Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1109

A little solemn, a little overbearing, and a little gentle, Zheng yuluo likes it very much!

With a blush on her white face, she nestled in Jingzhi's arms and said in a soft voice, "I didn't like others either."

At the moment, she really has a feeling of falling in love.

The heart beats unceasingly, the deer bumps disorderly, the sweet is unreasonable.

Zheng yuluo is a little afraid that he is really dreaming. He can't help hugging Jingzhi and listening to his powerful heartbeat, he feels at ease.

"I was driven away just now. Why are you holding me so tight now?"

Zheng yuluo is thin skinned and timidly looses his arm.

Jing Zhi took a look at her and said, "I'm gone." then he jumped out of the window.

Zheng yuluo was startled and hurried to see if he had fallen, but saw that he landed neatly. Then he left quickly like a ghost, and there was no sound in the whole process.

So powerful!

She's only seen in movies that senior agents have such skills.

Looking at Jing Zhi driving the car disappeared in the night, Zheng yuluo's heart is somewhat empty.

As if just warmth and passion are their own dream, wake up, everything will disappear.

She was a little annoyed. She knew that she should not rush Jingzhi to leave. She should be more thick skinned and hold him.

Next time, she won't let go of it, even if she is laughed at by him.

Zheng yuluo did not know at this time, her next time, waiting for a long time.

Jingzhi drove back to the villa. He wanted to sneak in, but he found that although the lights were on, there was no one in the villa.

Brother is not in, Shu Yin is not in, even the new servant is not.

Only the table in the dining room is full of all kinds of dishes, but it is also cold.

All the dishes have not been moved. Jingzhi knows that his brother should have ordered the chef to cook it for him.

My brother didn't come back at night.

He wanted to go to Shu Yin to apologize, but after meeting Zheng yuluo, he forgot all about it.

I don't know how my brother talked with Shu Yin.


After leaving school during the day, Shuyin stayed in a hotel.

After ordering a meal, she makes detailed plans for her future in the hotel.

Although she has a lot of money in her card, she doesn't want to sit on the cake.

She needs to learn, she needs to work, she needs to fulfill her dream - she wants to deal with the virus in her body.

Being a doctor is a good job. Shu Yin didn't want to leave Mu's hospital.

This hospital has a collection of Chinese and Western medicine, famous medical experts and experts in various fields, which is of great benefit to her professional knowledge.

However, if you want to be a doctor, even if you are the most common doctor, you can't graduate without a bachelor's degree.

Although Shu Yin has reached the professional level, her higher education is blank - she has never been to university.

Her current archives, as well as student status, are all made up for her by the Research Institute.

Her learning experience shows a foreign primary school, junior high school, high school.

Many people in the research institute are like her. The student status information is fabricated, but it is not fake. It can be found, but they did not go to school for a day.

The background of the graduate school is strong, and it is supported by the governments of various countries. It is very easy to get a few real degrees.

Because only real identity information can make it easier for many researchers to come forward and deal with government officials in various countries.

If she wants to have a firm foothold in a city and want to live an ordinary life, she must graduate from university smoothly.

No hospital would want a doctor with a high school degree.

As far as she knows, Mu's hospital not only does not want a high school degree, but also does not want a bachelor's degree. The minimum requirement is a master's degree.

In fact, it is quite normal that a doctor needs to study at least five years of professional knowledge if he wants to achieve the necessary professional level. Therefore, medical students usually study with master's degree.

At the level of Shu Yin, she is at most half a doctor. She does not understand many clinical knowledge.

She didn't understand.

She is not greedy. She only wants to make a breakthrough in the field of virus.

Ten years later, she was only 28 years old. She was still young. No matter whether there was a breakthrough in virus research, she would like to give up everything, go to see the whole world and travel to various places.

Ten years later, Jing Rui must have eliminated the threat of yew. She can also find a way to kill Lucas!

Without the threat of her life, she would go wherever she wanted, and she would no longer have to worry about being killed.

As for the other half, Shu Yin didn't want to find it.

There's nothing wrong with being alone.

However, she likes children very much. When she has the financial ability, she can go to the orphanage to adopt one.She is an orphan herself. She understands the orphan's desire for family affection. She hopes that she can give a child love and warmth to make up for the child's spiritual trauma.

Throughout the afternoon, Shuyin was busy. The hotel room was equipped with a computer to facilitate her to query various information.

Only when you are busy, you won't think about some people or things.

Jingrui lives in the room next to Shuyin, but Shuyin doesn't know it.

He is also busy, even has the hotel room as an office posture.

After returning home, things have accumulated a lot. Jing Yichen has told him many times that he has gone to Jingsheng group to have a face-to-face.

The media business had been handed over to him two days ago. Today, there was a problem with the group. However, jingyichen was on a business trip to talk about the acquisition business. The matter could only be solved by Jing Rui.

Career and women must be prioritized at present. Jing Rui thinks Shu Yin can't run away. He meets with the deputy director general of the media department in the room next to her.

The night was already very deep, Shu Yin simply ate something and went to take a bath, only then realized that she had no clothes to wear.

Her clothes are all in Jingrui's villa.

Shuyin didn't want to get it. She took a bath, changed her nightgown, and then went to bed to sleep.

After a hard day, she soon fell asleep.

I don't know how long, hazy, she felt something different around her, as if someone was touching her face.

She suddenly opened her eyes, touched her hand under the pillow, and quickly and incomparably put the knife on the neck of the visitor.

The bright moonlight penetrated through the window, and the dagger shone with cold light, just like her vigilant eyes, with a piercing chill.

"Oh, cherry, you've improved your reflexes! I'm very happy that my daughter has grown up. She is not only a great country, but also can hurt me! You see, my neck is cut by you. If I react more slowly, you will kill me! Tut Tut, what a pity! We will lose a lot of virus! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!