night when I was so excited that I couldn't sleep

Shu Yin frowned: "Lucas, I think you come to find trouble because of the relapse of mental illness in the middle of the night? What's the secret? You have the ability to tell it! There are more secrets in Jingrui. I'm still digging. Of course, if you tell me one, I can save some energy! "

There was a flicker of doubt in Lucas's dark blue eyes.

Regardless of a sharp dagger on his neck, he grabbed Shu Yin's wrist and went to explore her pulse.

Shuyin resisted as before, but quietly let Lucas catch her wrist.

Her pulse was steady and steady, her heart was not rapid or slow, and there was no sign of lying.

Shu Yin is gambling. Maybe Lucas has just heard a little wind, or he is just guessing. He should not be sure whether the virus in Jingrui is the same as Jingzhi.

Both of them are top talents in the field of virus, but at the same time, they are deeply studied by the Research Institute. Neither of them believes that anyone in the world can bear Jingzhi's virus.

Without in-depth participation in that kind of special virus research, it is impossible to imagine how much efforts the research institute has made to crack the virus and replicate the virus.

Almost all the resources consumed by the Institute every day can build a city!

If not for the support of dozens of countries, large and small, the research institute would have been unable to afford an ordinary anesthetic!

Lucas felt Shu Yin's pulse and could not feel anything strange, but he did not eliminate his suspicion.

He really came to test Shu Yin today.

If it wasn't for the big deal, he wouldn't have exposed himself so early.

But the temptation of the virus is fatal to him, he can only take a huge risk to try.

"Cherry, although your heart rate hasn't changed, you can't cheat me! You lied! Others don't know that I am your adoptive father. I raised you with one hand. Don't I know how many catties you have? Your psychological quality has always been very good, the polygraph will not work for you! "

The person who knows her most in the world is not Jing Rui, not herself, but Lucas, a psychopath!

However, Shu Yin can not easily admit defeat, this kind of psychological warfare, who first admit defeat will be trapped.

She sneered coldly: "Lucas, your delusion is more and more serious, what I said is the truth, why does the heart beat change? You don't have a word of truth to others, so you think others are lying! What a pity

As long as she didn't admit it, Lucas, a very suspicious person, would begin to doubt his own judgment.

In any case, she can't let Lucas know Jing Rui's secret!

"Let go of my hand, or I'll let your head move! My dagger has never been used. Today I can use you to test whether it is fast or not

At the moment, Shuyin, fearless and fearless, does not have half of the 18-year-old girl's delicate.

She's full of momentum. She's not a researcher at all. She's powerful like an executioner!

So that Lucas even a little trance, always feel like he is in the face of fierce yew.

Yew is a killer, she has that kind of fierce momentum is very normal, Shu Yin is so overbearing, how is this going on?!

Lucas, who regards life as dirt, is also a little bit crazy. He growls in his heart, why are girls so abnormal now!

One by one do not do a good job, gentle as water of small sheep, all want to be dressed in sheep's clothing wolf!

Is it that he has deviated the provision of Shuyin?

Shu Yin is indeed raised by Lucas. She is kind and simple in nature. She never knows the danger of human heart, nor the suffering of human beings. Although she has not felt the love of her father and mother, she has never been beaten or starved.

After being given to Lucas by her father, she fell from heaven to hell. After suffering too many losses, she began to become cruel and began to know how to use disguise to protect herself.

For Lucas, Shuyin would like to kill him every time he sees him. What kind of nice words can he say!Moreover, she can tear off her disguise of "good" in front of Lucas and be a bad person happily.

Shu Yin only hates that her ability is too weak. She has only 10% confidence in killing Lucas, so she dare not act rashly. She can only show her own strength and make Lucas dare not touch her easily.

Lucas doesn't care about his own blood, but he loves the viruses that drain with his blood.

He released Shuyin's hand, and then quickly broke away from her blade along with Shuyin's strength.

He stood on the edge of Shuyin's bed, reached out and touched his neck, and then cleaned the fingers stained with blood one by one.

"Oh, the smell of the virus. It's delicious!"

Although Shu Yin is not the first time to see Lucas like this, she still feels sick.

Now she was a little suspicious of how she had survived Lucas!

It's a miracle that her blood has not been drunk by this psychopath!

Thanks to the fact that there were too many kinds of viruses in her body, Lucas didn't dare to try it easily. If there were only two kinds of viruses left in her body, Lucas would not let her go.

"Lucas, where is your master? You are so swaggering around a city. It seems that the last blue blood virus didn't kill her. She can still provide support for you

Lucas knows that Shu Yin is testing him about yew, but he doesn't care. The only thing that interests him is the virus.

His dark blue eyes gave out a faint light, and his dry voice seemed excited: "Oh, the original virus is called blue blood virus! Ha ha ha, it's really appropriate! Cherry, you're a virus genius! I want some blue blood virus, you give me some! Quick, quick, quick , the fastest update of the webnovel!